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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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Cornflower MM

"We go outside first. Then I reveal my identity. Then, you give me something I want. Honestly? I hate my work. Why, oh why, couldn't someone else have bid the highest all that time ago?"


Saygar raised an eyebrow, "So your a slave." Then he thought for a moment, if he walked out of here, at his own accord, without her holding a dagger to his throat. Then it might just look like he was talking to someone, Icar would have no reason to kill him. "Alright, I'll come outside with you, but only if you put that not poisoned dagger away. I know a poisoned weapon when I see one, and secondly, we just go outside. You don't try, and make me go off to some hideout with you. So do we have a deal?" 

Cornflower MM

"Fine. And yes, I'm a slave. Took you long enough...Why else would I want information? Hello, my master just loves ruining reputations. Maybe you've heard of him? Name's Ivance...EEK!" At the "EEK!" She ducked under the table. "Don't, what ever else you do, tell that hedgehog that I'm here..He's a friend of my master, and I'm supposed to be following, threatening and/or killing you. I don't have any desire to be whipped again today, so please!!" She hurriedly whispered, shrinking into the very back corner between the table and the wall.

Leatho Shellhound

Jarn, nearly lot her in the crowd. There were so many beasts on the road, and he wasn't used to seeing her like she was now. On top of that he was short, as much as he tried to walk stright and tall, it never really made a differance in a crowd full of large beasts.

He just managed to keep sight of her, till finaly there was a break in the multitude and he was able to rush forward and walk by her.

"I say, do you mind going a bit slower?" he asked catching his breath.
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"Sure sorry I'm just excited," Crystal said " I keep looking at my paws. This all feels so odd, I can't believe I am actually doing this!" She slowed down to let him keep up.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Saygar was now a little worried, Ruin reputations. Now I don't have much of a reputation, but what if they find out about my involvement with Icar? I'll be hung for sure.
Saygar decided this might be a perfect time, to slip away, she was hiding, and yes, they had made a deal. But Saygar didn't really care.
He stood up slowly, paid the bar tender, and turned to leave.

Cornflower MM

Arya noticed Saygaar leaving and cursed him in her head. Then she shrank back, because they hedgehog was passing the table. Then she knocked over a tankard that had somehpow gotten under table, and the hedge hog stopped, turned toward the table, bent down, and grabbed her tail and yanked. She started screaming and kicking, "AAA!! HEEELP!!! HEELP!!!" The nameless hedgehog just started dragging her out by her tail, seeming not to notice her screams that were turning into whimpers of pain and fear. She gave up, and started sobbing. I'm really going to die now. Even if I do exscape, he'll find me, or say I stole from him and set the law after me. She then thought she saw Saygar, but then thought she was imagining things. In the ruckus her hood had gotten thrown back, and even if it was him, he probably would be shocked that he'd made a deal with the squirrelmaid he'd been knocking around last night.

Leatho Shellhound

"Much appreciated," He said fixing his shoulder pack.
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"Did you ever finish the thing you promised to make me," Crystal said
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar woke, as if from a trance. He was completely disoriented. He didn't know how long he'd been out, or what had happened. But he felt a strange urge, a tickling at the back of his neck. He rubbed his eyes, and looked around the room. It was his bedroom, the same as it always had been. The urge persisted. He heard a rattle, and stiffened. He realized it was just the wind blowing the loose shingle outside his window, but adrenaline was still coursing through his veins. He was fully awake now, and his instincts were as awake as his conscious mind. He had always trusted his instincts, very rarely had they failed him. Right now they were telling him to don armor. Strange, he hated armor. He didn't have a squire to assist him in putting it on. But at least he could put on some of it on his own...

Ten minutes later saw him wearing a chainmail coif and leggings, overtop of which he wore his lighter chestplate, along with his vambraces, greaves, and exquisite finger gauntlets. He felt it would be a bad idea to wear his full sabatons, so he strapped on the ones that just covered the top of his boots. He donned his helmet, sheathed his longsword, and strode out of his door.

OOC: I'm baaaack! And completely disoriented. What's going on? Can someone give me an overview of what's happening? I know the stuff with Crystal and Jarn, but the reset... I'm lost.


OOC: Saygar is helping out some evil magic person Arya has been fallowing him then she got dragged out a bar by her tail (Not by Saygar) after confronting Saygar. What else... Oh ya Saygar has had Crystal pardoned although she doesn't know that yet. If you want more details about anything just ask.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Leatho Shellhound

"Oh that," Said Jarn just remembering "So much has happened since then I forgot I had it with me. He pulled off his pack and started rummaging through it. At last he held aloft a small parcel. It was rapped in a white cloth with a cord around it. He handed it to her to open.

OOC: It's a bronze arm bracelet, with crystals on it.
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OOC: Is it night time? That would make things much better, I think.

Leatho Shellhound

OOC: Sorry it's around Noon right now. No worries though after our characters have gone through the day it will be night. 
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OOC: I'm presuming your characters aren't o stupid as to try to infiltrate the heavily defended castle during the middle of the day? At least come in the evening? Or is it not as bad of an idea as I'm guessing?