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Race to Ascension..... (Phase I) "So close, and yet so far." ~Introduction~

Started by Dannflower Reguba, September 07, 2013, 12:59:52 AM

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Dannflower Reguba

                        OOC: The title alone took me about 5 minutes.  :P
Okay guys! Just some final notes before we get this thing moving. While this may be a Tournament, it is still an RP as well.
I would like to see some good quality, and plot-moving posts because I don't have a creature within your group to say, "Hey guys! Let's go!" So just try to keep moving along, and
Good luck! And let the games begin!

[NPC]: "Wake up! Shrews are upon us!"

    You've awoken to the screech of your comrades as they are dragged away by a stealthy tribe of pygmies, but you've also made it to the end of the desert. Your friends are almost assured to die, what a tragedy? They were "So close..... And yet so far."

    You stand up, realizing that 11 others have made it besides yourself.
(In total, 9 players/3 NPC's)

On the ground are:

-8 slings/ 10 bags
-A rusty short sword, but not chipped
-4 wood javelins, edges hardened by flames
-A crooked dagger
-2 knives
-A wood cutting ax
-3 dropped pygmy clubs
-[infinite] branches

-A pygmy shield (small)
-A bronze targe (HEAVY!)
-2 Wooden triangle shields

-7 pairs of leather boots
-3 pairs of leather gauntlets (loose-bound)
-2 pairs of bark gauntlets (tight-bound)
-2 bark chest pieces

You think to yourself:

"I can......."

A.) Run after my friends who are being taken by the Shrews.
B.) Run away.
C.) Run after my friends who are already running.
D.) Call for help, maybe somebeast else with a kind enough heart is out on the border of this God-forsaken wasteland.

(answer in RP format)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Cedany woke up abruptly at the uproar surrounding her. She got up quickly, grabbed a javelin, a knife, a triangular shield, a pair of leather boots, and a chest piece. As she was about to rush away, something came to her mind:
Should she call for help, in hope of somebeast to come to their aid? Her lack of speech made that impossible. Seeing that she was not very strong, she decided to run away. Javelins buried themselves in the ground around her, and the shrews were closing in on them. Taking to her paws, she hurried away, equipping the armour while running.



Thanora woke up to the shouts of her friends. She watched in panic as they were dragged away. What should she do there was no way she could stand a chance against that many shrews but she had to do something. She grabbed a sling, a bag and a knife, put on a pair of boots, and wooden gauntlets,  and picked up a triangular shield, and headed after the shrews. She wouldn't just leave her friends to die abandoning them would go against every thing her parents had taught her. At the thought of her parents tears came into her eyes. Her vision blurred, she clenched her teeth, griped the shield tighter and started to run.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Norham Waterpaw

Hadrim woke immediately. He stared about, seeing his friends being drug off into the woods. That was a problem he needed to solve. He rushed to the pile of tools, and grabbed the woodsman's axe and strapped on the leather gauntlets, and slipped on the leather boots. He snatched up a pygmy shield, and dashed off into the woods, after the pygmies.

He had no worries, in fact, to him this was fun! He did feel in him a strong determination, because his friends' lives were at stake. He ran faster.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


  Cassius didn't know what happened.  One minute he'd been sitting there, sleeping peacefully, and now he was being chased by shrews!  He quickly picked up a short sword at his feet and took a dagger, shoving them into his belt.  He also snatched a pair of boots, shoving them on as he tried to hop away.  This hopping caused him to trip over a bark chestpiece, which he quickly swung onto himself as he ran.

 Cas glanced back; shrews were running rampant through the camp!  He thought about possibly fighting the creatures, but after seeing how strong they were, he changed his decision.  He was too weak!  He'd get killed immediately.

 The fox tripped over a wooden log, letting out a cry.  Shut up! he told himself.  He got up and sprinted in the opposite direction of the camp, trying to stick to the almost nonexistent shadows.

If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

Bladepaw sat up with his eyes half closed. Than he opened then when he saw what was going on around him.  He yelled at the shrews that were taking away his friends.

"Hey there! Stop!"

Starting to run he tripped over two javelins, grapping them, a sling and three bags he ran after them. It was his  loyalty and honor that made him go after the numerous foe.
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Xant woke slowly, but when he sat up to see what all the noise was he was instantly awake.
He saw the shrews dragging off a loads beasts. He stood up trying not to be seen. Xant looked around for some weapons and snatched up his throwing knife a sling and a bag of stones.
As he creped away picking up his pair of leather boots, tried together by the lases. Xant slung them over his shoulder.
Now. he thought. time to find out what's happening.  


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC At = @ and your supposed to do all of the out of character discussion in the OOC thread.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Raelicco was fully awake in an instant, living on his own his entire life had forced him to be able to react quickly in situations like this one. He watched his "friends" being dragged off. He looked around the campsite and found a pair of leather boots beside him. He put them on while watching them being taken away. Their problem, he thought. He also found a pair of loose-bound gauntlets and put them on. He had only been with the others under the common cause of crossing the desert. Now that they were there, his fate was no longer tied with theirs. He picked up two wooden javelins and stood up. He noticed some others running in the opposite direction, which was where he was headed. He followed them at his own pace. He wasn't going to risk his own life for some other beasts just because they were dumb enough to get captured.
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

The Shade

Sandfire woke with a start. He often had bad dreams, and now he woke to a nightmare. It was chaos! He rolled over, trying not to be seen, and wondered what was going on. His friends were being dragged away, by some fearsome-looking shrews! He snatched a pair of tight fitting gauntlets and a pair of leather boots, pulling them on as fast as he could. He also saw a sling and a pouch, and grabbed them too. He glanced at the shrews, and although he liked a good scrap, there was no way he was wading it here! Spinning around, he broke into a jog. He noticed a few others ahead, and sped up. Hopefully they were friendly.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Norham Waterpaw

Hadrim was closing the nearly impossible gap between he and the shrews. He threw safety to the winds and pressed on. He dearly wished he had learned how to use a sling, but he could do nothing about that now. The axe would have to do for now. As he was running,  he tripped on a rather large root, and slamming his face on the hard turf. His nose was smarting, and bleeding, and the shrews were too far away now... he had lost.

He turned about, seeing Bladepaw rush by. "If he can do it, so can I!" He thought to himself. He rushed to keep up with the other beast.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Xant decided as he was walking, that crossing the desert on his own had been a bad idea. And especially after seeing the shrews. He walked along searching for other beasts.
There's got to be more of those idiots who got captured.
He was stumbling his way through the desert when he saw somebeast.
His eyesight wasn't that good so he couldn't see what the beast was. But he was sure it wasn't a shrew. It was too tall to be a shrew. 


Cedany heard a rustling of paws on dry sand behind her. Grabbing the javelin and shield tight in her paws, she whirled around and came into a fighting stance. The hair on the nape of her neck bristled, and every muscle in her body was tense. Who is it that is following me? Maybe some of those shrews are trying to sneak up on me. A dried out log was resting not far from her, close enough for her to bound out and hide behind it for added protection. With one swift movement, she jumped down behind the log, but one of the leather straps of her armour caught on a protruding branch of the log, and made her sprawl a little distance from it. She got up, and ran to the log. Now her left shoulder burned, and it made it harder for her to swing the javelin; she still hoped to be able to fight...