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Autumn Harvest RP Thread.

Started by Cornflower MM, October 23, 2013, 02:12:39 AM

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OOC: Who should we start with? Or perhaps we could set fire to their camp... *evil laughter*

BIC: Aoi was not pleased at being woken up by a snoring badger. However, she knew that it was something she couldn't help, so she crept down the tree and went looking for something to munch on.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Captain Snowfire

OOC: *Holds back giggle* Shhh! They might hear you! ;D *Speaks in a delighted whisper* I am thinking that we should set fire to a few of the tents where the flames won't spread and get them tired of watching through the nights for their mysterious attackers while we sneak to redwall after we light the tents every night, and visit the kitchens and eat heartily! What do you think?

BIC: Lana remained sleeping as Aoi crept off to have her midnight snack in peace.
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: *whispers* That sounds brilliant! Let's do it!

BIC: Aoi found a few mushrooms of the 'only slightly poisonous' kind, and sat down on a rock to nibble on them.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


OOC: You know you have to be careful when you do stuff like that so that you don't PP or GM. I would say it is ok but you would have to let the vermin characters determine the extent of the damage.

BIC: Enthal had been walking all after noon and the sun was beginning to go down. She skampered up a tree to get her barings and when she came back down she began to take out some food. "No point in going any farther I can't track in the dark we will have to stop here" 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: Cornflower MM on January 21, 2014, 09:34:43 PM
OOC: How could he be a pincushion for his enemy's arrows? I'm not getting that......

BIC: Greena sighed in relief. The last time her and tyhat minkmaid had talked, they'd ended with the mink screaming that she was going to kill Greena if it was the last thing she did.
OOC: Cornflower, could I maybe make the minkmaid a sort of extra character of mine, not an official character, but an extra one. Oh, and I'm gonna name her.....Ruse, which is polish for cunning.  :)

BIC: Harin's mother looked Sie up, and down, "You can stay here for the night, I don't turn away travellers, as long as they behave themselves."
"Thank you, ma'am." Sie smiled. He'd now found a place to stop for the night.
Tango looked up at the sky, it was twilight, "We better stop old chap. It'll be to dark to travel soon. We better find a good spot to spend the night, wot."
Avoir was signing to Ruse, the minkmaid, for she was deaf. They were discussing the promotion of Greena, the fox seer.
"It's a load of codswallop!" Ruse signed, "She's up to no good, she after power."
"Yeah, and she's now got plenty of it," Avoir signed back, he was frowning, "Ruse, why do we stay with this horde. Come on, Me, you, Nazwa, and Fretka, could manage on our own. We could be a sort of roaming band."
"I like the sound of that Avoir, but I want Greena first, and don't you want to get Greyko?"
"Yeah, so let's stay until our unfinished business is over." Avoir signed, a wicked grin on his face.   

Captain Snowfire

OOC: touché! Hmm, we shall have take over the horde and then have them all gather in a large tent in the center of a ring of campfires and set up a circle of fire and burn them all to the ground! ;D (But of course the vermin don't know this, so our plans are still on the safe side.... For now at least. Don't anybody tell them what's coming!) Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that Aoi and Lana are somehow going to meet up with Enthal.... Am I wrong? Because I am rather surprised that the vermin themselves have not heard his snores!

BIC: Lana remained sleeping as Aoi sat nibbling her semi-poisonous mushrooms.
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: Well, we can always try (really hard) to set fire to the tents... And yeah, the fact that they haven't heard Sir Snore-a-lot is slightly surprising. :P

BIC: After finishing off her mushrooms, Aoi decided that she should probably scout out the way that she and the badger would have to take come morning. Truthfully, she didn't particularly want to guide the badger to Redwall, but she didn't not want to either.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


Greyko had scaled a tree and was surveying the land when he saw Avoir and his band sighning to the mink. Perfect he thought to himself. Then he took a small throwing ax and a long dagger off his belt. He threw the ax at Avoir's back and the dagger at the minks chest, but he did not see if they found their marks because he suddenly heard loud snoring below him and turned to see who was sleeping.
"Stop! I don't have time to stop. I must find that Abby!" Galendar replied.
OCC: Greyko has a good throwing arm, but rachel25 gets to choose if he hit them or not.
Frodo: "Sam you must understand I'm going alone"
Sam: "Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!"

Hook: "Come on peter pan fly to the rescue and I'll shoot you right through your noble intentions!"

Bard: "You have no right, no right to enter that mountain!"
Thorin: "I have thee only right.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Aoi and Captain - You can try to set fire to SOME of the tents, but leave it to us who have vermin characters to find out the damage. Otherwise, it's PPing. @rachel, sure! Haha, I'm sure it's accepted before I even see it.


OOC: Well Enthal is on the exact opposite side of the map. it would be a little hard to meet up.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Captain Snowfire

OOC: Aww! Pickles! Wait..... That's the side of the vermin camp that Lana wants to go, because that's the direction that Redwall is...... Aoi! You've been leading me on a false trail!  :'( *Sobs uncontrollably* (Just Kidding!) ;D
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: That's what I do on a regular basis, Cap. Leading false trails are my specialty. And it seems that you've been heard, Sir Snore-a-lot. Cornflower, we weren't going to PP... Like I said, try to burn the vermin tents down. Maybe I should make a vermin character whose tent I can burn?
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Sure, go ahead! Oh, you can set fire to the tents, but make it random, 'kay? You can burn Greena's.


OOC: Woot! Here goes!

BIC: Crabbygrog, a ferret whose place on any vermin totem pole is very low, sat in her tent, humming tunelessly and trying to polish her trusty rusty sword with an apple. It was late at night, but Crabby had spent most of the day asleep, so now it was time to work. Shivering, she wondered why it was so dark in her tent. Dork and cald. Dork and cald? Dard and colk. Much better.

OOC: Omigosh, she's mine, and I absolutely adore her already!!! I can't wait to burn her tent! Mwahahahahaha!
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Jovani Fur-Ripper

*OOC: For fair warning to all you hard-core Redwallers, I am a few years rusty on this subject but shall try my utmost hardest to please my reviewers.

Now, as another note, I had original plans to introduce 'Jovani' once the odd companions of Squirrel and Badger had set fire to the vermin camp and he smells the smoke. Any objections to my intentions??