The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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Saygar groaned, his head was swimming. He opened his eyes slowly.
"What the!?!" He shouted, upon seeing that he was been dragged.
He pushed the creatures off who were pulling him and tried to stand up but fell.
"What are you doing?" He slurred.
Where was he, and what happened?
Saygar saw his dagger on the ground a little way in front of him where it had fallen out of his belt. He reached for it but couldn't reach. Again he tried to stand up but again he fell.
"Get me that dagger one of you!" He shouted in frustration.  


Oxford grinned at Morwyn. "Looks like the old chap's awake, wot."

The ferretmaid grimaced as the otter demanded that somebeast retrieve his dagger. "So it would seem, eh?" Then she faced the otter squarely and bobbed a quick curtsey before placing her paws stubbornly on her hips. "Good morning, sir.  You stumbled into our cart an' hurt yerself, so we were pullin' ye inside to treat ye. As for your dagger, please believe that I would return it t'you with all speed but for one fact." She paused, knowing full well that whoever this beast was, he would not like what she was about to say. "I' afraid you're drunk, sir. And weapons don't usually bode well in a drunk beast's paws. If you can promise peace, I'll return yore blade."

Then she stood and stared down the otter, refusing to budge. If the maid seemed relaxed, it was only because she knew that her friends would help her if she needed it. In fact, Ox already had a paw on the hilt of his shortsword.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Cornflower MM

*a pretty squirrel maid strolls over* "so sorry, but im afraid i could not help but to hear ye not know who this is? SO sorry i did not sign up first.....HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT????????? i wanna know!!!
entered sign-up thingie, but no reply.......I'll wait...sigh....


OOC: Cornflower you have to sign up first in the OOC topic before you can post in the RP.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: Cornflower MM on October 05, 2013, 10:06:22 PM
*a pretty squirrel maid strolls over* "so sorry, but im afraid i could not help but to hear ye not know who this is? SO sorry i did not sign up first.....HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? i wanna know!!!
Go in the OOC Discussions sub-board, and read the OP(Original Post) of The Knights of Redwallelot.


Saygar at first was a little surprised, but his surprise soon turned to anger.
"Just give me my blade ferret! I'm a knight of Redwall and you will do what I say!"
Saygar got hold of the side of the cart and pulled himself up. He kept hold of the cart while trying to pull his sword from his belt all the time swearing and cursing.


Crystal started to walk faster. She looked over her shoulder again and ran in to a somewhat fat otter wife.

"Oh, sorry!" She said. Then she noticed the Knight in the cart. He was the same one she had stolen from earlier and he still looked unwell, But she hoped he hadn't recognized her.       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


A knight? That wasn't going to help the situation. Fortunately, Oxford was experienced in this sort of thing. He stepped forward, blade drawn, and smacked Saygar's sword paw with the flat. "Cease an' desist h'immediately, sah, an' stand to h'attention when addressin' one's bally elders, wot! You h'are facin' Sir h'Oxford, formerly h'of the Stormblades."

The Stormblades were a well-known order of knights that dedicated themselves to improving the kingdom and seeing justice done. This justice did not always comply with the letter of the law, however, so some creatures viewed them as rogue knights or dangerous vigilantes. The hare knight was taking a risk revealing this information, and sincerely hoped that Saygar was one that respected the Stormblades, rather than one that scorned them. If the otter did not react favorably to Oxford's status, then the hare would have to appeal to the knight's good sense.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


OOC: I never said that he was a knight out loud. I just thought it.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: Saygar did when he was shouting at them  :)

BIC: Saygar yelped when the hare smacked his paw, and swore loudly. When he heard that the hare was a Stormblade his head shot up. Drunk as he was the name still made sense to him.
"Stormblade are ye rabbit! Well the king an't to fond of Stormblades. Now give me that dagger and let me go! Or I'll report you to the guards!" Saygar smiled cruelly. With his unsmacked paw he was reaching for his chain-mace that was hanging on the back of his belt. His paw closed around the handle.

OOC: Saygar isn't a bad guy he's just under influence of alcohol at the moment but he might have reported them anyway  :-\   


Crystal saw the Knights move. Not good there was going to be a fight and that never ended well. She ducked behind a corner where some boxes were piled up. from her hiding place she could she things clearly through a small space between two boxes she clasped her crystal and focused all her attention on the cart.

"Eroll metness," She whispered and the cart rolled out from under the knight.       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Saygar yelled in alarm as the cart moved and his support disappeared. He let go of the chain-mace and fell onto the ground.


Extract of a hermit's journal.

En marchant dans les rues de notre ville tombant en ruine sans la magie, je remarque combien les voleurs, assassins et autres, peuples cette cité délabrée. L'autre jour encore, j'ai vus un voleur enlevé la bourse d'un autre comme lui. Je penses qu'ils pourront m'êtres utile...


The fox sat in front of an old table, carved by time and sneaky knifes. He had been there since the night before, lost deep in thought as he finished bottle after bottle of ale. His financial position was quite low, he being a simple merchandise loader on the docks. His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, and they stayed wide open as if he was seeing something terrifying. He was uncorking another bottle when the door suddenly came open, and a tall, mysterious figure stood in the doorway. The fox dropped the bottle in his surprise, and it broke on the floor spilling the contents around. Cursing, he bent to pick a piece of glass.
"Why do you always have to come in with such drama Teud?"
"Je t'ai dis d'arrêter de m'appeler comme cela. Tu sais que je n'aimes pas ça!" (I told you to stop calling me like that. You know I don't like it!)
"Ahh, old grouch like always, eh?"
"Tu as des nouvelles des recrues que je t'ai demandé?" (Do you have the new recruts I asked you?)
"I've got some connections which might be interesting to have among the ranks. Interested?"
"J'acceptes tous nouveaux que tu auras. Dis moi où ils sont et je m'occupes du reste." (I'll take any you've got. Tell me where they are and I'll take care of the rest.)
The fox leaned closer to him and whispered the coordinates.


Crystal tucked the pendent back under her tunic. Then she turned back to see what happened next. The otter had fallen on his back.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

Mack had decided that that this strange knight was hardly going to make this offer, and then assassinate the queen, so he left them to it. Wandering down the street, he brushed against a hooded figure. Of course, at the time it seemed like nothing was out of the ordinarily, but later he would remember it. He came up the a cart, a slightly faded thing as though it had been through a lot of traveling, and inwardly sighed. Not Saygar again. That knight was always getting into trouble! He grabbed the otters thumb. In this position he could break Saygar's wrist if need be.

"Sayar, calm down!" he said. He began saying sorry to the two travelers, but on seeing the hare, he broke into a huge grin.

"Well look who it ain't! I haven't see yore ugly mug in a while!" he said cheekily.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I