
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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The Legend of The White One

Started by Miss RainbowSocks, January 03, 2014, 03:24:28 PM

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Miss RainbowSocks

Whitefang turned and saw his mischievous young spy smiling warmly. He was not fooled. He bent down and placed a paw on Redan's shoulder and said with a slight smile, "I have a little job for you," he stood and turned toward the fire, "And it is one that concerns all the secrecy that I can get from one such as yourself. This job is not so simple. We have not been too successful in recruiting vermin, and we are short on food. I am planning to move inland to build myself a fortress. Inland provides more and higher quality supplies, and slaves. This is where you come in. I want you to go ahead inland and scout. I want you to find the nearest freshwater source, edible plants and other food, but most of all, I need you to find the quickest and safest path east. That is why you need to take these," Whitefang walked over to a small pile of supplies and chose a sachel, an empty canteen, a two feet wide piece of parchment, a quill pen, and inkpot. "I also want you to see if you can find some form of a rock deposit and it doesn't matter which kind. Bring samples of everything that I asked for and mark down everything significant that you find on this parchment. Make me a map of the path that you take, for that is up to you to decide." He handed Redan the supplies. "One more thing....if you find any settlements of any type of woodland creature, mark down where you found them," he turned back toward the fire and said seriously, "I am counting on you Redan. One slipup, and it will not be pretty." Whitefang walked over to the food supply and picked up two stale buns, a strip of dried, tough meat, and a small beaker of rum and handed them to Redan. "Leave tonight, and don't tell anybody. I expect you back in three fortnights. If you are not, I will presume you dead." He took a step back a looked coldly at Redan. "I am counting on you," he growled again, "Follow all of my instructions and you will receive your reward in due time. If not....." He smiled wickedly,"Well, your hide would make a pretty new cloak for me. Now go. Get out of my sight." He turned toward the fire, in deep thought.

Cornflower MM

OOC: How can I jump in? I don't want to interrupt something.

Miss RainbowSocks

OOC: It's alright, just interact with Evermoon somehow.


Guvala made her way around the edge of the camp she sat down by another camp fire where she could keep a close eye on Wat. She disliked him immensely. She considered disposing of him herself, if he hadn't of been her superior officer he would already be missing a tail be at least. The slimy creature enjoyed showing her down but he was a fool. One more slip up like that and he would no longer be her problem. If she played her cards right she might even be promoted. Captain was nice of course but second was better. She took out her dirk and began drawing pictures in the sand absent mindedly.

"What are you looking at!" She snarled at the rat siting across the fire from her. He shifted uncomfortably eyeing the fish he was cooking. He had managed to catch a hole extra fish and was now cooking it on a stone by the fire. he began to reach for it. Gavala's dagger landed point first in the fish almost grazing his paw. He quickly puled his paw away in alarm and ran off to go sit with his friends at another fire.

Tonight felt like a game of musical chairs. She had been chased away from her fire and the rat from his but the rats fire was better, It had fish. She thought picking the fish up on the end of her dagger.


Lilac sighed and puled her footpaws out from under her dress and onto the floor. She walked over to a cabinet and took out a wooden box. Sitting back down on the window seat she unlocked the box and took out a brown bark bound book, feather pen and and inkwell. She opened the book in her lap uncorked the ink well and taking up the pen she began to wright.

Today was the winter name day feast and it was a happy day indeed the laughter of Dibbuns filled the air and there was not a cloud in the sky. Yet the name that was chosen disturbs me greatly. It was named Winter of the Uneasy Peace by the suggestion of Evermoon but for some reason I can't get the thought out of mind of what that is implying.

This fall was the first season I felt like I truly was home. I have learned to accept the Redwallers here as my family and I would hate to see anything happen to them.

She paused and looked up as the first chill breeze came threw the window and played with the feather pen. An ink stained paw went to the wooden tag hanging on a cord round her neck. Painted on one side was a single lilac bud. She fingered the tag, her parents had given it to her when she was a baby and she never took it off.      


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Dumb questions. Who is playing Evermoon? Where is she? What is she? Sorry, haven't had time to read the RP.


OOC: Evermoon is a female badger warrior of Redwall Miss Rainbow is playing her. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Alright! Thanks!

BIC: "Hey, Evermoon! There you are. I've been looking all over. Anyway, I want to go looking for herbs to refill my supplies tomorrow. Want to come with me? It would be handy with another pair of paws." Bryony said, running up to her.

OOC: That mighta helped... >:( ;D ;D


OOC: Oh ya I should have also said that it is Night time.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Miss RainbowSocks

OOC: please no more OOC discussions, unless it is in the OOC thread!!! Thank you! Also, everybody please look at the OOC thread because i have added a new update!!
BIC: Evermoon looked up from her musings. Tiredly she said to the cheerful mouse,"Oh, a little late herb- hunting won't do anyone any harm." She smiled and stood stiffly. "So," said the big badger, "Where do we start?"

Cornflower MM

"Well, over here, I'm thinking. Here, see this leaf? See if you can find others like, I'm almost out." Bryony said, showing Evermoon a leaf that light green, and had jagged tips. It smelled like what it was, Spearmint. She handed it to Evermoon, so if a leaf was a close match but she wasn't sure, she could hold the leaf against the other one.

Miss RainbowSocks

Evermoon looked at the peculiar leaf and said, "Why, whatever would we use spearmint for?" She was no good at herbs and had no idea what they where used for. She only saw them as leaves and roots and flowers. Her specialty was fighting and battle.

Whitefang stretched himself on the rough sand. His never resting mind was still planning as he drifted to sleep. As these plans where concocted half-asleep and from a psycho, some of his ideas where quite eccentric. We've got big plans for tomorrow..., he thought and chuckled wickedly, big plans..


Lilac closed the book and placed it back in the box along with the pen and ink. She would finish writing tomorrow She thought as she slipped into one of the Infirmary beds. She always felt safer her any way. That night she dreamed strange dreams of a wight fox but the next day she promptly forgot.


Guvala finished her fish and then lay back to sleep. She watched the other vermin for quite some time with half closed eyes before she truly let her self fall asleep. Yet even then she was alert ready to wake at the slightest noise of disturbance. In a world like this it was important to never let down your guard.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Why Miss ranbow? It helps keep things a little less confusing if you put *****, #####, or ------- between our posts as different characters.

BIC: "Spearmint helps with shock, and keeping wounds clean. It smells good too, and it can be used to flavor food.  Very nice to have around. Oh, and I can also use some Coltsfoot. Here's a leaf. Oh! Look! A patch of spearmint. When you find a patch of herbs, leave some to grow, sop we can get more later, OK friend?" Bryony said, stooping to get a few spearmint leaves. Maye tomorrow we can look for Tansy and some others. I want to be prepared for anything,

she thought, standing up again.

Miss RainbowSocks

Evermoon scratched her head at the two leaves she held in her hand. To her, they where merely leaves and she couldn't tell the difference. She stooped over a patch of growing plants to compare her leaves to the ones growing. Even in the dim moonlight, she tried her very best to differ the green things. "Er..,"she mumbled to herself,"I believe I've got a patch of Coltsfoot here?" She began carefully picking the plant leaves from the clump. "Funny name, Coltsfoot. Who would ever name a plant after a colts foot? It doesn't even look like one...,"she commented quietly as she worked.

Cornflower MM

"Evermoon! You found Tansy! Great! Uh, there's a patch of coltsfoot right underneath your foot." Bryony said, hurrying over. She held back a giggle. "Maybe it would be better if we did some more herb picking in the morning. Ooh! Look, sage."