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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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The Shade

Doods found himself racking his brain for a decent exuse as to why he was out at midnight. In normal circumstances the raccoon would have a able to spin an elaborate lie in seconds, but unfortunately he was tired, and all these beasts with their confusion didn't help.

Just as he was about to make a run for it, or attempt to anyway, a squirrelmaid came strolling around the corner. Just what he needed! Now, with more beasts, more for the official-looking squirrel to deal with, and maybe he wouldn't carry one asking sticky questions.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


OOC: I'm assuming everyone who was standing outside my door is gone now?
BIC: Ivar tossed and turned in his bed. In some portion of his subconcious mind, he felt uneasy. He awoke with a start, in a hall of red stone. He saw a tapestry hanging on the wall, and felt a basket in his hand. He inched towards the tapestry, and tripped on an overly large green robe. He had been taught about these, the ancient mice of Redwall had worn them, back when it had been but an abbey. His thoughts were interrupted as a voice echoed throughout his mind-

"What? Who's there?" He reached for his sword, but none was present.

Ivar... Lawless defender...

"Show yourself!" He untied his belt cord, and put a large knot in the end. He had heard of an ancient hero who had used a knotted rope as a weapon- If he was in danger, perhaps he could do the same. As he did so, he noticed a ring was present on his finger. A lapis-lazuli ring. He knew the properties of lapis: It was a talisman of good luck, and it could detect spirits. This ring was glowing so brightly he had to shield his eyes from it. In doing so, he saw a ring on his other hand. Ruby- Symbol of a warrior, when held by a true protector, a true knight, it would shine with a deep, many-dimensional luster. Looking into it was like looking at the sky, it seemed infinitely deep.
He called out to whatever spirit this was. "Who are you?"

I am the Warrior. Follow your heart, fight the hidden. What you can't see, can hurt you more than you can know. A warrior mouse, protect Redwall!

"I am no warrior! Please, guide me!

The library... 26-34 Akkaeus...

Ivar woke, again, with a jolt. This time in his bed. He pushed away the sheets, and was startled by the belltower.
Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong...
Twelve bongs, he thought. He was late for his meeting with the Stranger.
He was about to go to the meeting place, when he felt a band of metal on his finger. Wide-eyed, he saw two rings- One of lapis, and one of ruby.

Silently, he went down to the library.

OOC: Ivar's not learning magic, or becoming extremely powerful. Martin's just helping him find his way.

Cornflower MM

"You, Raccoon, why is everybeast here? You seem to be the only one with a bit sense, for this one here is Wanted, the others, not worth mentioning."

The Shade

Doods was slightly startled by the direct question, but quickly gathered his wits, and answered. He would have prefered less attention, but he had to speak, for even more would be drawn to him if he didn't.

"These beasts? I have no clue, accept that the squirrel is keeping the law around here, and these thugs were attacking somebeast. And you needn't worry about the wanted posters about this mouse, she had a personal enemy who snitched her up. And as to that..." he squinted at the maid, as if noticing what creature she was for the first time. "...Wots a pretty maid with the likes of yer doing in a place like this?"
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Cornflower MM

"Hmm.....Well, I have better things too do than stand around here! And if you lot have any sense you'd move along as well! Ouch!" Arya said brushing up against one of the more recent, and noticeable, marks, turning to walk away.

OOC: Edited.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Rusvul, it's already midnight. I mentioned that in my last post.  ::) Also, we should wait for Rachel to post as Kash before going much farther. That's the only reason that I'm not BIC'ing.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Leatho Shellhound

OOC: Yes, oh and Rachel, do you mind posting as you knight too, so that he sees the posters.
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Quote from: danflorreguba on November 15, 2013, 10:57:04 PM
OOC: Rusvul, it's already midnight. I mentioned that in my last post.  ::) Also, we should wait for Rachel to post as Kash before going much farther. That's the only reason that I'm not BIC'ing.
OOC: Oh... Really? Okay. I'll edit my post. Sorry, I've been a little out of it. I'm not sure exactly what's going on.
EDIT: Okay. My post takes place ever so slightly back in time. By a few minutes, maybe. It'll soon come back into temporal alignment with the rest of you. I'm just giving Ivar some time to go to the library and get his book. I would guess it's maybe 5 minutes after midnight?


OOC: @ Cornflower. Than you should put that in your post. here is some advice the more detail the better. it helps everyone else understand what is going on.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: Sorry guys, and thanks for waiting for me. @Leatho sure I'll try.

BIC: Kash scowled, but put the money pouch back. The last thing he needed was trouble.
Kash shuffled his paws, not sure what to say when questioned about what he was doing here, he was just about to make up some excuse, when a squirrelmaid appeared. Being rather rude, and bossy. As she was turning to leave, Kash strode up to her, "Hey squirrel, I am worth mentioning about. Just because I'm little doesn't mean I'm not worth something. And I'm here because I have no where else to go. Orphans aren't exactly looked after by the King. And everyone else just picks on them!"
Saygar couldn't sleep, he had slept most of the day, and now...
He eventually decided to get up. He could check to see if the mousemaid had been turned in yet, and he could go down to the Smithy. Smash, the smithy would want him, to check size, and stuff.
Saygar also wanted to go down to see some of his mates that he trained with. They would be down at the pub, he could ask if they wanted to met up in the ruins of the old church this evening.
Saygar finished buttoning up his tunic, and put on his belt. He then crept out of his room, and down the corridor. He was just coming to the stairs that went down into Great Hall, when he saw something odd. Where was the Prince going at this time of night?

Cornflower MM

" That's not my problem. And my name isn't 'squirrel', it's Arya! Now, as I said, I have better things to do, giving a report one of them."

OOC: Is anyone playing a noble that Arya could serve? If not, I'll make someone! Never mind, Shade and I have come to an agreement through PM!


Kash has furious, "You horrible, little, cutter, slim! How dare you! And what do ya mean giving a report?"

Cornflower MM

Quote from: rachel25 on November 18, 2013, 08:24:57 PM
Kash has furious, "You horrible, little, cutter, slim! How dare you! And what do ya mean giving a report?"

" I do believe that's my own business! Who told you you could insult me!?!?!?!? You rude little beast! You're not fit to lick my paws!" She said, furiously, walking away.


That was when Kash lost it, he quickly grabbed his sling from off his belt, loaded it, aimed, and fired all in one swift movement. He had been aiming at the squirrelmaid's rump. And since Kash hardly ever missed, and the times he did it was because of the conditions he was in, he was sure he would be on target. He couldn't miss, she was right in front of him only a few steps away. 

Cornflower MM

Arya, knowing the little creature would probably do something like that, quickly stepped a side, so that the slingstone missed "Think you're clever? Think again. Don't make me use my bow. A well strung bow with a good straight arrow can cause more harm than an slingstone, remember that." She said.