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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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"Thank's no problem. It was going to happen sooner or latter any way," Crystal said then turning to Kash "Now what do we do with him?"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Arya whirled around suddenly. "NO! Don't tie him up! My very life depends on watching him. And if I don't want to die a very painful death, thank you very much!" Arya said, without realizing it, had developed a very frighting snarl on her face, the hair on the her neck and her arm rising up.


"Don't you threaten me! I have every right to tie him up, He ruined my life, but I wont," Crystal said then in a calmer tone "Why do you need to fallow him? What is it you want to learn? I might be able to help,"     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

HEr face whitened, as Arya said, "Oh no! I've said too much! I'm very sorry, but I must go now. Please don't tell him you saw me!" Then she raced off, her mind in a turmoil.


"I still think we should tie 'im up. You could make 'im take you off the wanted list. Then we could release 'im" Kash said, running off to find some rope, and a chair.

Cornflower MM

Arya looked back. Those stupid beasts! I'm in for it now. She thought, bonking her head against a wall.


"Na that wouldn't work, we would have to let him go to do that and I don't believe we can take his word for it," Crystal said then she reached in to his pocket and brought out a piece of pepper it was one of her wanted posters but this one had a note written on it challenging him to a duel to prove her innocence. it was signed by that shrew she had met earlier it seem like ages ago now. "Look at this," She said showing it to Kash.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Arya stopped bonking her head against the wall for a moment and saw the mousemaid showing the other one, who she'd met last night, she realized, a bit of paper. She sighed and started walking away, and tripped over a bottle. She fell backwards and fell into a bunch of barrels that made a bunch of noise and rolled away, and blacked out.

Dannflower Reguba

     Argo cringed as he heard the barrels crash around, "Heedless buffoon, knew I should've just gone their." The squirrel had been listening to the fiasco escalate with a combination of his highly sensitive ears and a bit of magic, he had thought about heading over with the theft of the money pouch, but maybe that would make Saygar the stupid more responsible with.... well...... everything. Anyway, the maid seemed to have gone and conked herself out, "That's a relief." He was also little interested in the hideout, but it was certainly something to keep an eye, as they had apparently changed locations since last time he had listened in on the hedgehogs. He took a momentary break to file all the new information in his mind before resuming his surveillance of the hideout. Maybe it was best to go check on things, they had gotten pretty heated and there was no telling what would happen in the less watched over parts of the city. Argo stood with a sigh, it was time to leave his flat roof and re-enter the streets of Redwallelot.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Kash took the apaer, and read it. "So this random shrew, wants to prove your innocence. Even though, your guilty. Wow, I wish someone would do that for me, every once in a while."


"He is not just any shrew he is the squire to a knight. I met him the other day. I kind of saved his life and I think he has a crush on me." Crystal said giggling at the absurdity of it all.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Yeah I know he's a squire, it's say so here." Kash said pointing at the poster, "But I don't know how he can help the situation. Mr. Waterflash here may not keep his word."


"Oh I bet he wont that is why I have to go find Jarn!" Crystal said She got up and started down the street after she had gone a little way she climbed up to the roofs. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Hey wait!" Kash shouted, but Crystal was already gone. He looked at Saygar. "Better get rid of you, can't have you waking up here."