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Race to Ascension..... (Phase I) "So close, and yet so far." ~Introduction~

Started by Dannflower Reguba, September 07, 2013, 12:59:52 AM

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Xant pulled his head out of the water, and examined his new bow. The string was in desperate need of some bees wax, but Xant was sure he had some of that in his back-pack. He looked over his shafts, yes good and strong. Whoever this bow belonged to they had made good shafts, but they hadn't taken great care of the bow it's self.
"Now where did I leave my pack?" Xant mumbled to himself.
He ran off clutching his bow and quiver, and searched for his pack. Upon finding it he pulled it open, and searched for the bees wax, that he always carried with him, in a little wooden box. When he found it, he imminently began waxing his bow string. 

The Shade

Sandfire walked over to where the remained weapons were. He snatched a serrated knife. Finally, so weapons he was familer with! He consided claiming the double-handed longsword, but he decided to travel light. Noticing some fire-hardened javelins he picked one up. That might come in handly too.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Dannflower Reguba

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Jukka the Sling

Jalie ran over, tucking Thanora's knife back in her belt as she did so. The young haremaid picked up a two-handed longsword. She was rather good at using swords, but she also grabbed a sling and a bunch of stones for long-range combat. She tucked the sling in her belt and the stones in her pocket, grasping the sword in both paws.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


OOC: I wasn't intending to let you keep my knife I was just letting you barrow it till you could get some real weapons.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Jukka the Sling

OOC: I know.
BIC: Jalie suddenly remembered she had to return the ottermaid's knife. She walked over to Thanora (who was hobbling along with a spear supporting her) and held it out, handle first. "Ah'm obliged to ye for lendin' yer knife. Though Ah ken Ah didn't do much good with it. By the way, Ah don't believe Ah ken yer name."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


"Thanks, the names Thanora," She said taking the knife and sticking it in her belt next to her sling then held out her paw.

OOC: She wasn't  hobbling.  Just using the spear like a walking stick. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Jukka the Sling

Jalie shook Thanora's paw. "Ah'm Jalie. Pleased to meet ya." She paused. "Where are ye all headin' tae?"
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Xant who had over heard shouted, "That's what I'd like to know. I only met this lot this morning, and look at me?" He ended him heavy scorn in his voice looking directly at Sandfire. Xant had taken an instant dislike for the desert cat, and didn't trust him. He then remembered that the cat still had his knife. "Oi cat, can I have me blade back now." Xant stood up, he wasn't really asking, more demanding.


"We are trying to find the Hall of Eternity, we believe it is somewhere in the mountains, to go through the process of Transcendence. Unfortunately a large group of our party was captured by pygmy shrews. If you wish to join us we could use the help," Thanora said.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Xant who wasn't going to wait for an answer walked up to Sandfire, and grabbed his knife back. He then walked over to Thanora. "I'll join ya, I was just wandering my way around the desert, and I could do with an adventure," He then turned to Jalie, "It would be good if you joined us, there's too many vermin in this group for my liking." Again he looked at Sandfire when he said vermin, and openly showed his contempt. 

Jukka the Sling

Jalie smiled. "Sure Ah'll join ye, Ah'm wantin' a bit of adventure, ye ken." She looked at Xant. "Your name's Xant, Ah take it?" (She had heard his name being yelled by somebeast.) "Nice tae meet ya."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

The Shade

Sandfire laughed when he heard himself being referred to as a vermin. At a very young age he had been given mental and anger management techniques. Recently he had become a master of turning the other cheek. He stretched out on the ground and yawned, grinning at Xant.

"Speak for yourself waterdog. How am I a worse vermin than you are? Look at yourself, roaring an' snatchin'. Did that weret stick a spear up yor backside or what?" he yawned a second time.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Dannflower Reguba

"dissent, disparagement, knocking heads......" Yet they still expect to ascend? Lies and deceit, anger and malice, fools all in their own way, the blessing of sight appears yet to have been bestowed upon them....."

The voice sounds to go on, but dissipates as a new unearthly fog rolls in.

"Prove to me that you know and care for that which is right!"

You can feel the ground under you become hard though you might not see it, the air becomes suddenly thinner, the plane upon which you are tilts upward..... You... Are on a mountain.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Jukka the Sling

Looking around her warily, Jalie pawed her sword hilt. She was a bit uneasy. After all, it's not every day one hears unearthly voices and then without prior warning finds herself on a mountain.

Thanora was next to the haremaid. Besides Sandfire, the ottermaid was the only one that Jalie was somewhat acquainted with, she hardly having spoken to Xant. The young Highlander felt a little better amid all the strangers with the ottermaid next to her.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien