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Started by Matthias720, August 02, 2011, 03:39:27 PM

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Last night I watched an interesting documentary on the history of children's television, and it got me to thinking, how has television influenced your childhood? And if you don't have a TV, how has not having one affected your life?

Personally, I don't have cable, so I can only watch whatever comes over the airwaves. I have found that for the most part, this has limited my TV options a bit, and forced me to be more creative with how I spend my time. This helped to foster my love of reading to a higher level, and thereby improved my performance in school. 8)


I don't watch TV all that often, mainly for the shows that I keep up with (3 at the moment. . .haha). Mostly I read. :)
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I like that one TV show called No Ordinary Family. It's really cool, and there's never any bad stuff in it. Another good show would be
NCIS: Los Angeles. I like all of the undercover work. And G Callen and Hetty are awesome!
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I was never a one for TV. I spent most of my childhood at school or at a baby sitter's house, so television time was fairly limited. I don't know that it had a particular influence on how I grew up, really, since I typically only read at school.

There were shows I tried to watch whenever I had the chance, though! Sailor Moon and Powerpuff Girls, and something like Mash Bridges - can't recall exactly. These days I'll leave the TV on while I do other things, almost as good as watching it.. XD
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Skalrag of Marshank

I don't have any channels on my TV. Most of my TV is from library DVDs, Blockbuster, or Youtube.
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy


My whole family would watch TV together in the evenings, so I watched quite a lot of TV as a kid. I enjoy escapism, so TV (and books!) influenced my childhood quite a lot. It affected what games I played with my brother and what games I played with my friends at lunch time. I can remember playing Captain Planet quite a lot, does anyone else remember that show? Sailor Moon was also a favourite. *high five to Osu*

Skalrag of Marshank

I'm an amime freak, and I hear from a LOT of people Sailor Moon is really good. I'll have to check it out sometime...
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy


I'm not big into tv.  Grew up with Sesame Street, The Muppets...things like that.  I haven't really watched a ton of tv as I've gotten older.  Couple of shows I do find interesting:

NCIS (not LA)
Pawn Stars
House MD (on occasion)
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


ooh man i watch a lot of TV, i love it, a lot of my day is watching TV (kind of sad) i never really had a lot of Friends when i was little so i watched TV, i love some of the storeys, but a lot of the stuff on TV these days is just bad, a lot of arguing and hate, i love NCIS and NCIS: LA.  :D

Skalrag of Marshank

I don't watch TV a lot, either.
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy

Redwall Musician

I watch TV. When I was little, just an occasional movie or Barney episode. When we had cable, I watched cartoons more. But I no longer have cable. I still watch movies. And I follow a few shows. By a few, I mean America's Got Talent.
..."Where courage hides within the shawdows, patience within the storms, friendship in around every corner, and inspiration just outside your window."

Tiria Wildlough

I don't watch that much television. For about a year, all the TV I watched was at a friend's place, because we didn't own one. I am not a big fan of TV, actually.
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Quote from: Nightfire on August 02, 2011, 08:25:39 PM
I like that one TV show called No Ordinary Family. It's really cool, and there's never any bad stuff in it. Another good show would be
NCIS: Los Angeles. I like all of the undercover work. And G Callen and Hetty are awesome!
No Ordinary Family was awesome! The only bad bit was in the last episode of Season One, 'cos it had lots of blood.
I won't be on this forum much anymore, but I'll pop in to say hi every now and then.


We don't have TV at all. We used to when I was really young but all we watched was the Olympics and that was sometimes fuzzy. How has not having a TV affected my life? I'm not really sure. I guess maybe I'm more creative in coming up with things to do and I read a lot. I prefer reading over TV.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday

Skalrag of Marshank

We don't have any channels on my TV, either...We usually go to the library or Blockbuster for movies.   I am obsessed with anime, and the anime I'm watching right now is Pokémon. I know lots of people think Pokémon is for little kids, but, I'm sorry...It's an obsession. :-\ I watch episodes on Youtube, usually.

My family also watches Wipeout and America's Got Talent on the computer. We just plug my dad's laptop into our TV, 'cause he's got this special cord so we can watch whatever's on the computer screen on our TV. We watched Redwall on Youtube with it, too.
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy