Race to Ascension..... (Phase I) "So close, and yet so far." ~Introduction~

Started by Dannflower Reguba, September 07, 2013, 12:59:52 AM

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Thanora Quickly launched in to action "Form two rows all beast with slings in the back! Lets see if we can form a firing line!" She loaded her sling and just hoped the others would listen or else they would all be dead like that poor stoat. She shuddered at the thought.    
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Norham Waterpaw

Hadrim didn't listen. He was too pumped up for this. He bounded past Thanora, yelling his head off.
He sunk his axe into the nearest weasel. He whipped around and threw his knife at the farthest one.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Leatho Shellhound

Bladepaw moved up close to her but far enough away to leave room for swinging his sling. Thank goodness I brought extra stones he thought to him self.

"Slingers, get in line all of you." he shouted behind his back. He took one of his javelins and planed it in the ground in front of him. He passed his other javelin to Thanora so that she could do the same. The river roared behind them and the wet stinky mist that swirled around them made it hard to concentrate and focus.

"Have you fought in battles before otter?" he asked her, what a time to start a conversation he thought grimly.
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  Cassius was not prepared for any battle, as he was still trying to figure out what Dan had been doing with her paws.  She'd been making weird shapes with them, but he had no clue why.  So, when a weasel ran up to him, yelling his head off, the fox was very surprised.

  Cas quickly pulled his short sword out, wishing he had gotten time to practice with it.  He'd never had any real training with the sword, he'd taught himself how to swing it.  And this sword felt odd, much different from other knives the todd had stolen before.  Still, he thought, an odd sword is better than no sword.

  Dodging out of the path of the blurry creature, he thrust his sword forward, missing the beast by mere inches.  Blast my stupid vision! he thought angrily, swiping across what he thought was the weasel.  Turns out, he'd been attacking a stump.  The weasel had moved to his right and was currently bringing his rusty cutlass back for a hard blow to Cas's head.  But Cas wouldn't let that happen.

  Swinging his sword to the right, he noticed that Dan was still standing there, seemingly not doing anything.  At least, that's what it looked like to the pup-like fox.  He looked at her and shouted, "Dan, quit standing there an' run!"

  Wait, what was he doing?  Telling somebeast to run from the fight?  Shouldn't he be doing that?  That was his normal reaction when fighting somebeast twice his size.  And this beast was at least three times his size!  But no, for some reason, Cassius felt that he should stay for this fight.  If nothing else, he could prove that he was able to help the group, and they wouldn't push him away like so many others.  So, there he was, fighting a giant weasel.  And losing.

  The silver fox let out a cry of pain as the weasel hit him in the side of the head with his gigantic fist.  Cas fell down, his head swimming as he tried to find the beast.  How could one lose somebeast so large?  Finally, after what seemed like ages, he spotted the large beast, who clearly had left the todd for dead, as he was now fighting another beast farther off.  How stupid of him.

  Cassius stood up, picking up the short sword he'd dropped.  Sticking to the shadows, which were hard to find, he made his way carefully through the battle, his short journey coming to an end as he stood behind the weasel.  He raised his sword and stabbed the creature in the back, grimacing as he was rewarded with a cry of alarm.  He stabbed again and again, not stopping until the weasel had stopped moving.  A painful way to go, but he had tried to kill Cas.  He received his punishment for that.

  OOC:  Is it weird that I found pleasure in writing this post?  :o
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


As soon as the weasels had appeared Xant had drawn his knife. Darn, why couldn't he have found a better weapon? This was tiny but at least it was a weapon. Xant dodged as a weasel ran and stabbed at him. He stabbed it in the back, turning quickly to dispatch another foe trying to sneak up on him. Thanora was shouting something about slingers getting to the back and forming a firing line but Xant didn't take orders from anone, even a fellow otter. He roared in pain as a weasel stabbed him in the hunches. He grabbed the weasel by the neck and quickly twisted his strong paw, breaking the creatures neck and slaying him instantly.
"Come on then!" Xant shouted at the crowded weasels. "Who's next for the slaughter!"
After that Xant wasn't sure, he saw red, lots of red. He wondered sometimes whether or not he had the blood wrath. But that didn't matter. He was still fighting.     


As a huge weasel fell down with a hole in his heart from Cedany's javelin, she noticed Cassius battering down with his sword at an already dead foe, and another coming at him from behind with raised cutlass.

Acting quickly, she jumped up and threw the javelin into the weasels neck; it hit its target with surprising effect as the javelin continued on right through him and pierced another foe's skull. She grabbed her knife and shield and went to retrieve her javelin.

She bent to pick it up, but a ramming pain hit her side and she found herself flying a few feet away. A weasel came at her with club upraised, ready to strike her down for good.

Cedany closed her eyes and waited for the crushing blow to end her life. But it did not come; a few minutes passed, and nothing happened. She opened her eyes and found the weasel down on his face next to her, with an arrow in his left ear. She got up and picked up her javelin, going to fight beside Cassius.

She had lost sight of him during the fight, and could not see him among the slaughter around her. Dispatching one with a swift thrust of her knife, she saw Cassius fighting valiantly weasel after weasel. She was about to run to him, when she noticed a small weasel crawling slowly up to Cassius. A yell ripped her throat, or she tried to, but no sound would come forth. I've never complained about my infirmity, but now I need to warn Cassius! She looked around her to see anything that could help her, but nothing seemed right enough to her. She was about to give up hope, when she noticed a sling on the ground, with a perfectly round pebble next to it.

She grabbed it and twirled it over her head as quickly as she could. Cedany breathed in deeply, and focused on the slithery form coming closer and closer to her friend; with one swift movement, she let the rock fly from the sling, and looked hopefully on to see if she had hit her target. Her eyes became dark as she saw the pebble bury in the ground next to the weasel, not harming a hair of him. Now it got slowly up, with knife lifted, ready to hit Cassius unawares.

All hope seemed gone as the paw began to fall down onto Cassius' unprotected back. A sudden burst of rage flowed up in her veins, and she leaped forward, and with one mighty bound, she landed on the weasel, and thrust her knife into him.

Norham Waterpaw

Hadrim flung his axe past Cedany into another weasel. He leaped over Cedany and retrieved his weapon of choice. He saw a weasel headed for Xant. He flung his knife, missing the weasel by mere inches. The weasel looked away from Xant, towards Hadrim. The weasel drew a dirty javelin, and threw it.

Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

The Shade

Sandfire heard Thanora shouting out an order, and was about to stay where he was and form a slinging line, but nobody else had listened, and it wouldn't do anybody good if he just stood around at the back. Leaping into action, heran and jumped off a tree stump, coming down on a weasel. Rolling of the floor, he flicked his sling, tripping another weasel. Suddenly, he felt himself plucked off the ground. It was a huge weasel! He felt the breath smashed out of him, and he wildly twisted, hoping for a chance. Finally he saw one. Crushing his stocky opponents footpaw, he wriggled free. With two explosive punchs, he brought the weasel down, however, he had under estimated his enemy. The weasel sprang up, and gripped him in a chokehold. He managed to gasp "Help mates!" before he began feeling darkness closing in.....
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Thanora took the javelin and stuck it in the earth next to her "Thanks, may need it," She said giving her sling and experimental swing.  

"Have you fought in battles before otter?" She herd Bladepaw say.

"I've been in a few but nothing to brag about really," She said then she saw a weasel trying to choke Sandfire. She spun her sling around till it was just a thrumming blur and let fly with a yell. It hit the weasel hard right between between the eyes he fell back wards dropping Sandfire.

Thanora saw that no one had listened to her. " Blast them! Looks like you and me are the only two creatures here with any grain of sense," She said to Blade  "Well lets see if we can't get a rhythm going here. Now load up, aim, fire!" Her stone went flying through the air and hit a weasel with a spear that was charging at her.

"Load, aim, fire!" She hit a weasel that was coming up behind Xant. Because they were in the back of the fight with the river too there backs they were able to pick beasts off without having them get to close.  

"Load, aim, fire!" The stone went flying and clipped the ear off of another one.  

"Load, aim, fire!"  
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Leatho Shellhound

"Same here really, not to many battles under my belt. But I was trained by the best, lets just hope I remember what they said." Said bladepaw as he slinged stones through the air as the otter warrioress called out the chant.

"Where are you from originally?"He asked as he watched his stone kill a rather fat weasel.
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Thanora was taken aback by his question. She new if she started talking about her home she would start thinking about her family and then she would just fall apart and that couldn't happen "Load, aim, fire! Why are you asking so many questions? load, aim, Fire!" the stone went through the air and hit a weasel on his sword paw making him drop the weapon "Can't you see we're fighting for our lives here. Load aim fire!" This time the stone got the weasel between the eyes.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  Cassius swung his sword at yet another weasel, beginning to feel his strength ebbing.  He wasn't built for this kind of fighting; he had only ever attacked weaker beasts in alleyways.  This was much different from the old days.

  As the fox finished off a weak female weasel, he felt a sharp sensation in his back.  Turning around suddenly, he came face to face with a large weasel, one that had a hook for his left hand.  Cas's eyes widened and he nearly turned and ran, but he knew that if he ran, he would probably be on his own again.  Then where would he be?  No, he had to fight, and he had to fight now!

  Swinging his short sword high to ward off the coming attack from the hook, the todd pulled his recently acquired dagger from his belt, thrusting it into where he hoped the weasel's belly was.  He found flesh, but as it turned out, he had struck the weasel's good arm.  This made the beast scream curses and try to swat him away, succeeding in making Cas fly a good three feet backwards.

  Cassius laid there for a second, panting.  Maybe if he sat here long enough, the weasel would forget about him.  But no, that was not meant to be.  The gigantic beast stepped up to him, spitting out, "Yew'll die t'day, fox!  Yew an' yer li'l buddies're dead, ya hear me?  Dead!"  He swung his hook down, intending to slash the todd's throat, but Cas was faster.

  He leapt up, stabbing the vermin in the chest with the dagger and soon after with his sword as well.  Then, leaning close to the weasel's ear, he whispered, "Nah, I don't feel like dyin' today, mate."  He then slit the beast's throat, quickening his death.  No need to make him suffer too much.

  Suddenly, without any warning, a heavy weight fell onto Cassius' back.  He shouted in alarm and flipped over, coming face to face with a grimacing weasel.  "Wot the?" he cried, trying to shove the beast off him.  He was dead meat for sure!  At least, that was what he thought until he felt something warm trickle onto his stomach.  At first he thought that he had been stabbed, but then he saw the blurry face of Dan to one side of the collapsed vermin.  She'd killed him!

  Wriggling his way out from underneath the stinking lump, Cas stood face to face with Dan, swaying back and forth a bit.  "Wot're you doin' here, Dan?" he demanded, feeling lightheaded.  "I told you to run away, not go 'n' do somethin' stupid like try 'n' save me!"  A stream of curses flew from his mouth and he stomped his feet, feeling like shoving the female out of the fight.  How could she be so stupid?

  He stopped his stomping for a second, realizing that if she hadn't showed up, he'd probably be dead right now.  He sighed.  "Lissen, thanks for savin' me, but you gotta get outta here or yer gonna get slaughtered, ya here me?  Get out while ya still can!"  With that, he charged back into the fray, hoping that the she-cat would listen to him.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Leatho Shellhound

"Oh well for starters conversation is good to keep a clear mind in the heat of battle, unlike Xant over there" he said pointing with his sling after he had killed a foe beast next to Xant.

"Do you need any more stones, I have plenty", He said "Looks like the weasels never stop comin', do you reckon well make it out of here in one piece, lucky for you, you can swim."
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Dannflower Reguba

The onslaught of weasels slowed to a halt, and almost seemed to reverse. The beasts started to de-materialize back into the forest whence they came. You begin to notice the devilish red glow emanating from each weasels eyes just as the last disperse.

Everybeast responds with a sigh of relief, but that sigh is cut short by the appearance of something large...... and armored!

"Puny weasels, always leavin' tings ta Rudge!"

A monstrous wearat takes the place left by the departed vermin, covered head to toe in iron plates, and armed with a double sided battle axe fit for wolverine.

"Who wants ter party! I've been toeld that ah can dance perty well, who wants ter dance!"

OOC: The wearat counts as NPC: no PP'ing this guy.  ;) Make your moves wisely, I've got one heck of an advantage, and I'm not gonna play nice.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Xant was calming down. He winced at a stab wound in his shoulder. well, that went well. he thought. He turned around and swore. "well things just got interesting!" Xant called to Thanora jokingly. Then addressing the Wearat he shouted. "Aye I like to dance!But I usually pick prettier partners than you!"