The Legend of the Horde of the White One (sign up)

Started by Miss RainbowSocks, December 15, 2013, 01:18:58 PM

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Miss RainbowSocks

BIG, BIG UPDATE: Added Temporary Character Sheet, the rules, and ranks. PLEASE READ IT.
UPDATE: Added ranks

Any evil hearts wandering barren lands, wishing for revenge? Any vermin ready to take a stand to rule and plunder and destroy all that is good? Come be apart of a legend that the country of Mossflower will never forget!! When, how, where, you ask? 'Tis simple, I will explain. The Horde of the White One is an army of vile, despicable outcasts of the country of Mossflower who have been given a second chance by a magnificent fox by the name of Whitefang. As evil creatures go, this one is top of the heap. Whitefang, otherwise known as The White One, is gathering a force of vermin to rule the good land of Mossflower, and one place in particular is wanted by him. Redwall, the place of good and plenty, is hated and cursed by Whitefang and he has vowed to destroy it and sow its land with salt so that good things will never grow again.
But was is a legend with the likes of this without the good, honest creatures of Mossflower to defend themselves? The Warrior of Redwall and the Badger Lord of Salamandastron and his hares would be good candidates. Come all creatures of good intent and join forces to defeat The White One in his tracks so that peace and plenty will always reign in the country of Mossflower!!!

Heh, though you would get off light and run around willnilly, did you? Not so fast. Read this set of rules, and carefully, otherwise you will have to face The White One, and it will not be pretty.
1. Roleplay posts must be at least 4 sentences long and with a good contribution to the actual story.
2. No random posts, all must be relevant to the situation. Exceptions can be made if you talk to me.
3. Your character cannot be perfect, in appearance or personality.
4. Romance is encouraged, though don't take it too far. (NO HOMOSEXUALITY)
8. No drama queens please. I mean, sure, the story can be dramatic but please don't be attention seeking in or out of character.
9. Arguments in OOC are forbidden.
10. Respect everybody, even your superiors.
11. You must have good punctuation and grammar and spelling.
12. There is no limit to the amount of characters you have. However, all must remain active unless dead. If you are going away, please tell me and I will try to find someone who will take over for you until you are back. If you are inactive, I will kill your character/s.
13. I WILL CHOOSE YOUR RANK. If you don't like it, just tell me and I will try to change it.
I will deal personally with anybody who breaks the rules. If you find that I'm missing something or you have a suggestion or anything like that, please inform me.

Character Form
Age: (four seasons = 1 year, the way I deduced from the books)
Position: (Are you good or bad or in between?)
Species: (This depends on your position. You must be a type of vermin if you are part of the Horde, and you must be a good creature if you are good. Exceptions can be made if you talk to me)
Personality: (This must be at least five sentences long, with good punctuation and grammar. Include if you are a warrior, your weakness and strengths, your secrets, stuff like that)
Appearance: (This must be at least five sentences long, with good punctuation and grammar. Include all aspects of your body and any flaws)
History: (Must be at least six sentences long. Include your family, you origin, important events, stuff like that)

Temporary Characters
Okay, so this is a new idea I had because although I do have a good amount of people joining, I don't have nearly enough. I don't think this has ever been done before, so I wanted to try it. By creating a Temporary Character, I can fill up smaller roles like troops for the horde, slaves, Mossflower Army troops, and others and still keep the story rolling. Also, new people joining can create a Temporary Character and see if they like Roleplaying in this thread. Then they can go on to create a permanent character.
1. Anyone can create a Temporary Character and EVERYONE IS ALLOWED TO POWERPLAY (control) ANY EXISTING TEMPORARY CHARACTERS.
2. Only people that have created a character, temporary or permanent, may control a temporary character.
3. Only temporary characters can be controlled by anyone, not permanent characters.
4. Temporary characters are not supposed to be any great contribution to the story, so please don't write long posts about them. If you want to make a Temporary Character into a permanent character, make a permanent character sheet for him or her.
Any questions, ask me. Here is an example post with a temporary character in it to give you an idea of what I expect. The underlined parts are the parts with the temporary characters in it.
{Rett (example permanent character) walked through the ranks of slaves. He inspected them from head to toe, all of them. He stood ominously in front of a young angry-looking squirrel. "Are you ready to serve The White One??!," Rett snarled. The squirrel glared at him. "I will never serve any stone-hearted fool!!," he countered bravely. Rett smiled scornfully and grabbed the brave squirrel by his ear, giving it a painful twist. He dragged him away, the squirrel twisting and writhing in agony. }
I will put up a list of created Temporary Characters and their ranks for people to choose from if they need a temporary character. If I missed anything, please tell me!!! Here is the Temporary Character sheet
Temporary Character Sheet
Number of Characters: (unlimited)
Names: (for organisational purposes. It can be something like RAT #1 and RAT #2, but please no double names. It can even be a title to represent a big group of animals, like The Gawb Tribe.)
Rank(s): (see temporary character ranks)
Other: (can be things like age, notes for me, anything)
Any questions, just ask me through PM!!


The White Horde
Horde Leader:
Whitefang, otherwise known as The White One. (MissRainbowSocks)
Spy (like the Great Fragorl to Ungatt Trunn, the spy is always with the Horde Leader, unless instructed otherwise):
Redan (Skipper)
Commander (the second highest position, commands over Horde Capts.):
Lanatu Farwat - goes by Wat (HanNorwood)
Horde Captains:
Dragao (TheShade)
Gulava Wrath (Faiylo)
(5 available)
(no limit)

Mossflower Army
Evermoon (MissRainbowSocks)
Benjalith Grayle (Norham Waterpaw)
Fyrolle Robin (MissRainbowSocks)
(5 available)
Nile (The Shade)
(no limit)
Lilac (Faiylo)
Bryony (Cornflower MM)
(No limit)

Temporary Character Ranks
Mossflower Army
Soldiers: The Robin Tribe (37)
Captians of Smaller Groups: Warro, Dreak, June, Dally, and Graytip (The Robin Tribe),
Cooks: Ipson and Onnie (The Robin Tribe)

The White Horde/Evil Side:
Soldiers: Rat #1, Guvala's Spies (5), Whitefang's Soldiers Group #1 (20),
Slavers: Waru's Slaving Gang (about 45)
Other: A group of 15 ex-corsairs

Boris Nir- goes by Ironeye (HanNorwood)
Ashe (Danflorreguba)
Shenmi (Jetthebinturong)
Mohu (Jetthebinturong)
Pedagang Budak Jahat - also called Waru Yo dare (Jetthebinturong)

Waiting for:
None, currently

If you are accepted, I will tell you. Please don't nag me. I have a life. If you are not accepted, I will tell you why. You are responsible for fixing those errors that I will point out. Until then, you will remain as "Declined".
If you have any suggestions or comments, please inform me in a polite manner.

My Character:

Name: Whitefang, otherwise known as The White One
Age: 20 Seasons (about five years old)
Gender: Male
Position: The Leader of the Horde of the White One
Species: Polar Fox from the Northlands
Personality: Cruel and calculating, Whitefang has only ever done anything but for his own benefit.
His ultimate goal is to rule Mossflower and to destroy Redwall. He is clever, so clever that in fact he had once escaped the grasp of an adder kingdom using only a piece of string. He exerts his power with force and violence, letting none escape his tight, short wrath. He does nothing heedlessly, all of his actions have a purpose. This is why he is not one to waste words. Instead, he focuses on the senses and the state of mind. He has found that half the war if won when an enemies fears are pinpointed and displayed. This is his most prominent talent, driving fear into the hearts of others. His energy is exerted into his six senses: smell, hear, touch, sound, taste, and, best of all, fear. This is why he is so sharp and clever.
Appearance: A pure white velvety coat drapes over an awesome body of muscle and brawn. His handsome appearance makes him one to be noticed, never to be missed in a crowd. His claws are sharp and swift, never showing mercy to the innocent. Piercing, eyes of dark brown are almond shaped and placed proportionally perfectly on his silken head. An intricately carved titanium stud is embedded into the right of his two large ears. It depicts a symbol of power, a . He always wears a luminous black cloak around his shoulders, for under this cloak are long, ugly whiplashes upon his white back. He has never shown another living creature these marks of his awful past.
History:Whitefang was born in the North, where trouble is always askew. He was abandoned and left to fend for his own. From the time he was abandoned, he began to realize that he was destined to always fend for himself and therefore intended to forget about his parents' betrayal and began to learn as much as he could for himself. Always a quiet and resourceful observer, he learned quickly, faster than most creatures. He wandered to and fro through the freezing north, learning this and that. Food was almost always scarce, and so he was always unhealthy and sick. When he was only a young fox, he learned of Redwall, a place of peace and plenty. He decided to go there, because peace and plenty was only an idea in Whitefang's world. The road was harsh, he almost died, but eventually he made it to Redwall on his second birthday. However, after the event with Slagar and his band, he was turned away from the hospitality of the place of "peace and plenty". Fuming, he vowed to destroy the place. He wandered for a long time, but then accidentally wandered into the grasps of Malkariss and his Horde. There he worked as a slave for many seasons, the whip working his back sore. Eventually, he escaped through his cunningness. He never forgave or forgot Redwall for sending him to that place of destruction. He gathered an army and became The White One.

Thanks for enduring my ramblings and such!!!
Now who's ready to create The Legend of The Horde of the White One??!!!


Very impressive.

Name: Boris Nir (Goes by Ironeye.)
Age: 40 Seasons, when we assume seasons as roughly equal to a year. We need a universal system.
Gender: Male
Position: Was once a member of Whitefang's horde. Left, just narrowly escaping the White Ones wrath, and is now a mercenary living in mossflower. He has helped Redwallers on several occasions. To be more clear, he's in between.
Species: A Stoat.
Personality: Is a fairly intelligent creature. However, he is extremely reckless, doing dangerous things, and thinking about them after the fact. He has barely survived a fair number of these, which has resulted in a number of physical scars. And mental ones. He is slightly insane, most of them caused by the many blows to the head he's received in his escapades.
Appearance: Is tall, thin, and sinewy. He has a long scar running across his forehead, one of the reminders of his time in the White One's horde. His fur is a reddish-brown color, except for a white stripe running down his back. Part of his right ear is missing, and one of his arms is bent in an odd way, the result of a particularly memorable adventure that involved Painted Ones and several sparrows. One of his last notable features is his tail, which is longer then an average Stoats. One of his eyes was knocked out, and he replaced it with a small metal ball.
History: He was raised by his parents until he was 7 seasons own, when they were killed. He managed to escape the house, showing cunning even at that young age. He lived on his own for about 10 seasons, stealing from a small band of wandering mice. Eventually he heard of Whitefang's Horde, and he joined up. He stayed with them for roughly 15 Seasons, rising through the ranks of the Horde, as a strategist.  Whenever asked to kill other creatures, he would attempt, and often succeed at weaseling his way out of it. But when he finally did kill another creature, he felt guilt because of it. He fled the Horde, and has been a mercenary for hire in Mossflower for 8 Seasons, helping mainly Redwallers.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Miss RainbowSocks

Accepted!! Excited to Roleplay with you!


Character Form
Name: Redan
Age: 26 (human years)
Gender: Male
Position: Bad
Species: Weasel
Personality: Redan relies more on intelligence to get by. Since he doesn't look fearsome, he is more of a back stabber. He has a silver tongue and often holds minor grudges. Redan is fairly inexperienced and often has wild, evil and creative ideas, he is focused only on his own gain. Redan's biggest strength is that he doesn't look evil, he is a good actor and hides his true emotions. He can get scared pretty easily and that is why he avoids combat, if fighting then he uses a small steel axe and a small dagger. Redan is a duel wield expert and is often successful when he has the element of surprise. If he was caught in combat he would go from behind and fight dirty using cheap tactics. Redan isn't mentally tough and he fears even a minor wound which is often why he approaches situations using stealth and deceit.
Appearance: Redan isn't the most fearsome looking creatures, he isn't insanely muscular or scary looking. He has quite an elegant slim build, which means he is pretty quick. He has dark brown fur with a cream stomach and dark green eyes. Redan likes to keep his appearance simple, which is why he can trick good creatures more easily. Redan wears a plain green tunic and a hooded cloak. A light brown belt is found around his waist and tucked into the back of it are his weapons.
History: Redan was born in one of the Juska tribes along the west coast, he grew up normally until he killed the chief and his parents, who had angered him with their patronizing and bossy ways. Scared that he would be killed or tortured as most prisoners were, he fled into Mossflower. Redan lived as a traveler, never staying in one place for too long. He stole from families who lived in Mossflower and even from the Gousim. His birth name was Barkel, though he changed it to Redan to avoid recognition. Once a year or two had passed he returned to the tribe to find Whitefang taking over, he was recruited forcefully and is still with them as they prepare to take Redwall.

I'm ready to Roleplay.

Miss RainbowSocks

Accepted!! Excited to roleplay with you.
Also, the main thread will be posted as soon as we have a sufficient number of people on both the good and bad side.


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Dannflower Reguba

I've gotta go, but I'll be sending an app soon.  ;)

BTW: You forgot rule number 3, you skipped right to 4.  :D
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Miss RainbowSocks

Oh, silly me, I will revise that.
Anyway, yes I accept non-RW animals as long as its not fantasy like a unicorn or dragon.

The Shade

Will add later on!
EDIT: Ok, I've pretty much finished it.  ;)
Name: Dragao (translates into "Dragon Warrior" in another language.)
Age: Eighteen seasons
Gender: Male
Position: In-between, although currently he is in The White One's horde.
Species: Wildcat
Personality: Dragao is rather arrogant, although intelligent. He prefers to fight in the open, rather than in an inclosed space, but he can adapt. He has indifference to all species. Well, accept for the female members of his species. They are a rather big weakness of his. He also has a taste for seaweed grog, and will gladly drink a dozen bottles in one sitting.
Appearance: Dragao is a probably on the shorter side for his species, and rather heavily muscled on his upper body. The wildcat's fur is a stormy gray colour, with a patchy black pattern across,  making him a striking sight, topped of by a pair of blazing orange eyes. He wears a black sleeve-less tunic, usually covered by a long, torn, dark brown leather jacket.  Other clothing consists of black trousers, and black leather boots. Across his back are slung a pair of brown leather belts, hanging from which are sheaths of his twin swords. The swords themselves are single-edged, and tindged black. His only other weapons are a pair of knives, also tinged black slung on a brown belt round his waist.
History: You could say Dragao's parents weren't particularly nice to him. Sure, he lived in a decent home, was fed everyday, and was generally cared for. However, he wasn't at all close to them, which was part of the reason he ran away. He was brought back. A few seasons later, he tried again to break away. Each time pompous, interfering beast would pick him up, and bring him back. Finally, in his middle teens, he managed to leave them behind. For good. A wandering traveler, he had to learn the hard way of foraging, and he stole whatever he needed from anybeast he met. Eventually he came across Whitefang's horde, and decided to stick with them, as he actually got decent rations, rather than raw roots and green stems of plants.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Yay! Thanks, I'm contemplating on if I should make a good character, I will post them if I do.


"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Name: Shenmi
Age: Ugh, I don't want to do maths so I'll just say how old he would be if it was in years which is 42
Gender: Male
Position: neutral for now but leaning more towards "Good" than "Evil"
Species: Red Panda
Personality: Shenmi tends to keep his emotions and personality hidden behind a cold facade however when you get to know him he can be a relatively nice guy. He only shares his feelings with those who he thinks he can trust but is usually very friendly and light-hearted. Shenmi is a strong believer in right and wrong and will try to eradicate all those he finds that he perceives as evil this can be different to the perceptions of the woodlanders however. He is also a believer in magic as since he received his lucky pendant he has never lost a fight. (in fanfiction this is due to the fact that it is actually magical but if you don't want it to be in this that's fine) He and Mohu are (platonic)life partners and Shenmi considers him the younger brother he never had. (Wow I actually found enough to say about him, wonders never cease/mIrAcLeS eVeRyWhErE (that's a reference btw)) 
Appearance: He looks much like any other red panda. He has orange fur, white markings on his face and a black underbelly and legs. His tail is ringed in two different shades of brown. His eyes are dark brown but usually can not be seen as he wears a traditional Asian straw hat which he normally keeps pulled down. He wears a sleeveless black robe and has two black scabbards containing katanas strapped across his back, he carries a sai dagger on his belt and he wears a simple emerald pendant around his neck. He also wears a thin silver bracelet on both wrists and straw sandals.
History: Ugh I just wrote this out and lost internet connection as I pressed save and I can't remember how it went exactly so hear have the abridged edition: Born in the Feros province of the country of Hakaan. Grew up in the antisocial Sheng Xiu red panda tribe. Trained as warrior but always wanted adventure. Mouse comes to tribe's village seeking rest on pilgrimage, the tribe turn him away. Shenmi lets him in through the back entrance. They're discovered and they're both kicked out. The old mouse gives Shenmi his pendant as a thanks for his hospitality and says that it will bring him good luck. Shenmi begins his travels as a warrior. Now excuse me while I go and punch a wall

Name: Mohu
Age: (same as above) 31
Gender: Male
Position: Neutral but leaning more towards "good" than "evil"
Species: Red and white giant flying squirrel
Personality: Mohu is quite easygoing and friendly unlike his friend. He is however rather cautious and careful and tries to plan his conflicts carefully. At some point in his life he made his living as a thief and though those times are behind him those skills do come in useful sometimes. He is not very physically strong preferring speed and agility to brute strength. Due to this if he comes up against a strong opponent in a confined space he has almost no hope. Unlike Shenmi he trusts people easily and has no trouble making friends, this can be counted as a strength as well as a weakness. His sleep is plagued by visions of the past.
Appearance: He looks like a typical member of his species with mostly red fur, a white underbelly, legs and face. He has thin rings of red fur around his eyes. He can glide for short distances using those fleshy membrane things that flying rodents have (what are those called???) which are covered in the same shade of red fur. He wears a soft leather tunic dyed a pale green colour. He wears a brown traveling cloak with a hood and leather bracers the same colour as his tunic. He also wears straw sandals and a ruby ring on his left index finger. He has a scar over his right eye and his arm is branded from time as a slave that he has never revealed to anyone, even Shenmi. He wields two sai daggers and has a bo staff strapped across his back.
History: Mohu was born in the Feros province of Hakaan. At some point in his young life he was taken as a slave and presumably escaped. After this Mohu traveled across Feros into the neighbouring province of Ramar where he lived on the streets for a number of years (seasons?). At some point during this time he stole two sais and a bo staff. When he was around 17 Shenmi found him and, taking pity on him, asked if he wanted to accompany him on his travels. The squirrel readily accepted and time proved him a valuable ally, often rescuing Shenmi when he got into trouble. That's not to say he didn't get into trouble himself however and at some point he received a scar to prove it.

(If enough people don't care I would like to make their relationship, er, less platonic)
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Dannflower Reguba

Quick question: Are we supposed to inform everyone of our choice of weapons? What I mean is, in the app, should we add a


part? Just wondering, that's standard issue for most RP's.

Name: Ashe Blackflight

Age: if he were a human, he'd be about 27 (seasons vs. years is confusing to me as to how it translates into age)

Gender: Male

Position: Hasn't really chosen, he wanders, and talks little.

Species: Fox Squirrel (yes, it's a legitimate species, they are larger than most other types)

Personality: He is very quiet which makes him annoying to work with, but this quietness also translates into his actions in the form of his stealth which he executes with high speed and precision. He's generally fair and considerate, but his actions have sometimes been questioned by the good of heart. His weakness is communication, aversion to sociability. He can work with others and even live with them, but starting to truly know somebeast would be a first for him. His strength comes through discipline, his ears and eyes wouldn't miss the fall of a leaf or the rustle of wind-blown loam, he has become an excellent archer as a result, and well capable of hitting a target he can't even see.

Appearance: Ashe's fur drew every color into a blend of jet black that is only comparable to the darkness of a moonless, clouded night. His eyes, on the other hand, are intense and bright in their enchantingly darker blue. He wears a forest green tunic with scarlet and black trim over his grey trousers and longer sleeves. The tunic also has a forest green hood which is almost always up, helping black mask-style veil to conceal most of his facial features. Despite this concealment, you can still see a scar which crosses his left eye (starting from the top of his nose) and drops down to the center of the left cheek. This injury had damaged his eye tissue, but he has since recovered. He wears leather and hardwood gauntlets and greaves.  He is of slightly above average height, and maintains a decent build. (Did I forget anything here?

History: (Must be at least six sentences long. Include your family, you origin, important events, stuff like that)

That's most of it, I've left out history because I'd like to discuss a plot point with you first via PM.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Miss RainbowSocks

@TheShade- accepted!!! excited to roleplay with you!!
@Danflorreguba- As I was exploring the site, I looked at those RP's with the weapons in their app, but then I decided it didn't really matter since Whitefang will make sure everyone has adequate weapons. If you like, you can include a specific weapon in your Appearance. Also, if you have already sent a pm to me, I didn't get it. :p
@Jetthebinturong- I would really prefer it if you put your description in the form, and not RP it...I don't need reasons as to why you hate that section because I used to hate it myself. But, I don't want to seem like a heartless "no, you can't" kind of person, so if you really, really must, you may RP your personality....:)
@Everyone- Since there are no legitimate "good" characters yet, I will make a character that is either a Badger Lord or a Mouse warrior or a leader like that. Also, I will be assigning ranks (like horde captains and such) and will put them under the character form, but not in it. If you don't like a rank that I assign you, just tell me and I will change it. Also, I might not be active very much because of exams, I gotta study, and I am very sick at the moment. Also, next week I'm going on vacation and I am unsure as to whether there will be internet. The official thread will probably be postponed until sometimes after Christmas. Probably around New Years Eve..anyway, I apologize, because it may be a little while before we actually start Roleplaying. :P


That's fine with me, and thanks, I think you chose the perfect rank for Redan.