
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Dueling Roulette (Round 1)

Started by BrookSkimmer, October 30, 2013, 10:39:34 PM

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Time to try something new! Here's how this will work. Fill in the following form with a character and post it to this thread. I will decide who duels who, and the places where the duels will happen. I will award points on a 1-5 scale for your performance. The scale will be up later. For now feel free to join in! You may create up to 3 characters!


This will be updated later with more detail! For now, I'll just see who's interested :D

Accepted Characters:

Name: Thelan Anickak
Weapons: Uses a Gladius. (Roman short sword)
Training/Skills: Captained a pirate crew for a time.
Description: Thin, Tall, Fast, but not very strong.

Name: Machael Derran Bligglefoot the III
Weapons: A double bladed battle axe, and a dagger.
Training/Skills: Was trained by skilled fighters in the mountain of Salamandrastron.
Description: Short and stocky, and strong enough to easily lift his heavy axe. Not that fast, though, as his leg was broken when he was young, and never healed right.

Name: Thresher
Species: Wildcat
Weapons: Dirk and spear
Training/Skills: Trained as an assassin and mercenary
Description: Lithe, agile, light on his footpaws

Name: Jerrex
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Weapons: Bladed staff, throwing knives
Training/Skills: Is very adept in sensing his enemies. Has been trained in martial arts and the use of his weapons expertly.
Description: Jerrex is blind.  His bladed staff serves to assist him in many ways from walking to fighting.

Name: Kiaushi
Species: Raccoon
Gender: Male
Weapons: Katana and wakizashi
Training/Skills: Kia is a samurai through and through.

Name:  Jas
Species:  Squirrel
Gender:  Female
Weapons:  bone knife and uses a sling, as well as a crossbow, and there's a quiver full of bolts slung over her back.
Training/Skills:  survival skills, including knife throwing, slinging stones (and a various assortment of other things), and her favorite, archery.  She is a skilled climber and swimmer
Description:  Jas is a tall, thin, dark furred squirrel

Name:  Thiess
Species:  River otter
Gender:  Male
Weapons:   large battleaxe and a sling, but he also uses his fists
Training/Skills:  The otter was raised in the midst of a war between his holt and a large horde of vermin, so he was taught how to defend himself, using a sling, a sword, and eventually the axe he uses currently.
Description:  Thiess has curly dark blonde fur and wears a blue/green plaid tunic.  

Name: Sophel Layel
Species: Swift fox
Gender: Male
Weapons: twin shortswords, and a sling for range
Training/Skills: Swift and silent, one way or the other, he has an edge on any opponent, his fighting experience has given him the ability to predict reactions fairly often.
Description: Fast, intense, introverted, witty, balanced, graceful, usually patient, would be good friend if he weren't trying to kill you.

Name: Kumel
Species: ermine
Gender: female
Weapon(s): sling, throwing knifes, double ended sword.
Training/Skills: Was trained to fight by a fox, and has battled, and killed a wolf. Is brave. Is great at stealth, but would rather fight an open battle.    
Description: Is confident, and clever,  Has a short temper which she works hard to control, and is better at fighting with her left paw instead of her right.

Name: Tarna  
Species: Squirrel  
Gender: Female
Weapons: Spear with two feathers tide near the tip for decoration, a dirk, and  blow darts.
Training/Skills:  She is agile and quick and good tracker.
Description: A red Squirrel, pointy ears, a button up green sleeveless tunic, a brown belt with a silver buckle,

The Shade>>>>>
Name: Vultur
Species: Pine Marten
Gender: Male
Weapons: Four belt knives, and a curved dagger.
Training/Skills: He has been trained several unarmed combat techniques by an unknown beast.
Description: He has deep red fur, and a silver of white across his head.  

Name: Zongse
Species: Qinling Panda
Gender: Male
Weapons: A bo staff and two tambo
Training/Skills: Incredibly proficient with both the bo and tambo. Also incredibly strong (he IS a panda)
Description: He wears a black gi with gold trim and belt.

Name: Kogane
Species: Japanese Marten
Gender: Male
Weapons: A katana and a wakizashi
Training/Skills: Kogane was trained by the most proficient blademasters of his home country and, as such, knows how to handle a sword. He is incredibly agile and uses that to his advantage in combat, striking quickly instead of hard. He can also give a good account of himself in paw to paw combat
Description: He wears a sleeveless red samurai chest plate and large rectangular shoulder plates.

Name:Regdab Wahala
Species: Badger
Gender: Male
Weapons: Two claymores strapped to his back
Training/Skills: Regdab is an expert in claymores, and his huge strength enables him to have two.
Description: Wahala is an enormous, black and silver badger, with huge black eyes and dazzling white teeth. a scare goes from his right shoulder down to his elbow. He wears a fur armour, with a horned leather helmet made out of the hide of his enemies.

Name: Karathel
Species: Weasel
Gender: Male
Weapons: Claymore and a daggar
Training/Skills: Great with a sword and daggar
Description: Wears a Kilt; quiet personality

Name: Desboris (or just Des or Boris)
Species: Weasel
Gender: Male
Weapons: Shortsword And three throwing knives  
Training/Skills: Great swordsmanship, steel-hard discipline, moving and operating in silence training
Description: A bit taller than your average Weasel and strong-looking;


This looks like a lot of fun!
Name: Thelan Anickak
Weapons: Uses a Gladius. (Roman short sword)
Training/Skills: Captained a pirate crew for a time.
Description: Thin, Tall, Fast, but not very strong.

I've been ordered to make a second character... So here it is!  ;)
Name: Machael Derran Bligglefoot the III
Weapons: A double bladed battle axe, and a dagger.
Training/Skills: Was trained by skilled fighters in the mountain of Salamandrastron.
Description: Short and stocky, and strong enough to easily lift his heavy axe. Not that fast, though, as his leg was broken when he was young, and never healed right.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


  Fun!  Just as a warning to whoever duels me, I'll probably be posting mostly on Fridays, since that is now my official 'I can write because I have barely anything to do other than clean the house' day.

Name:  Jas

Species:  Squirrel

Gender:  Female

Weapons:  Jas carries a bone knife and uses a sling, as well as a crossbow, and there's a quiver full of bolts slung over her back.

Training/Skills:  Jas was born in the wilderness to the south, and had nobeast to raise her, so she taught herself survival skills, including knife throwing, slinging stones (and a various assortment of other things), and her favourite, archery.  She is a skilled climber and swimmer, but she doesn't overly enjoy getting her fur wet.

Description:  Jas is a tall, thin, dark furred squirrel with a rather thin and raggedy tail.  Her fur is less than beautiful, and she wears a plain green blouse (which has seen better days), as well as a short (and just as tattered) brown skirt.  Her ears are pierced multiple times, with small metal studs and feathers hanging from them.
  Personality-wise, the black squirrel is curious and fierce in a fight, always ready for one.  She knows just a few words, so she can't really understand or converse with other beasts.  Since she doesn't know what they say, Jas is always suspicious and wary, watching others as if they could turn into monsters at any moment.

  (And if you want to know her age, Jas is in her early twenties.)

  I'll probably make another character, but for the moment, Jas will be my only one.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Name: Thresher
Species: Wildcat
Weapons: Dirk and spear
Training/Skills: Trained as an assassin and mercenary
Description: Lithe, agile, light on his footpaws

These are great so far! Keep em' comin'! We will do sign ups until this weekend :D That leaves time for people to join and for various characters to be written. It will be more fun to have more than one character I think. That way you never know which one will be chosen!

Dannflower Reguba

Count me in.  :)

Name: Sophel Layel
Species: Swift fox
Gender: Male
Weapons: twin shortswords, and a sling for range
Training/Skills: Swift and silent, one way or the other, he has an edge on any opponent, his fighting experience has given him the ability to predict reactions fairly often (by no means all the time).
Description: Fast, intense, introverted, witty, balanced, graceful, usually patient, would be good friend if he weren't trying to kill you.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Sounds fun  ;D

Name: Kumel
Species: ermine
Gender: female
Weapon(s): sling, throwing knifes, double ended sword.
Training/Skills: Was born in the lands of ice and snow, where she had to fight for survival. Was trained to fight by a fox, and has battled, and killed a wolf. Is brave, but knows when she's met her match. Is great at stealth, but would rather fight an open battle.   
Description: middle height, with white fur, has ice blue eyes. Is confident, and clever, and always sums up her chances in a battle before committing herself. Has a short temper which she works hard to control, and is better at fighting with her left paw instead of her right. 


These look good! Who else wants in? Oh, and don't forget to add more characters if you're already in!

Name: Jerrex
Species: Fox
Gender: Male
Weapons: Bladed staff, throwing knives
Training/Skills: Is very adept in sensing his enemies. Has been trained in martial arts and the use of his weapons expertly.
Description: Jerrex is blind. He was blinded in an accident when he was about 15 seasons. Since then he had learned how to take care of himself in his sightless state. His bladed staff serves to assist him in many ways from walking to fighting.


This looks like fun. What if the winners went on to fight each other.

Name: Tarna  
Species: Squirrel  
Gender: Female
Weapons: Spear with two feathers tide near the tip for decoration, a dirk, and  blow darts.
Training/Skills: she used to lived up north where you ether fought or died she will not hesitate to kill you (if you are vermin) but can be the most loyal of friends. She is agile and quick and good tracker.
Description: A red Squirrel, pointy ears, a button up green sleeveless tunic, a brown belt with a silver buckle, a reddish brown cloth tide around her upper right arm to cover a scar, and three feathers weaved into a braided rope which is tide around her head so that the feathers hang over her left ear.    
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


I'll be making a character shortly.

The Shade

I'm in.
Name: Vultur
Species: Pine Marten
Gender: Male
Weapons: Four belt knives, and a curved dagger.
Training/Skills: He has been trained several unarmed combat techniques by an unknown beast. He also has an extremely strong mind, and likes to mess around with his opponents brains.
Description: He has deep red fur, and a silver of white across his head.  Wears a sleeve-less black tunic with a hood, and tough black trousers. Wears no boots.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I



Zoundz major! Ah'm in!

Name: Karathel
Species: Weasel
Gender: Male
Weapons: Claymore and a daggar
Training/Skills: Great with a sword and daggar
Description: Wears a Kilt; quiet personality

EDIT: Finizhed
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


Name: Kogane
Species: Japanese Marten
Gender: Male
Weapons: A katana and a wakizashi
Training/Skills: Kogane was trained by the most proficient blademasters of his home country and, as such, knows how to handle a sword. He is incredibly agile and uses that to his advantage in combat, striking quickly instead of hard. He can also give a good account of himself in paw to paw combat
Description: He wears a sleeveless red samurai chestplate and large rectangular shoulder plates. His fur looks like this

Name: Zongse
Species: Qinling Panda
Gender: Male
Weapons: A bo staff and two tambo
Training/Skills: Incredibly proficient with both the bo and tambo. Also incredibly strong (he IS a panda)
Description: He wears a black gi with gold trim and belt. The owner of the website I wanted to link for his fur doesn't allow linking so it's the second picture f you look "qinling panda" up on Google images
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


  Doin' one more, just 'cause.  ;D

Name:  Thiess (pronounced 'These')

Species:  River otter

Gender:  Male

Weapons:  Thiess carries a large battleaxe and a sling, but he also uses his fists on occasion.

Training/Skills:  The otter was raised in the midst of a war between his holt and a large horde of vermin, so he was taught how to defend himself, using a sling, a sword, and eventually the axe he uses currently.

Description:  Thiess has curly dark blonde fur and wears a blue/green plaid tunic.  His eyes are dark blue, and his mouth usually makes him look like he's pouting.  The otter is built tall and muscular, much like every other otter in the universe.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


All of the above are accepted! I shall update the list later today! I have one more character on the way... kinda inspired by jett's creations plus my favorite all time comic book character Usagi Yojimbo!!