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Leverets and Leverage

Started by KitrallStreamrippler, December 23, 2013, 08:06:29 PM

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Cornflower MM

"Five leverets, Lady." Beth said, trembling. "Their names are Victoria, Scarlet, Ghalo, Wisteria, and Ruby."


Lady Nerena sighed deeply, "Do their parents know that they have been taken?"
Ani was already setting up a rescue operation in his head. He'd need the entire crew of the Sea Skipper, maybe some hares, some long boats, and a distraction.
Ani shook his head, he couldn't do anything until he had seen where the ship was, found out where the prisoners were being kept, and how many vermin were on board. Basically, his plan would never work.


OOC: All of the parents of the missing hares Are at the meeting.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

"They should be here right about now..That would be them." She said, going to open the door. A father of one of the leverets declared, "What in the name of flippin' blazes is going? Where in tarnation is my young one?"


 Oliver stood up and banged his fist on the table. " Those bloody Corsairs have my Ruby and nothing on this earth is going to stop me from getting her and her little friends back and sending every last one of those vermin to hellgates where they belong."
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Finally, someone who seems to want to do something." Ani couldn't help muttering. Unfortunately for him, he muttered it a bit too loud, and Lady Nerena heard him.
"We all want to do something, but we cant just go running into things. We have to plan this out first." She said rather dismissively.
"What, while the wee babe's are having done to them, heaven knows what!" Ani growled.
Lady Nerena turned on Ani, "I suggest you are quiet, or I'll have to ask that you leave while the meeting is being held." She snapped.
"Sure, and that's gonna really help!" Ani sneered.
"That's it!" Lady Nerena yelled, "Hares, remove him from this room, and hold him somewhere while the meeting is in section!"   


Tarragon stood up "He is one of my own! and I will deal with him," She said "Ani I gave you a chance and a warning if this wasn't such a time I would have you in the brig! Now leave and return to the ship. I will not have my crew behaving in this manner, talking back to the Badger Lady!" She then turned to Nerena " I am sorry,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ani clenched his fist, but left. He hated being ordered around, and Tarragon was younger than him! But she was the captain, it was her ship he was working on.
Lady Nerena smiled briefly after Ani had gone, "Let's get back to business."

OOC: Would I be allowed to PP some extra characters. I don't want to make the main characters, I just need to PP some of the otters on the ship.


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: Thanks.

BIC: Ani stormed aboard the Sea Skipper. He was furious at being sent away.
He flung the door open into the crews quarters, and sat down in a chair, brooding.
Three of his mates, who had been left on board, walked over to him. "What's up with you?" Katra asked.
"I was sent back aboard." Ani answered, still sulking.
"What for?" Ben asked.
"Arguing with the stupid badger lady." Ani growled.
"Well, you brought it onto yourself." Sara said, sitting in the chair opposite him. "Now, stop sulking, and lets play cards. It's no fun without." She smiled.
Ani sighed, and agreed.

OOC: I'll probably make Katra, Ben, and Sara reappear again, since we are low on crew beasts.   


OOC: sure If they start to become more dominant characters I'll ask you to make sheets for them.

"Now I have a ship and you have a mountain and the vermin have the young ones," Tarragon said. "We need a plan,"

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Yes," Lady Nerena agreed, "Should we send scouts out?"

Cornflower MM

Bryony quietly told Beth that if they needed her, then that she'd be on the ship and that she wasn't feeling well. I doubt they'd need me anyways, but I do feel bad about sorta lying to them. But it's not like they'd want a ships cook opinion! So why should I feel bad about going to the ship to cook breakfast for Ani, and talk to him? Not scold him, that's for certain, just talk. By that time she'd gotten to the ship and then went to find Ani. "Hello Ani, Ben, Sara, Katra. Ani, do you have any requests for your breakfast? Don't say a word about me coming back to make you breakfast; I told them that I wasn't feeling well, and the attitudes were making me feel a little sick. I'm fine now though. Is there any snack that you three'd like for me to make while I'm getting grumpy butt's breakfast?" Bryony said, looking for her apron. "I could have sworn I put it in here!" She muttered, Then, "Have you seen my apron in here?"


"Yeah," Ben answered, "Someone nailed it to the mast. And I'd like some sweet loaf!"
"I would like some scones, with jam on em'." Sara added.
"And I want some piping hot porridge!" Katra smiled.
"Hot root soup will do me fine." Ani grinned, "And don't ask me who nailed your apron to the mast. It wasn't me."   

Cornflower MM

"Okay, Top Ten To-do list:
Get my apron off the mast
Make hotroot soup for Ani
Make some scones with jam on them for Sara
Make Sweet loaf for Ben
Make hot porridge for Katra
And then find out who nailed my apron to the mast,. and box their ears and put them on KP Duty!
Missing anything, guys?" Bryony said, raising her eyebrows at Ani's last comment