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Slow scrolling?

Started by yeswonderful, July 31, 2011, 12:47:25 AM

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Do you have slow scrolling?



my scrolling is quiet fast...
"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time...that is up to you."
—Happy Mask Salesman


Maybe I do have slow scrolling, but I didn't really notice it until I thought about it. I use it when I scroll down 'cause I usually don't want to scroll down fast anyway and on the way back up to the top I use the side bar.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday


I blame the fixed background image. I've always accessed this forum without a frame and it makes no difference. On the couple of occasions the background image doesn't load, the forum actually scrolls smoothly. Chrome says the image is nearly 44kb, which is a lot bigger than it needs to be.

So the solution seems to be, either get rid of that absolute positioning that's going on (it's vague enough that nobody would notice seams if it scrolled with the page anyway) and/or make it smaller, or just get rid of the image period. The only other forum I've been to that had scrolling problems also had a background image to it (Uru Obsession, but they've learned and ditched the background).

This may be a minor issue, but it's incredibly annoying, would probably take no time at all to change, and I don't think it'd hurt the overall look of the site much if at all. This forum deserves better.

EDIT: Now I have some kind of proof. Do View Source and look at the CSS for <body> to see the differences.
Test page with background, fixed | Test page with background, not fixed | No background

Mad Maudie

i never have a problem if you ask me mine goes to fast i have Firefox 4 and have no problem
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?



The problem is actually JavaScript.

Temporarily disable it, and use this site = no scrolling issues.

I've had this problem with Firefox3 and Firefox6.
"Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence."


fer meh scrolling is even SLOWER without the frame :(


i use google chrome.
wolves will slay whoever they want to.....*growl* "AGHH''


What browser are you using?  Seems to be a bigger issue with users who use Google Chrome.  Firefox has never had a problem, and neither has Opera.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


I'm on Google Chrome and it woks fine.
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.

Tiria Wildlough

When I use my own computer, I have problems. When I use my mother's computer, which is a lot newer, I don't. I use Internet Explorer. :)
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


i use explorer but it only happens occasionally to me. usually when i ex out and log on again its fine

Dannflower Reguba

Whoa this topic hasn't been posted on in awhile... Even so... I use both IE and Fire Fox, I have the  problem sometimes on Fire fox but I think It's because My mom has a bunch of tabs up on it.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Something Horrifying

Really only posting here so that hopefully whoever is in charge of this will realize it's still an issue...honestly, I almost didn't join this forum because the background image creates such slow/jerky scrolling that reading anything here is extremely frustrating. Agreeing whole-heartedly with those that suggest simplifying or just removing the background image--a nice forum skin can look pretty on the surface, but I don't think any forum skin should interfere and detract from the site's content. It's on about the same level as skins with contrastless font colors, right down to the causing of headaches/even migraines (choppy, jumpy scrolling sometimes makes me feel kind of sick, especially if I already have a headache).

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What browser are you using, and version number?
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


I don't have a slow scroll.


since i got firefox 13.0, my scrolling is jerky!