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Leverets and Leverage

Started by Faiyloe, December 06, 2013, 01:57:57 AM

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You could be part of the Sea Skipper's crew maybe the cook.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Fine with me, but you should check with Faiyloe, too. :)

Oop! Haha- looks like we posted at the same time.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Star Stripe

Can I join, too? ;D

Name: Flip
Species: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Weapon(s): Best with a sword (usually cutlass), but will fight with whatever comes to paw.
Physical Description: Dark brown fur, light brown underside, a scar on the left forepaw, brown eyes. Dark blue vest, loose black pants, cutlass hanging on plain leather belt
Personality: Generally friendly with most beasts, but... uh, not so much with enemies. Usually optimistic.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Yeah! I'll do that!

Name: Bryony
Age: 25-ish. (Seasons)
Weapon(s):Bow and arrows, two daggers, and a long, thin, rapier.
Physical Description:Nut brown everywhere excpet tummy, which is tan, beautiful blue eyes. Also missing half an ear. (Ha ha, anyone get the reference?)
Personality:Sweet, kind and caring. Bryony loves taking care of others, and she loves little ones! She fights fiercely for what is right, and sometimes she's wrong, but when that happens, Bryony admits it, and moves on. She is very hard to get mad, but once it happens, GET OUTTA THE WAY!!!!!!
Other: Expert with her weapons, will NOT, under any circumstances hurt a hair on a friends head...Intentionally. She is Intuitive, and is puzzled by it. She loves to cook. Bryony is also a good Healer, and has another pouch for Emergencies.


Looks good except for the seer thing. I don't want her to have some super human power. Mainly in the books the seers were all fakes and since she is a good beast and a part of the crew I would prefer if she were not "Magic".(Tarragon is not at all superstitious)  On the other had you could make her intuitive. able to put the pieces of life's puzzle together and deduce the most likely outcome from what she sees. (Trust me it is almost the same thing. I am intuitive and sometimes I don't know how I know things but I just do and only latter do I realize why.)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Okay! So I fix that, and I'm in? Just checking. :)


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

YAY! I'll go post now! And I think I've hit my limit for RPs...

Amarith Waterspring

I'd like to play!

Name:  Scarlet
Species: Hare
Gender: Female
Age: 6 seasons
Weapon(s): Anything she can get her paws on
Physical Description: cinnamon brown fur, unusually long ears with a scarlet bow in between. Wears a creamy yellow smock.
Personality: Mischievous and scheming.
Other: Favorite color is scarlet,and loves to make mud pies with pebble sprinkles

Name: Riptail
Species: Rat
Gender: Male
Age:  Middle aged
Weapon(s): Two daggers, sometime a crossbow
Physical Description: His tail is split at the end, the result of another stupidity accident. He wears an eye patch over his left eye, which he sometimes flips up to see more clearly.
Personality: Evil, stupid, clumsy, the laughing stock of the crew, and did I mention stupid? :D
Other: He's not really missing an eye.
Rosie is weird,
Violets are weirder,
I can't rhyme,


Welcome to the Forums Amarith. You are accepted you may start whenever you are ready. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Finally got the Colonel's sheet up.  :P

Name: Colonel Oliver Buckwood
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Weapon(s): long stout spear
Physical Description: tall and fit. He wares a red Salimandastron uniform. His fur is sand colored and his eyes are blue.
Personality: commander type, orderly, loyal, friendly.
Other: Ruby's Father.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Any leverets left that I can play?


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Oh....MAybe an older hare, like the mother of one of the leverets?