
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Autumn Harvest RP Thread.

Started by Cornflower MM, October 23, 2013, 02:12:39 AM

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Captain Snowfire

OOC: None here Jovani! Whatever you want to do. Other then behead me of course. And my squirrel companion of course is too fast for your skills. ;D
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: You flatter me, Sir Snore-a-lot. And Jovani, you can introduce your character whenever, as long as you don't get in my way in my intent to burn Crabbygrog's tent.

BIC: Aoi had a brilliant idea, as she was scouting, so instead of continuing her mission, she returned to where she had left the badger. She tried to wake him with a whisper. "Hey badger. Wake up."

Crabbygrog was getting nowhere and everywhere with her sword polishing. Nowhere because it didn't work, and everywhere because the apple was tasty. Her tent was still dord and calk. Cord and dalk? Cod and dalek*?

OOC: *She gets further and further away from her original goal...
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Captain Snowfire

*Snort* *Drools slightly* "Hu? What? Oh it's you. Do you need something?" *Yawns cavernously* Lana stretched and sat, heaving a large sigh at being disturbed from his sleep waited politely for Aoi to speak.
Prom! Here I come!!!


Aoi points up. "Vermin in the tree. I had an idea. What do you think about burning the vermin camp?"
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Captain Snowfire

OOC: ACK! I forgot the And just before writing Waited! No! :'( I have horrible grammar. :)

Lana looked up and suddenly wished he hadn't. As he looked up he smacked his muzzle on one of the tree roots that made up the ceiling. He rubbed his muzzle tenderly while he whispered "A vermin in the tree? I did not know that vermin could climb tree's. What should we do? I can't get up there to kill him"
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: Yeah, your grammar is bad. I won't hold it against you. Yet.

BIC: Aoi rolled her eyes. "Yeah, vermin climb trees. In fact, some of them climb better than badgers do. Just ignore it." She was rather annoyed that 'vermin in the tree' was the only thing the badger seemed to have heard.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Captain Snowfire

OOC: Well, that's a relief! :) I shall have to practice with my grammar before you do hold it against me. ;D

BIC: Ignore the vermin in the tree?! But that vermin could know where they are and sneak up on them and kill us while our backs are turned! "But he could kill us while our backs are turned!" He whispered hoarsely.
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: Smart idea. :) My patience when it comes to grammar is thin.

BIC: Aoi shrugged. "If you want to turn your back, that's fine with me." Truthfully, she was pouting. The vermin in the tree was a rather unimportant matter to her, and the nutheaded badger was blowing it out of proportion and ignoring her earlier comment about burning the vermin camp.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Captain Snowfire

OOC: Yikes! ;D

BIC: The sudden realization of what Aoi had said hit Lana like a thunderbolt! "Did you say Burn the vermin camp?!"
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: You better watch out!!!  :D

BIC: Oh, so he finally gets it. Aoi grins mischievously. "Yup. That's what I said. Burn it!"
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Captain Snowfire

"But how are we going to sneak into the vermin camp to burn it? I have some flint and tinder in my haversack that we can use."
Prom! Here I come!!!


Aoi rolls her eyes, yet again. "We aren't. I am. Your main function is getting me out. It's not a difficult process. I get in, light a few tents up, I get out, you cover me while we run."
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


Nazwa, the rat, had very good earing, and he had been watching Greyko out of the corner of his eye. When he threw the axe, and dagger, he jumped back, pushed Avoir, and Ruse out of the way. Then Fretka, who had been watching Nazwa quickly loaded his bow, and fired three times at Greyko in the tree.
Avoir jumped up, and looked to where the attack was coming from, then spotted something. "Hey, look there's a squirrel, and something else under the tree!"
Sie sat at the table in Harin's comfy little house, Harin was sat next to him, and on the other side of the table was her Grandmother. Harin's mother was in the kitchen getting dinner ready.
Tango turned on the otter, paws on hips, "It'll be too dark to travel wot! And what's the point of tiring ourselves out!"
Really Tango would have been able to continue on all night, but she was in unfamiliar territory.   


Grimnose saw Nazwa push Avoir out of the way of the ax. Mad at Nazwa for saving Avoir he grabbed the dagger in one hand and ax in the other. Tossing the dagger at Nazwa he attacked Avoir and Ruse with the ax.
OOC: Just a reminder that the horde is packed and going to march soon.
Quote"I'm Cantin, and my ankle hurts but I don't know why!" she was close to tears at this last statement.
"I can take you to Redwall Abby," Remen suggested, "Its not far, and they have someone who could take care of your ankle." 
Shut him up or shut him down.
Normal is just a setting on your dryer.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Hey, Captain Snowfire? You know there's a Modify button, right?