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Autumn Harvest RP Thread.

Started by Cornflower MM, October 23, 2013, 02:12:39 AM

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Harin yelped with surprise. She hadn't meant to hit him so hard, but he had startled her. She looked at him now, he looked like he had been in a fit fight or something.
She began to worry, I can't just leave him here. What about the vermin?
Harin began to drag him back to a hidden cave she knew of. She had to drag his club, and pack as well, so it was hard work.


Grimnose came to Aldof from the bout. "It's not fixable captain," he said saluting. "Fine" Aldof replied,"unload and burn it." "Sir?" Grimnose started. "Burn it," Aldof repeated"as soon as it's unloaded." The look in his eyes told Grimnose he was serious. He hurried away with no further argument. 
Shut him up or shut him down.
Normal is just a setting on your dryer.


Grayko hollered at Greena, "Hey you foxy bring me some fish and make it snappy."   >:( Then he turned to Grimnose, "so what did cap'n say?"
Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.


"He said to unload burn the ship, oh and no more eating fish cause we land vermin now." Grimnose replied
OOC: Grimnose doesn't like Grayko.
Shut him up or shut him down.
Normal is just a setting on your dryer.


"That fox is out of his mind. Grayko mumbled, "but I,m not going to commit mutiny...  Yet. I'll eat fish if I want Grimnose and if that other fox don't bring it to me soon she will be missing a few limbs." he said, as he honed his battle ax on a smooth stone.
Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.

Cornflower MM

Greena walked up just then, Saluted as she did so. "Here ya are. I tried to be quickly."


HareSpring marched up to Bree, "Ma'am! What are we doin' to do to that bounder when we catch him? Just out of curiosity, doncha know."


Lavender guided the bat inside, "Are you hungry?"

OOC: EDIT! Sorry, juggling so many RPs! It'll probably happen again. :-\


Grayko looked at the fox. "Well at least you have manners. Oops manners is the worst thing for a vermin to have. your never gonna get promoted, vixen." He said shaking his head, as he swallowed the last bite of fish. "Did cap'n say anything about those pathetic otter bodies, Grimnose? Now lets get to unloading that ship."

Galendar's Throat was dry and parched. He had lost a good bit of blood and knew he could go no farther without rest. Galendar barely got to a safe place away from the open shore before he fell into a deep sleep.
Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.


Quote from: Cornflower MM on December 19, 2013, 09:28:23 PM

Russina guided the bat inside, "Are you hungry?"
OOC: I thought her name was Lavender?
BIC: Harin had dragged the strange badger back to the cave. Now she began to examine him, he was handsome in a ragged sort of way. He had loads of scares, and that made Harin nervous. 
Tango wanted to be on the move again. "Ok time to go you two. Can't just sit here sipping tea like two hedgehog wives, lets be having you wot. Quick's the word, sharps the action!""
Sie began to stir, Harin backed away, hiding herself in a corner of the cave, she had tided the young badger to a big log that served as a seat in the cave. Sie sat up rubbing his head, and cursing.
Harin was shocked by his language, but remained silent. 


OOC: That was the other RP.

"Yes sir, right away sir and let me throw in another sir for good measure sir!" Enthal said play fully and then started leading the way fallowing the trail Sie had left.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Tango jokingly huffed at her, "No salute! You young rip must salute your commandeering officers wot!"


"Well you'r not my commanding officer in fact since we are in moss flower and not Salamandastron I would be the commanding officer," Enthal said good naturedly       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Tango's ears stood straight up. "Well missy, we'll have to create a hare outpost down in Mossflower then, wot." and then she bounded ahead.


Enthal's stern face deteriorated and she started to crack up.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Tango simply flounced off good naturally calling back, "That badgers going to hear you from a mike off!"
Sie had just discovered that he was tided up. He didn't take it well.
Harin covered her ears at the angry shouting this badger was doing.


Galendar woke up hours later very thirsty. He stood on wobbly legs and began slowly walking down the shore, using his javelin as a walking stick.

Salamook woke up and decided to go get something to eat. He headed for the kitchen.

Grayko was rolling barrels of grog down a ramp made of some old boards. "That's the last of it, get this old girl burning!" he said as he leaped of the ship.
Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.