
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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A Winter to Freeze Your Heart RP

Started by Unimaginative, October 20, 2013, 12:31:24 AM

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Do you wish to join the Purple Unicorn Army of Brazil, led by me?



OOC: got it... Oh! that is a good idea. they take the abbey forcing every one to flea into the woods and then the woodlands have to get it back. I like it. We needed some middle action anyway.

BIC: Vatra noticed a light like a fire by the front gate she griped her Javelin tighter and heard yelling and smelled smoke she started turned and sprinted along the wall towards the noise. Death stinger 'll taste blood tonight she whispered a grin on her face.     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


The vermin had finished the fire. They placed the vat of water before the gates, boiling hot. Then they lit fire to the doors. More vermin climbed the ropes. Grund stepped back a bit. He ordere the vermin closer to the gates.

Ooc: Ok. I'm just gonna stay winning-oriented and wait for you'll to beat me. But if it's totally in my favor, which or may or may not be later, wouldn't it kinda be un-realistic and cheating to suddenly make me lose?
~Just a soft space boi~


OOC: That is why we where saying that you win take the abbey we run off then we take the abbey back.

BIC: Vatra clashed with one of the vermin knocking him off the wall She gave a yell and plunged in to the fray she brushed past a mouse and made her way to the latter Killing another rat on the way she was clinging to sanity even with the heat of battle all around her she needed to stay with it or she could hurt some one unintentionally.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Across from Faiyloe, a few more vermin made it on top. They rushed at her with their blade ready.
~Just a soft space boi~


OOC: her name is VATRA

BIC: Vatra Charged and yelled some thing in audible and took out two of them as they came at her "Some one cut the Ropes!" She yelled before she lost control. Her eyes turned red and glowed in the light coming from the fire.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ooc: Amyone gonna go defend the gates?
~Just a soft space boi~

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Chill dude, you guys didn't let any of the rest of us catch up!  :D My my, I can't stop paying attention for an evening even.  ::) BIC:

     The situation had turned bleak rather quickly, it had been a quiet night until the sudden tussle at the main gate. This was a problem considering he had gone to check out the gate that had been reported as having something banging on it. (assuming you left after all this time) Ervoyce switched gears quickly after reminding the watch to stay put and keep their heads low, ready to signal for help immediately should vermin appear in the vicinity. Foot paws pounding, the squirrel became increasingly concerned as he saw all the ugly mugs jumping the walltop, "Vatra! Push to one end of the ladder line and keep the vermin suppressed! I'll be joining you soon! AND KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN!"

     Ervoyce rounded the corner with little to no deceleration while at the same time drawing his blade, "blood is in the air this night."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


A shot wizzed at Ervoyance, who's head was not low.

Ooc: I thought it was not low, is it?
~Just a soft space boi~

The Shade

Yatar sliced an ermine's neck open as the unfortunate vermin poked his head over the battlements. He was slightly concerned about the number of unwashed creatures swarming the walls, but his expression revealed none of his emotions. Smashing a rat's jaw with his fist the groundhog battled on relentlessly.


Karataka glanced up at the walltop as he stopped battering the wallgate. Some of the walltop guards has run off to get more help, but he was surprised that none had come yet. Backing away from the mangled wooden door, the wolverine decided to alert Grund that there was more entrances than the main gate. He moved quickly, disappearing into the bare trees. As he approached the horde, he spotted Grund and sped up.

"Grund, come here! I need to speak!"
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Zanga found himself running from the Abbey, and up onto the walls. He sliced a ferret who was swinging a hefty axe, and then decapitated a weasel who came at him. He cried out in pain as a rat with a sword, slashed his arm open. But the wound wasn't too bad, Zanga battled the rat along the walls, until the vermin was stabbed in the back by a mouse with a sword. "Thanks friend!" Zanga shouted, then he heard Vatra shout, "Someone cut the ropes!"
Zanga was stood next to some of the ropes, and quickly, using Martin's sword, sliced through the ropes.


Vatra didn't hear Ervoyce she was fighting threw a red haze darkness and rage obstructing her vision. She kicked a vermin who was just popping his head up over the wall he fell knocking several of the vermin below him off the ladder. Then Vatra went after two more vermin who had started to make there way along the wall.

OOC: I would warn against getting near Vatra She no longer has any control and it is very likely that in the fray she could hurt some one. also there is more than one ladder I think.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


I sent over at least 10 fliers. All dropped cables. And is no one seriously defending the gates??? They're BURNING!

Bic: The last four flies went over dropping more hooks. Heeding the vermin's advice, rats begin to pour through tithe other gates.
~Just a soft space boi~


OOC: Blaggut those gates are locked you would have to brake them down before you could come charging in like that. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: The gates wouldn't burn that fast, and you would have to break them open which would take ages.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Holy caholy! (I would repeat the ca part, but recently learned that repeating "ca" twice is a Spanish cuss word, therefore...) Can't I stay away for ONE DAY?!?!?!?!

BIC: Arya stirred and woke up, since she'd turned on the side of her bad rib. She sat up and looked out the Infirmary window and screamed, "AGGGGHHHH!!!!" Oh, dear....The odds are not good, as one squirrel maid with a hole in her stomach, and a broken rib, with no weapons, against a fit and ready to fight heavily armed rat, coming toward me. NOT GOOD!! "HEELP!!" Oh, hey, arrows! No bow, but luckily I started sharpening a few before I went to bed. She grabbed two arrows, and started fighting with the rat, having gotten out of the bed. The rat was duly killed, with no further injury except a scratch or two that had already quit bleeding. She reassured the others who were in the Infirmary, and started patrolling the room, letting no one help. The others went back to sleep in due time, but he continued walking around the room, now freezing in fronyt of the door, thinking she heard someone coming, now stopping a moment to watch the attackers and defenders on the wall, seeing occasional flashes of fire and quite a few time watching somebeast go over the wall, and all the time worrying about Vatra and Ervoyce and Zanga....Wondering if the Abbey was taken, then if they would remember the patients there.