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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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Crystal gave a small cry of surprise as a shower of coins came raining down on her. She looked up bewildered and saw some beast climb out of the window and drop onto the street. This must have been his she thought well it was hers now and anyway he hadn't looked like he had gotten the money legally anyway. She scrambled to pick up the coins. To day was a good day a drunk knight and raining money. It seem like it was all just coming to her.

She decided to checkout the window. She climbed up and crawled in to the loft space. It was dark and dusty the broken shutters of the window behind her hung askew and various boxes and pieces of broken furniture lay scattered about the room. Cobwebs hanging from the ceiling drifted in the breeze from the open window and her shadow stretched across the dust covered floor. Scrapes of paper and bits of trash lay scattered allover the room. She felt a breeze on the back of her neck. The place looked deserted it would make a good base or hiding place. Maybe she could even practice her magic here, but then it was so close to the castle. to close she would have to find another place. 

Then the crystal pendent around her neck started to grow warm and Crystal had a tingly sensation. Someone was coming! She ducked be hind a tarp that hung loosely from a ceiling beam. "Era pereth nomoreien," She said casting a look away spell it would work so long as she didn't make a sound.       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar could tell that Doods had left, so he returned to the attic space. He felt the sharp, cold, air of a spell nearby him. Despite not being a magic-user, he respected their skills. And he had always known how to detect their spells, more than that, he had learned to counter them. He always wore an onyx ring, knowing that onyx, in particular, was detrimental to magic. Focusing his will to get through the look-away, he located Crystal. "I wouldn't do that so near to otherbeasts, if I were you. You know, some of us can counter magic."


Crystal baked up agents the wall her hart beating faster. He had seen her but she couldn't see the other beast yet because of the tarp. She clutched the crystal pendent It would strengthen her magic allowing her to over come the onyxes detrimental powers if necessary.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"No need to be alarmed. I'm not going to hurt you. But... Did you see a raccoon walk away from this tavern, probably sullenly? I need to find him."


Saygar was having a bad day. He had just discovered that his money had been stolen, He still suspected the mouswife he had walked into this morning, and now he couldn't pay the Smithy for the armour. And he had a terrible hang over. 
He kicked a out at a stone on the street, but his head was still spinning and he missed and over balanced and went crashing into a gutter.
Saygar swore and cursed his bad fortune, what a day this was turning into. He pulled himself up and staggered to his feet. He leaned hard against the ally wall.
"I can't go back to the Castle like this." He slurred. Wiping away the sweat on his forehead. What to do, and where to go. He thought. Saygar wasn't even sure where he was anymore. Great.


Crystal herd the tone in the other creatures voice and slowly came out from behind the tarp. She was some what surprised by his appearance. She wasn't sure what she had been expecting but it wasn't this. He was actually kind of handsome. She stared at him for a few seconds then stammered "I.. I saw him clime out of the window... he dropped down on to the street and then I don't know were he went,"       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Saygar had decided to find the nearest inn or tavern, he knew his way back to the castle from everyone in the city.
Saygar stumbled out onto the street again, keeping close to the walls so as not to fall over. He was making good progress, in fact he was sure he knew where he was now, he could see the cart with the flag on it, the one he had pasted earlier that day. Saygar was so pleased with himself and not being lost that he let go of the wall and began to walk as best he could down the street. It was a bad idea, his footpaw caught on an uneven cobble in the street and he fell head over rudder and smashed his head on the edge of the cart, knocking himself unconscious.


  Jame had finally found a beast who knew where the physician was, and directed the hare to his house.  Fortunately, he didn't have to enter the building and smell all the disgusting herbs, because he saw the old beast wandering out, looking rather grouchy.

  "Are you Albus?" Jame asked, stepping up to the vole.  "If you are, there's a body in the gatehouse that needs to be examined."

  *  *  *

  Queen Merin hesitated for a moment at the knight's offer.  She tried to not look uncertain as she said, "I will have to discuss this with my husband."

  OOC:  Blarg, very short and awful post.  Sorry about that, I'm short on time.  :(
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"Thankee!" Ivar threw a coin at Crystal and jumped out the window. He started to try to find Doods, but he decided he would need help.

He found Jame at the physician's house. He stepped into the shadows, and threw a coin at Jame. Whispering sharply, he called out to him. "Jame! Can you help me with something?"


Oh the nerve of the creature! throwing money at her like that as if she were a beggar. She picked up the coin and threw it distastefully out the window after the mouse. Then she climbed out the window as well and dropped down into the alleyway below.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  Jame's head snapped around at the sudden noise.  What was Ivar doing out here?  He already knew the answer, and it made him frown.  Why that mouse enjoyed thievery, he didn't know.  He was a prince, for goodness' sake!  He had all he could ever want!

  Sighing, Jame quickly explained to the vole where he could find the body and ran off, not going to the hidden prince, but instead into a dark alley, flicking an ear in a gesture that he hoped Ivar knew meant to follow silently.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Shrugging, Morwyn was about to continue her conversation with Noryl when an otter staggered down the street and knocked himself out on the cart.

"Wonderful- another drunk," muttered the ferretmaid, and Oxford nodded cheerily. Nothing seemed to dampen the hare's spirits!

"But of course, Wyn. Aren't they amusing? Or, in the words of a friend, 'so cute'. She was quite fond of knocking them out, as I recall. But I digress. What are we to do with the drunk presently on our paws?"

Morwyn humphed in annoyance, but grabbed the otter's paws and began pulling. "We might as well take care of him. Come on, you two- d'you think I can drag this- mmfh!- heavyweight into the cart all by myself?"
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Rusvul saw the gesture made by Jame. He followed closely and silently, and once they had walked a short distance, he walked up to Jame. "I need help finding someone. You game? He's a raccoon. And before you ask, I'm going to talk to him, not steal from him. Or blackmail him. Or stab him. Or cheat at gambling and take all his money. Or... Or... Or..." He went on to list lots of other crimes. "I'm not even going to poison him, like last time. I only want to talk. Okay?"

Tiria Wildlough

Quote from: KitrallStreamrippler on October 05, 2013, 05:08:19 AM
Morwyn humphed in annoyance, but grabbed the otter's paws and began pulling. "We might as well take care of him. Come on, you two- d'you think I can drag this- mmfh!- heavyweight into the cart all by myself?"
Noryl assisted in hauling the drunken creature into the cart. 'Great seasons, what's he been eating? Rocks?' She snorted with annoyance.
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I'm not a hipster.


Crystal Walked down the street. She felt odd like some one was fallowing her. She looked over her shoulder but she couldn't tell through all the people maybe she was just paranoid. 

OOC: Sorry about the short post.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?