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Leverets and Leverage

Started by KitrallStreamrippler, December 23, 2013, 08:06:29 PM

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They all shook their heads, "Nope, that just about covers it." The all said as one.

Cornflower MM

"Hmm....Alright. Oh, I might not be so hard so hard on the beast who nailed my apron to mast if they admit that they did it...Spread it around, will you?" Bryony said, giving them a suspicious look as she walked out. Then she saw an otter driving more nails into the distinct apron (Which was varying shades of blue and green, with a few patches of the colors mixed together) on the mast. She marched over there and started screaming at the poor otter, grabbing his ear and marching him toward the kitchen, gave him directions and left him scrubbing some handy pots and pans, the went to get her apron and fix Ani and his friends their snacks, or in Ani's case, breakfast. She reappeared a short while later, wearing the beloved holey apron. "HEre you are! Found the ant who nailed my apron to the mast too! Poor Jarn, he be scrubbing pots and pans for awhile! Among other things." She said cheerfully, serving them.


The four of them exchanged at cheeky look, but didn't say anything. Though Ben did look like he was about to burst out laughing.

Cornflower MM

"I suppose my apron does look a bit strange....He used so many nails. Ben! What, may I ask, is so funny?"


Ben couldn't hold it in anymore. He burst out howling. It was no use trying to get any sense out of him, he was gone.

Cornflower MM

Bryony's footpaw started tapping. "What is so funny that Ben, one of the more levelheaded ones on this ship, burst out laughing? Own up, you three."


Ben attempted to compose himself, and failed, so Sara stood up. "The nail holes in your apron are shaped like a B. That is what I think Ben is finding so funny, but then again. I do think he was the one to nail it to the mast."
Ben jumped up, and shook his head, "No it wasn't me! I just find it funny that Bryony hadn't noticed the B."

Cornflower MM

Bryony leaped at Ben, growling. "You...You.....YOU!!!" The apron was her pride and joy, one of her most prized possessions. The fact that someone would steal it, nail it to the mast, was bad enough. But laugh? That was unacceptable.


"Arghggggg!" Ben yelped, and tried to escape. 

Cornflower MM

Bryony tried to grab his ear to tug him off to the galley, where he woiuld be taking Jarn's place. As she was shorter than Ben, she had to jump, but he would just be all the more uncomfortable on the way to the galley, where he WOULD assist her in all the tasks she disliked, for who knows how long. The last beast who'd made her angry had been scrubbing pots, pans, and dishes, along with scouring the floors, pealing vegetables, cleaning the galley from top to bottom, and more. You didn't make Bryony mad without a price.


Ben attempted to leap out of the way, "I didn't nail it to the mast! I never said I did! Don't spear me!!"

OOC: I just did an Ice Age quote without even meaning to.  ::)

Cornflower MM

OOC: Heehee! C'mon, pop out more!

BIC: Bryony grinned, "Aha! I never accused you of nailing my apron to the mast! I only accused of laughing about it! You just gave yourself away!" She jumped again and got his ear this time (OOC: That OK? I can change it. BIC) She yanked on it, getting him to bend double as she walked out. Then, she walked back in backwards, grabbed his sweet loaf, gave it to him, and walked out again.


Ben rubbed his ear. "She's scary." He sulked.
Ani shrugged, "It was you, an' we all know it."
Ben frowned, "It wasn't me, why do you keep saying that."
Katra looked puzzled, "So why were you laughing, the whole B thing wasn't that funny."
Ben decided to come clean, "I was laughing cos I could see the hammer behind Sara's back."
Sara blushed, "I ur....well. It was just a joke. Cos I was made to do all the washing up last night." 


OOC: Until Rachel makes sheets for Ben and the others  they may be PPed.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?