The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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Saygar walked out of the Main Guard Station quite pleased. They had listened to his report and excepted it without question, he was a knight after all, and he ranked higher than them. The mousemaid was now an outlaw. It wouldn't take long for someone to turn her in. It would be some poor beast who needed the reward money, and when she was turned in Saygar would be there. He would get his money back and his revenge. His luck must have returned.
As Saygar walked down the street he noticed the black squirrel who had split up the fight between him and Mack ealier that day. Saygar didn't want him to see him but he was curious about where he was going, so he followed him.
Saygar followed him to the Clock tower. He watched him go inside, he hide himself around the corner and waited.


OOC: I am on the street with Ivar and I think the clock tower is in the center of town. On another note Crystal keeps her crystal hidden under her tunic, most of the time.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Just a warning Rach, some of the old guard aren't necessarily happy with the Knights of today, so just watch your step if you try to come in.  ;) One more friendly warning, don't get to close to me while you're following, Argo has good ears.  ;)

@ Faiyloe: The rat is already at the clock tower right?
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: I was thinking that they would meet that night but he can be there now if you want. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

OOC:@Dan: Don't you mean the clock tower? Cuz I'm at the bell tower.  
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Dannflower Reguba

Quote from: Faiyloe on October 17, 2013, 07:23:36 PM
OOC: I am on the street with Ivar and I think the clock tower is in the center of town. On another note Crystal keeps her crystal hidden under her tunic, most of the time.

OOC: I could just have a stake out (though I'd rather have steak, out   ;D) I'll be at the top of the stairs, not find him, and wait until he shows up, just make sure that you have the rat ascend at the proper time and not post that he was there when Crystal is coming up.  ;) Though if you wanna have Crystal come up the stairs first that would make things interesting.  :D
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

The Shade

OOC: Is this the bell tower or a clock tower?
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


OOC: @ Shade: Clock Tower.

@ dan: I think I'll make things interesting if i don't get caught first which I probably will (Now that I'm on the most wanted list no thanks to Saygar) If not by the guards then by Ivar. Feel free to play the Rat if you want I don't have any plans for him other than he was supposed to meet me at the Clock Tower after I got the map.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

Doods departed from the stranger. They had arranged to meet again, so he could go on this...journey. He wondered what he had in mind. Well, he was no street thug, that was certain! Wandering down down a broad pathway, he spotted a poster. Walking over, he examined the picture on it. A mouse. He was pretty sure he had seen her somewhere, but he could not recall where. Not that it mattered. What he was focusing on was the reward price. He could do with a bit of money. The one problem was, how to hand her in. He was a well known criminal, and there was just as much chance of they locking him up as with her. He wondered what to do, as he stared at the poster thoughtfully.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: The rat is yours.  ;) I REALLY don't want to have to control him.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: Afraid he is going to bite your head off or something. ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

Mack looked at Oxford. "Hmm, a good eating place, lets the very castle itself! Very good scoff there..." His eyes took on a dreamy look as he continued. "...All sorts of tucker...crumbles, cakes, pies, salads, turnovers, an' an'..." He shook himself, and returned business-like again. "Hmp, yes, I'm sure you'll be accepted. As a matter of fact, there's a rumour going around that the king himself might throw a feast soon, though I don't know how true it is."
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Quote from: Faiyloe on October 17, 2013, 07:23:36 PM
OOC: I am on the street with Ivar and I think the clock tower is in the centre of town. On another note Crystal keeps her crystal hidden under her tunic, most of the time.

OOC @Faiyloe I know but I was thinking while they fighting it might have come out from under her tunic. Probably when she fell.  :)

BIC Saygar was quickly becoming bored of waiting, he was hungry too.
He looked around for a Tavern or a bakery. He spotted a bakery on the other side of the street, and made for it.
Once inside he looked around, and then checked how much money he had. Enough to buy a small loaf and a scone. There was a well nearby where he could get a drink. He brought what he wanted and left munching the loaf.
He wondered if anyone had turned the mousemaid in yet. The guards had said that they would start making posters immediately, but then again the guards weren't wild about the Knights. But Saygar was sure they'd do it, they would anger the King if they didn't make a known magic user an outlaw. 


Crystal looked up at the sky it was getting late.

"Now if you don't mined I have things to do," she said tuning a corner on to the street. She saw a poster on the wall of a building. She took a closer look. Her eyes grew wide it was her. She tore the wanted poster off the wall and ran back in to the alley. She had been found out.  Someone had turned her in. She wouldn't be able to show her face in town again she would have to leave, go underground.  Crystal dropped behind some boxes and sat with he back against the wall. She took out the poster and held it out in front of her. She looked at the image of her self staring out at her from the page. who had turned her in. All she had wanted was to live a normal life doing what she was good at, magic. That was no longer possible. It hadn't been possible for a long time. It was just an illusion. An illusion that she had been desperately trying to hold together for the past 5 years and it was now falling apart. She was what she had always been, an out law, a waif with no place to call her own. She had never really fitted in. A tear ran down the side of her nose and dropped of the bridge of her nose on to the paper. It landed on  her face and the ink ran. Her vision blurred and she looked up at the sky which was turning pink and purple in the sun set.     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Saygar was on his way back from the well. It was late, the sun was setting.
"I better get back to the Castle, dinner will be ready soon." he mused to himself.
He made his way back to the Castle humming the same tune he had been whistling that morning. It was a beautiful evening, the sun was just setting. Saygar sighed, his mothers favourite time of day was evening, he missed her deeply.
Saygar found himself making a detour towards the field where she was buried. He had brought some flowers on his way over and upon reaching his mothers place of rest, laid them down gently. He remembered the day he had finally been able to sneak out of his father's castle and had gone to visit her. He had found her in bed, lifeless. He himself had buried her, He was sure she would have liked the place he had chosen. She was buried beside a old elm tree, it was the first place the suns rays touched every morning.
A tear ran down Saygar's face, he whipped it away hurriedly and walked away. Back to the King's Castle.