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The Dragon of Kigen Mountain

Started by Jetthebinturong, November 21, 2013, 09:31:31 PM

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Hakaan was once a place of peace and prosperity, watched over by the kind old dragon of Kigen Mountain, Zenchi Koken'nin.

Kigen mountain is, in Hakaan's mythology, the place where the whole world originated from, the word Kigen literally translates to origin. Kigen Mountain is also often called Sora-piku or Skypeak due to the fact that is the tallest mountain in the known world.

Zenchi Koken'nin once protected Hakaan from the outside world, the threat of a dragon is usually enough to scare people away but if the invaders did not withdraw, Zenchi Koken'nin would descend from his mountain and unleash his full wrath upon those who threatened his beloved country.

But that was long ago and the peace that he had brought about lulled him into a false sense of security, he has not been seen away from the mountain in years and the outsiders have begun to grow bold once more. The country of Abada has started to grow it's empire, starting with Hakaan, the Abadians have begun raiding the coast and what's more Zenchi Koken'nin has not descended from the mountain to stop them.

The Shogun of Ramar and the King of Feros (the two provinces of Hakaan) have dispatched a group to Kigen Mountain to discover what has happened to the wise old dragon, has he fallen asleep? Has he left his perch? Or is something more sinister afoot?

Unbeknownst to the Ferosian king, the Shogun of Ramar has dispatched a trio of Ninja to Abada, to infiltrate the higher ranking members of their society and assassinate them.

For this rp I will need:

A trio of Ninja
Some questers to Kigen Mountain (preferably at least three)
Abadian soldiers
The Abadian Emperor
Natives of Kigen Mountain (These can be pandas, Qinling pandas and Tibetan blue bears ONLY)
Other roles that would help but are not necessary are Hakaanese soldiers, the Ramarian Shogun and the Ferosian King
Hakaanian tribesmen and women (The Chisana-Risu tribe are Japanese squirrels, the Japanese weasels are the Kurai Hana tribe, the mountain hares are the Zuru-so tribe, the Setto Ratto tribe are Ryuku rats, the Zeiniku sea lions are all Steller sea lions, Bengal slow lorises are of the Yinse Pimao tribe, Pikas are the Yuan Xing Tu tribe, Red pandas are the Sheng Xiu tribe, Tigers are the Taiowen tribe and the Tibetan sand foxes are the Bandian Hu tribe) questers can be members of these tribes

Please try and keep to the original species of Redwall or to Asian species (preferably Japanese, Chinese and Indian as those are the three countries represented by Hakaan ((Ramar is Japan and Feros is China))  and India, which is represented by Abada)

So here's the app:

Age (1 year=1 season):
Relevance to plot (Quester, Ninja, Abadian Soldier etc.):
History (optional):
Other info:

You can have as many characters as you can manage, if it turns out you can not manage as many characters as you had hoped, you will HAVE to get rid of one of them, I do not want unused characters in this rp.

My characters:

Name: Zenchi Koken'nin
Species: Dragon
Gender: Male
Age (1 year=1 season): Uncountable
Appearance: Classified
Clothing/Armour: None
Weapon(s): Natural defenses, claws, teeth and something special but that's classified
Relevance to plot (Quester, Ninja, Abadian Soldier etc.): The Dragon of Kigen Mountain
History (optional): Explained above
Other info: Classified

Name: Shoshin
Species: Japanese Squirrel
Gender: Male
Age (1 year=1 season): 46
Clothing/Armour: He wears a leather body plate and vambraces as well as a hooded cloak in a shade of dark olive green like this
Weapon(s): Dual Burmese dha swords
Relevance to plot (Quester, Ninja, Abadian Soldier etc.): Quester
History (optional): N/A subject of fanfic
Other info: Leader of the Chisana-Risu tribe of squirrels but has left them for this important quest

Name: Classified
Species: Classified
Gender: Classified
Age (1 year=1 season): Classified
Appearance: Classified
Clothing/Armour: Classified
Weapon(s): Classified
Relevance to plot (Quester, Ninja, Abadian Soldier etc.): Classified
History (optional): Classified
Other info: Classified

No one-liners or purely speech posts please
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Name: Emlei Kurodusata the Betrayed

Species: Weasel

Age (1 year=1 season): 28




One elegant, but simply designed Steel Katana. One Simple, but elegantly designed Steel Wakizashi.

Also, a blowpipe, for a stealthier approach. She is equipped with deadly poison darts, beserk darts, and sleeping darts.

Relevance to plot (Quester, Ninja, Abadian Soldier etc.): Ninja

Other info: Naaah.


She was raised a Kurai-hana assassin, and met with Ashiga Marutsu when she was roughly 12, and starting her martial arts training with her father. He had joined the class as the tribe traveled, and had impressed her father greatly with his pre-existing skills. He took to the training quickly, and soon made friends in the class. He was a suave, suave man, and she was just a little girl. Ok, perhaps it wasn't as simple as that, but either way she quickly found herself infatuated.

Then, they trained together one day, as partners for the first time. He was gentle with her. He was kind, loving even. His hands felt soft, even as they struck her down in practice, and she could not for the life of her remember a single technique, until he showed her.

He'd winked as he left.

The next day, they had trained together again, but this time, she was confident, much more so. That wink had told her everything she'd needed to know, and she'd never been so happy about anything, ever. For at least ten years they'd trained like that, intermittently being sent on contracts together with other students to hone their skills in the field. They knew that they could trust their classmates when they did this, of course, but never would you find them parted from eachother.

Soon enough, she graduated the primary class, as he had done some time before her, and they could finally go off on their own whenever they wanted. It was heaven for her, and she was sent to study with the single most revered sensei in the land, possibly one of the greatest to ever live. He went with her, of course, to keep her company, and to make friends, and to study. He and her sensei became great friends, almost like brothers. The sensei once told her at a late-night training session intended for her alone that he would fight alongside Ashiga when the time came, and that he would fight, back to back with Ashiga and Emlei, until death, if the need be.

Then, something happened. It is not my liberty to say what happened, but I will say that she was betrayed, and that Ashiga is no longer with her. She will always love him, but she will also always curse his name, and profess hatred for him.

You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


Accepted mein freund
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Shadefur nightblade

Name: Seizaburo Kodo-San
Species: nilgiri marten
Age: 21
Clothing/ armor:  black ninja clothing
weapons:  jutte, multiple shuriken and poison throwing darts, ninja-to,
Relevance to plot: ninja
Other info: secretly unloyal to shogun of ramar
History: his early history is unknown except he was orphaned at a young age and immediately taken in for training and has since become one of Ramar's best agents.


Ditch three of those weapons and you're in. Sorry but it would be implausible for a ninja to have all of those especially the kusari fundo, they're supposed to be stealthy and quick not clunky and strong
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Shadefur nightblade


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Shadefur nightblade

Am I allowed to have more than one character?


As it says in the op, you are allowed as many characters as you can manage
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

Name:Brakinata (Brak een ata)
Age (1 year=1 season):19
Appearance:Orangey red color, stripes black. Stunningly beautiful for a tiger.
Clothing/Armour:Over a tunic (Made of soft leather) breastplate.
Weapon(s):Bow and arrows, strange looking dagger.
Relevance to plot (Quester, Ninja, Abadian Soldier etc.): Quester who joins them when they pass her hiding spot
History (optional):Nothing much known. Father ran off when she was little, Mother died of bleeding when she accidentally cut herself when cooking dinner. So she ran off at first chance, not liking being an Orphan in the tribe.
Other info: Is shy and secretive. But also sweet and kind when you get to know her.

The Shade

They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Ahhhh yesssss. We have people. This is good, very, very good. I'm liking these apps (even if the history is a bit short, admittedly) and I'm going to have a lot of fun mucking about in this RP- in the most professional sense possible, of course.
You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


Quote from: Cornflower MM on November 23, 2013, 09:26:25 PM
Name:Brakinata (Brak een ata)
Age (1 year=1 season):19
Appearance:Orangey red color, stripes black. Stunningly beautiful for a tiger.
Clothing/Armour:Over a tunic (Made of soft leather) breastplate.
Weapon(s):Bow and arrows, strange looking dagger.
Relevance to plot (Quester, Ninja, Abadian Soldier etc.): Quester who joins them when they pass her hiding spot
History (optional):Nothing much known. Father ran off when she was little, Mother died of bleeding when she accidentally cut herself when cooking dinner. So she ran off at first chance, not liking being an Orphan in the tribe.
Other info: Is shy and secretive. But also sweet and kind when you get to know her.

With a few exceptions, all of your rp posts have been either one-liners or purely speech. If you can PROMISE me that there will be NONE in this rp then you can join. Aside from standard roleplay rules, those are the only rules for this rp and they are RIGID.

Quote from: estar222 on November 23, 2013, 11:28:50 PM
Ahhhh yesssss. We have people. This is good, very, very good. I'm liking these apps (even if the history is a bit short, admittedly) and I'm going to have a lot of fun mucking about in this RP- in the most professional sense possible, of course.

I HOPE that you mean that in the most professional sense possible, there shall be no nameless one-like carelessness in this roleplay, by Verde there shall not!
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Shadefur nightblade

Name: Kitakika
Species: Nilgiri marten
Gender: male
Age: 24
Clothing/armor: domed helmet with noseguard and chain mail neck protector
Weapons: talwar, katar, tabar, pesh-kabz
Relevance to plot: Abadian emperor
History: son of the former emperor and when his father died he became emperor and soon wanted to have more lands.


Accepted, just two questions though, why are both of your characters Nilgiri martens?

What kind of leader will he be? The one who stays in Abada and masterminds everything or the one who leads his soldiers into battle?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan