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Hello everybody, let me tell you about Homestuck....

Started by Jetthebinturong, September 27, 2013, 10:45:07 PM

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"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


I have created characters for what it would be like if my ships created paradox clone children, do you want to see them?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


If my ships created paradox children

Troll blood is dominant, all the children would be trolls, each child inherits some of their parents god tier powers

2 Kids, Twin boys Darade and Darvat Vantas-Strider (because Dave refuses to not name his kids names beginning with D) both kids are Cancers and have mutant blood. They refer to Dave as their dad and Karkat as their father.

Darade is the more Davelike of the two, he is incredibly cool and loves the colour red. His horns are longer than Karkat's and shaped like mini katana blades (which annoys his father a lot) and his hair is smooth like Dave's. He's very rebellious and often does things that make his parents mad. He cloned Dave's shades because he wanted them and was pretty sure that Dave would never give his up, ever. He has a flushed crush on Terezi and Vriska's son Kiarez and the two have been dating quite some time. His strife specibus is assigned to several weapon types which are 2Xknifekind, bladekind, polekind, 2Xpolekind, scythekind and 2Xscythekind and his weapons include a pair of sai daggers, a katana, a bo staff, two tambo, a scythe and two kamas. He is less easy to anger than his father and brother but when he gets angry he goes full rage mode. He types like Dave (but in grey) and starts his posts with (o).

Darvat is less so than his father but is still always pretty angry, he is, however, reserved and prefers not to show his feelings. He shares his father's horns and hair. His tastes in clothes differ from Karkat's and he prefers to wear clothes that don't restrict movement, typically black skinny jeans and a grey t-shirt. Unlike Darade, he doesn't wear the shades that his dad's family are typical for. Like his father, he suffers from a crippling self-hatred and is incredibly easy to anger. His strife specibi are bladekind and 2Xsicklekind and he shares his father's quirk (but types in red).

Vriska and John have a boy and a girl, Aerrop and Tarana Egbert-Serket, both kids are Scorpios and have cerulean blood.

Aerrop, the boy, takes after his mother a lot. He is very manipulative and can be incredibly bitchy. He's an avid roleplayer but roleplays as a highwayman rather than a pirate. His horns are much like his mother's and he did not inherit the vision eight-fold. Like his mother, he places a high value on luck and is very good at predicting (and manipulating) outcomes. He also possesses John's general happiness and it shows occasionally. He also inherited his father's poor eyesight and love of movies. He uses both hammerkind and dicekind and he possesses a set of dice called the Peridot Quintet (that he made by combining the Fluorite Octet with the green slime pogo, something that greatly confuses everyone) as well as a hammer with a sapphire head called the Hammer of the Wind (which was made by combining a sapphire chunk, a hammer and his father's Heir of Breath costume which is just cheating). As a combination between his mother's quirk and his dice, his quirk is that he replaces s's with 5s. He has a flushed crush on Kanaya and Rose's son Kastis.

Tarana takes after John in almost every way, she is generally happy and bubbly with a strange sense of humour. She has two of Vriska's sting horns and inherited the vision eightfold from her mother. She also uses her mother's typing quirk and emoticons though she types in John's blue. She almost exclusively uses hammerkind as her strife specibus but has on occasion been known to use her set of dice the Garnet Triplet. Her favoured weapon is the Pop-a-matic Hammer of Storms, a combination between the Pop-a-matic Vrillyhoo Hammer, the Hammer of the Wind and a photo of a thunderstorm. She is flushed for Mithra Nitram-Makara.

Twin brother and sister, the boy, Orclas, is a Gemini gold-blood and the girl Disisa is an Aries rust-blood.

Orclas takes after his mother in that he is generally apathetic towards everything. He finds the idea of death and an afterlife fascinating and can commune with the spirits of the dead. He does not have an allocated strife specibus because he has inherited his parents' psionics. He also codes a lot, like his father. He did not inherit his father's lisp but did inherit his horns and laser eyes though he wears ordinary sunglasses to cover them up rather than 3D glasses.

Disisa takes after Sollux, she's bipolar and when she's angry she's angry. Like her brother, she has not allocated a strife specibus due to psionic powers and can commune with the spirits of the dead, she prefers to code however. She inherited her father's lisp and types using his quirk. She also inherited Sollux's laser eyes but chooses not to cover them up. She has her mother's horns.

A girl and a boy. The girl, Agatha, takes after Rose and the boy, Kastis, takes after Kanaya. They refer to Rose as their mother and Kanaya as their mum (because Kanaya has a British accent and you cannot convince me otherwise). Both are Virgos and jade-bloods.

Kastis takes after Kanaya in almost every way, he loves fashion and likes to meddle in other people's affairs. He speaks using his mother's quirk and prefers to use his mother's precise needle specibus than his mum's brutish chainsaw and fashioned himself a pair of needlewands called the Dragon Horns from his mother's knitting needles, a wizard statue and a jade dragon cane which was given to him as a present by Kiarez, he also uses that cane as his specibus from time to time as well as just carrying it as an accessory. He is flushed for Aerrop Egbert-Serket.

Much as Kastis is like his mum, Agatha is like her mother in nearly every way, down to her dark magic needlewands, the Teeth of Jormungandr. She speaks using her mum's quirk but her mother's text colour. Like Rose, she prefers dark colours to bright ones and dresses accordingly. She has long simple, straight horns and her hair is more like Rose's than Kanaya's. She is flushed for Arikka Serket-Pyrope.

Terezi and Vriska have a boy named Kiarez and a girl named Arikka. Kiarez is a teal-blooded Libra and Arikka is a cerulean-blooded Scorpio. They refer to Terezi as their mother and Vriska as their mom.

Kiarez has much in common with his mother, he is excitable and gleeful and loves to roleplay. He shares his mother's canekind specibus, her typing quirk and her text colour though he always starts his sentences with 7: to make it easier to differentiate between the two of them. He was born blind and wears a blindfold. One thing he does not share with his mother is her passion for justice and he shares his mom's ability to manipulate people. He is flushed for Darade Vantas-Strider. He shares his mother's horns.

Arikka takes after her mom as much as Kiarez takes after Terezi. She's sly and manipulative, sharing her mom's mind control powers and hair but not her vision eightfold. Her horns also differ from her mom's, having two of the claw horns instead of one claw and one sting. Nor does she use her mom's typing quirk, in addition to replacing b's with 8s, she starts her speech with \\\\ on the first line, CCCO on the second and //// on the third making a symbol like this
She does not use either of her parent's strife specibi, instead she uses a stolen bladekind specibus.

Eridan and Sollux have a girl and a boy, the girl is named Nimueh and the boy is named Rommul. Nimueh is a gold-blooded Gemini and Rommul is a violet-blooded Aquarius. They call Eridan their father and Sollux their dad.

Nimueh is named for her connection to both magic (Merlin) and water (she is the Lady of the Lake) it was also chosen because of its mythological significance. She takes after Eridan in terms of personality and is very stuck up, she also takes after him in terms of power with innate magical ability. She tends to wear rather revealing clothes in bright colours. Her quirk is the same as Eridan's but she types in gold. She has her dad's hair and horns.

Rommul takes after Sollux a lot, he is generally angry and has a lisp and a love of coding and hacking. He types in Sollux's quirk but in Eridan's violet text. Rommul is rather strange in that he possesses neither his father's magical ability nor his dad's psionic powers so he uses a riflekind strife specibus. Rommul has Eridan's hair and a combination between both of his parents' horns, a large pair of Eridan's and a small pair of Eridan's.


Eridan and Feferi have a single child, a girl called Cephla who shares her blood colour and sign with her mother. She is, much like her mother, very happy and bubbly. She has allocated her strife specibi to both her mother's 2X3dentkind and her father's riflekind. She types in her mother's text colour but has her own quirk which is that she starts every sentence with O<< and replaces g's with 8s.

Nepeta and Equius have a girl named Nekisa who is a strange combination between the two, she has Nepeta's horns, hair and personality as well as Equius' blood colour, strength and robotic skills. She loves to roleplay but loves to program robots just as much. She is generally quite happy and types using Nepeta's quirk and Equius' text colour. She has both a fistkind and clawkind strife specibus but prefers to use fistkind.

Gamzee and Tavros have a girl and a boy. The boy, Mithra, is a bronze-blood Taurus and the girl, Zanada, is a purple-blood Capricorn. They refer to Tavros as their father and Gamzee as their dad

Mithra is much like Tavros, he is very kind and caring and suffers from severe nervousness and a stutter. He can, however, get scarily angry, when he does, his stutter disappears and he swears a lot more than usual. He types in a normal style but does speak in Tavros' halting fashion, he also starts every line with {o}. He loves animals and will care for them if they need caring for, he can also commune with them. He also enjoys roleplaying. He does not use lancekind or jokerkind but rather bowkind as his strife specibus.

Zanada is as much like Gamzee as Mithra is like Tavros. She doesn't do sopor slime or go insane when sober however. She is rather laid-back and easy-going. She loves to bake and is very good at it. Like her brother and father, she loves animals and will care for them when necessary however she cannot commune with them as they can. She has allocated her specibus to jokerkind and has many strange weapons. She types by alternating caps between words rather than letters and swears a lot less than her dad.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.



I have 99 problems and Davekat not being canon is all of them.

On a related note we never asked Rain about her ships.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Hahahaha! Lol.

No, we didn't... RAAAAIIINNNN!!!!!!
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


  *Pokes head up*  Eh?  Ships?  I've been on a ship before.  It was a clipper.  Very cool.  I took lots of pictures of the Statue of Liberty.

  Oh, wait, relationship ships.

  *Mumbles something about taking a break from Homestuck to watch Free!*  Uh, I don't really remember who all I've shipped so far.  Not any of the trolls, 'cause there are too many and I don't really remember most of them, but for the fearsome foursome of humans, I believe I paired Dave and Jade as a bromance, and Dave and John as my brotp.  No romance, though, oddly enough.  Probably 'cause where I'm at (still on act 5, I think?), they're all 13, so romance would be kinda weird.  But... yeah.  The two ships I can remember are Dave and Jade as bromance, and Dave and John as my brotp.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


  *Whispers*  IIIIIIIIIIIcaaaaaaaaaaanteeeeeeeeellllllllwhooooooyoooooouuurOOOOTPPPPPssssaaaaaaaarrrreee.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


*Whispers* My ooooooooooooootpssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaare Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave and Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarkaaaaaaaaaaaaaat and Rooooooooooooooooose and Kanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaya aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell aaaaaaaaaaaas sooooooooooooome chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaracters yooooooooooooooooooooou haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaven't meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet


Rose/Kanaya (Not as good as Davekat)
Some people you haven't met yet called Dirk and Jake (Same level of good shipness as Rose/Kanaya)
I also ship Vriska/John but not as much as I ship the other three

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


On a related note, I'm thinking of writing an angsty Davekat fanfic where they went out for a short time and they meet up years later and either one or both of them has a new partner but they both still love each other, chaos and romance ensues

And before I forget, even if you don't ship Davekat that much, Psychological Scars in Spacetime, Red Converse and All Kats Are Grey in the Dark are must-reads, seriously, some of the best fanfictions I have ever read

If either of you are into Hetalia, I recommend the fanfic Peer Into My World, it focuses on Latvia/Raivis and Russia/Ivan and Russia is a lot less psychopathic and cruel than in the anime, it's a rare marvel of literature when fanfics manage to be better than some real books, Peer Into My World is and doesn't really require any prior knowledge of Hetalia
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.