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Around the World: The Start of the Journey

Started by 321tumbler, December 23, 2013, 03:20:04 PM

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"I am Heltha Wildclaw. You underestimate my fury!" Suddenly, she woke up. Above her, to young hares stared opened mouthed. "I was having a bad dream." she said and walked off to her forge. There sparks flew as she put metal on metal while sharpening her sword. She was getting ready for the journey to Redwall Abbey and then she would go over every part of Mossflower making sure the long peace that had abided in the land for 10 seasons would not be disrupted.

Hillary almost ripped over some dibbuns game of marbles and quickly mumbled, "Oh, excuse me." and hurried of towards the library of Redwall Abbey. Everyone she passed could see she was working on another history of Mossflower and the surrounding lands. Finally she entered into the library and went to the works of one of the past Abbess's: Abbess Songbreeze.


Jon Marques was on a hunting trip.

The man he was hunting was unlikely to get away- and even if he did, it'd not matter a whole lot to Jon, as his target was loud enough to be picked up on again easily if he did somehow manage to lose him.

Following the songbird as he hopped hurriedly through a crowded marketplace, Jon rested his hand confidently at the hilt and handle of his infamous Cavalier's Sabre, Chasseur. The blade was long and broad for a sabre, and curved gently but in a fashion that was capable of inflicting savage and irreparable wounds all the way to the tip.

His target knew he was being followed, but not by whom, nor from where. It was amusing to see him panic so aimlessly.

Jon Marques had identified the man as a traitor soon after he had first been brought to his attention by a pair of amateurish but able young spies, who went by the codenames Silk and Velvet, and was now about to apprehend the man, and bring him in for an execution.

His target ducked feverishly into a close alleyway, and stopped to catch his breath.

Marques subsequently also ducked into that close alleyway, and stopped to catch a criminal.

The songbird's name was Valjean, and he was to be executed at some point in the coming month, without trial.

[[This is the character whom I'm presuming will be executed when your characters arrive in Fviore.]]
You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


Toran awoke to find a young mouse maid bringing in his breakfast, despite her attempt at remaining quiet, the door to his room still creaked as loud as ever. The squirrel slowly sat up and rested his head against the wall after the mouse had left. His eyes wondered over his room, simple and small. But all to himself. Yawning, he swung his legs out of the bed and shifted to the edge where his food awaited him on a small round table. He picked up the cup first and looked at what was inside it, he smiled as he identified it as mint tea. Once getting out from under the bed sheets, he realized how stuffy it was, he stood up and walked over to the window where he placed his cup on the ledge while opening the curtains and lifting up the window with one paw while the other reached for a thin metal pole which he used to keep it open. He was greeted with a strong light and a fresh breeze blasting through the open window, it seemed his breakfast had turned into more of a lunch. Slightly irritated that he had slept for so long but glad to be able to rest instead of helping out where he was needed. Toran stuck his head out of the window and placed his arms on the windowsill, he could see the dibbuns playing around the orchard and some of the otters messing about in the pond. Taking a long sip of the cold tea in his paw, he observed the redwallers going about their business. Well, he had taken enough time to rest, now he should probably go and help out. Placing his cup back on the table he quickly got dressed and made his way out of his room and down the stairs to find someone who needed help. He would eat the food later, strangely he wasn't hungry at the moment, maybe it was the guilt of sleeping in for so long instead of going about his chores.
Rper's addressed/mentioned: None
Notes: If the weather is supposed to be a rainy or anything then let me know.


Hillary started reading the journal. She had finished the previous one and used it in her history one the healers in Redwall. Abbess Songbreeze had written a lot about every injured beast in the Abbey. "Hello! This is odd." she exclaimed. The Abbess had written about a bird with and injured wing who landed in the abbey.

Today, a seemingly delirious bluejay who called herself Cresten crashed on the Front Lawns. We immediately brought her to the Infirmary and wound that she had an infection on her right wing. The wound was very deep and I tried to keep her calm while the healer worked on the wound. I asked the bird where she was from and she answered, "FFF fffvvv ffvvi..." and fainted. She was now burning up with fever so I helped work on the infection. However, it had gone to far, she didn't dye but could not fly very well for the rest of her life. We asked her if she wanted to live at the abbey and she decided to. When we asked her about what she had said she said she knew nothing about it...

"There must be more. I don't think that bird was delirious. There might be more later in the season." Rosie said. She continued to flip through the journal...

OCC: Wonwill take it over!


It was actually a couple seasons later in the books, when Hillary found another mention of the Bluejay,

The thoughts of adventure have inhabited my mind lately. I often find myself daydreaming of the days I was young and traveling with Danflor and our friends. But everybeast must grow old.
With my memories of adventure on my mind, I asked Cresten of the events when she arrived at the abbey. The poor bird has been having troubles with her memory, but she thought for a long time before she told me the most amazing thing! She comes from a land as big as Mossflower, but across the sea to the south! Fviore, she called it. It's amazing, hearing of new lands across the sea! I would love to go and see Fviore for myself, but Redwall abbey is too near and dear to my heart for me to leave. I will raise the subject at dinner tonight, and maybe we'll send a party of beasts to visit Fviore.

Hillary scratched her nose, thinking, then flipped through the entries after that. Why was the party not mentioned? Had it not left at all? Had it failed? No matter, she would find out for the sake of history! She grabbed the two entries concerning Fviore and Cresten and hurried from the library, positively giddy with excitement.


Heltha and the group of hares trudged on through the forest. It had been a rougher journey than expected because of sudden storms and the hare were complaining. Finally, the huge walls of Redwall Abbey stood ahead. The company rushed towards the gates and the strong badgeress knocked upon the gate. They had reached the end of the journey, for now...


[[Look, guys, this RP has always had my interest. The primary reasons for my leaving this forum in the first place were due to some serious bigotry that I couldn't bring myself to bear with, but also because you people, however charming and wonderful you may be, seem to enjoy slower RPs.

But in my experience, and my experience isn't amazing, but nor is it short and unreliable, slow moving RPs die.

We need to get this moving again, friends- particularly, in the direction of Fviore. Jon Marques and The King await you.
Well, no, not really. In fact they've no idea that you're coming, but then again, neither to do you, do you? Either way, please can we all start posting, interacting, and moving the plot forwards? I love this setting, and I love this universe, and I really want to do this RP especially.]]
You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


  Fortis Bellator was tired.  A night in the cellars with his fellow Redwallers had made him absolutely exhausted, and he longed for his bed.  Unfortunately, it was past dawn, so it didn't look like he would be getting any more sleep until this evening.

  So there the buck was, walking along the walltop, yawning loudly.  That's when he heard it: pounding.  Was it on the gate?  He leaned over the parapets, rather surprised to see several hares and...

  "Lady Heltha?" he called, confusion in his voice.  "Er, uh, won't you come in?"  The mouse sprinted down the stairs and unlatched the gate, pulling it open to let the company in.

  "To what do we owe this pleasure, marm?" Tore asked, glancing from one hare to another, feeling quite bewildered.  "Is there trouble?"


  I wonder if Storr's up yet...

  Those were the first words that came to mind when young Ciara woke up that sunny morning.  She hoped that she hadn't slept in too late and left the disabled hare wandering blindly around the abbey.  Of course, he should know his way around well enough to find his way to... well, wherever he needed to go, but the squirrelmaid still worried for him.

  Hopping out of bed, Ciara changed hurriedly into her day clothes and ran out of her small room, running a paw through her headfur as she quickly made her way to the brother's room.  Then, knocking exactly five times on the door - and she counted to make sure it was only five - the doe sang, "Storr?  Are you in there?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Where else would I be, missy?" Storr asked grumpily. He lounged back on his bed, preening slightly with pride. He had dressed into his habit by himself that morning, after waking up early with nightmares(not the screaming kind, thankfully). It had taken a long while, but he was pretty sure it wasn't backwards or inside-out. What a terribly mundane thing to be proud of. It was too boring, being stuck in the abbey, unable to do most things without assistance. To the former warrior, it was torture.

Hillary dashed by a window, then stopped short, blinking in confusion. It was light out, but it had been evening when she had entered the library. She suddenly realized, and chuckled to herself. Time really does fly, huh? She let out a huge yawn, then blinked hard, forcing herself to not be tired. This was an amazing discovery, and she didn't have time to nap!

Rigg was shoved around as beasts scrambled to get a look at Liam, the Raccoon Dog that had been an active member of the resistance, and a good friend to Rigg himself, on the chopping block. The young Genet tried to push forward, but failed utterly, and finally fell to the back of the crowd to look for someplace to climb so he could see. A cart, most likely left by some merchant, served his purpose. He clung to the top of the cart, shaking with rage, as he watched the great injustices served by the king. The resistance didn't have a good-looking chance right now, so unless a miracle came by, they would be hunted down and killed, just like Liam.
Rigg had to look away when the guillotine fell, "Au revoir, mon ami." he said, ashamed that he couldn't watch the brave resistance member die.


OOC: I suppose there'll be another execution later then. Wow I have a lot of people killed in this
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


OOC: Well, I was thinking that might be the execution in which you introduce your character. Or are you talking about Estar's post? I think it would be a legit thing to happen, your character is a twisted, evil maniac after all, and there are a lot of folks being treasonous with this resistance.


OOC: Yeah, I was talking about Valjean

King Aramis Devereaux overlooked the scene from a balcony above. He chuckled when Liam's head fell into the basket "Let that be a lesson to all of you" he bellowed "resistance will not be tolerated! Anyone found to be part of the resistance will be executed! Anyone who is found to know anything about the resistance, that does not come forward, will be executed!"

Damien grimaced as the king's speech rang out, darn marten! Who did he think he was? Well okay, he was the rightful king of Fviore but honestly, he was a tyrant, he didn't deserve the throne. Damien couldn't do much but he could certainly lighten the pockets and stores of the nobles, a small resistance but a resistance all the same.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


[[Yeah, you do. Fortunately, Jon Marques is hunting down another resistance member for you as we speak. I may post more on that later tonight.]]
You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


"And here is another, Good King!" Jon Marques shouted over the raucous crowd, all falling silent as they heard him.

He shoved Valjean the Songbird forwards, his wings clipped already by the cruel Fviorean steel blade of The Spymaster, Jon Marques himself.

"He was carrying this." Jon held up the letter that the Songbird courier had fervently- but futilely- tried to keep from Royal hands. Valjean was scrabbling to his feet already, crying out in pain as he tried to work his wings, but could not; their working tendons had been cut.

More shouts, yells, and bellows rose around the Spymaster, calling for the immediate release of the newly captured songbird-traitor, forming a terrific choir of political dissidents. It really wasn't the most prudent move for them to make, to be honest, what with the guillotine being so close to them already...

Jon pushed through the crowd, kicking the songbird in front of him. He soon reached the guillotine, and hauled the petite creature up onto the platform with him and the executioner.

"On your order, my king, we can execute the rebel scum now, or let him rot in the dungeons first." The weasel-spy shouted above the crowd.
You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


Aramis thought for a moment "Let him rot in the dungeons for a while" he said "to give him time to think about his crimes! I grow weary of executions, let someone be flogged alongside him when the time comes. Let's bring some variety to these events, no?" he raised his hand "Now begone all of you. It would be best not to linger around here, the guards might think you're trying to remove the bodies" and with that he strode back inside the palace and slammed the balcony doors shut.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan