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A Winter to Freeze Your Heart RP

Started by Unimaginative, October 20, 2013, 12:31:24 AM

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Do you wish to join the Purple Unicorn Army of Brazil, led by me?



Zanga saw Vatra running away into the grounds. He thought about following her, but decided against it.
I don't know her. She probably wants some time alone anyway.

Cornflower MM

Arya went to the Kitchens and got her munchies. Then she went up to her room and started to draw, munching her way through her little pile.


Abbess Russina walked outside, puzzling over Arya and Ervoyce. Then she saw the other squirrelmaid go diving in the pond. She shrugged, tghere were over beasts closer than her if she got into trouble. Anyway, why go diving into deep water if you couldn't swim. She continued on her way, looking around. There was Ervoyce, with that beaver. She decided to go over to say hello. "Hello again, Ervoyce! Perhaps now you'd like to take a walk with me?"


Jantar sat waiting for Grund to give her an order.


Varta surfaced her cloak scarf and jacket missing. She instantly began to shiver as her wet fur met the cold air. She waded out of the water on to the snow covered bank and shook her self. She then bent over and picked up her Javelin. Which she had dropped before she dove in.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: I have a question! Why did she jump in the pond?


OOC: A) Because she was mad and up set with herself and everything so she did some thing stupid. B) and a lot less so. She lost the race and Ervoyce said the last on there jumps in the pond.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: So, she didn't know that he was joking.


OOC: She knew she was just mad and it looked like a good idea. Like I said before she has problems. the thing was that as soon as she got back to the abbey she felt trapped again. if she had been some where else I think she would have been fine but here she feels stifled.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: Ya and she is only like this case her true love died and left her with a broken heart.Kind of like martin and Luke be a lot worse.  :-\ Yes very sad (Why do I like making characters with extreme problems?)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

OOC: I don't know! I COULD go into a great long speech, like my dad would do, but I'll save you the torture. ;)

Dannflower Reguba

     Ervoyce was pensive, he was back to thinking about how to keep the Abbey safe, and the things he could do to help, "Well Abbess, if there isn't anything else to be done at the moment, than I guess it couldn't hurt. I may seem a bit distant at times though, a lot to think about."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

"Oh, that's fine...." As she walked, the Abbess got a smile on her face. "Do you realize that a certain squirrel maid is sitting in her room, more than likely with a pile of food next to her, if I know Ar- Er, her, and is breaking her own heart because she thinks that you think that she doesn't exist? Really, young ones these days...When I was young, love was simple." Russina glanced at Ervoyce, to see his reaction.


Vatra started to run but this time to get out of the cold She entered the kitchen and sighed as the warmth from the ovens enveloped her. She took a deep breath and smelled all the food cooking.

"Oh!" The old mouse cook squeaked when she saw her "Oh My, Dear what happened?" She said Trowing her shawl over Vartas shoulders. Vatra nodded in thanks but was too cold to reply and pulled the shawl tighter around her it was warm from being around the ovens all day. She was given a stool and she sat down by the oven. The mouse wife gave her another blanket and she rubbed her self down. She was also given a loaf of freshly baked bread which she gratefully took and began to nibbel.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Arya felt for another bit of munchie. She sighed, her pile was gone. She decided to go down to the Kitchens to get more. When she entered, she saw Vatra, so she went over to apologize. "Look, I'm sorry about what happened earlier, in the snowball fight. I didn't mean to....You know. Will you accept my apology? I have afeeling we could be friends, if you want." She held out her paw, for Vatra to shake.