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The Legend of The White One

Started by Miss RainbowSocks, January 03, 2014, 03:24:28 PM

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Cornflower MM

"Just let me get my satchel Lilac, and we'll be on our way! Oh, take a peak inside the basket, and tell me if I missed anything, won't you?" Bryony called cheerfully, then handed Lilac the basket went to her room to get her satchel. She got to her room, and grabbed the bag, then went out the door only to be waylaid by a Dibbun. "Bry! Bry! Whaddya doin' today?"
"Herb gathering, and no, you can't come. You're too small. Maybe next time. Go play now, Lilac's waiting for me." Bryony patiently explained, and turned to go. But the stubborn Dibbun attached his self to her footpaw and wouldn't let go. She groaned, and started walking toward the Infirmary, hoping his mum would come and get him before she got there.


Lilac peeked in the basket "look's good,"  She said. After she did a little more tidying up she left the room. She saw Bryony with the young dibbun attached to her leg and tried to stifle a laugh. "What happened here?" She asked.

" I wana come!" He said

"Oh but I think you would have allot more fun here," She said picking him up and giving him a candied chestnut. "We'll be slaving away out there all day while you are safe here trying to solve my riddle," She took out a piece of parchment with the riddle on it Now when I get back if you have the correct answer you'll win the rest of the chestnuts," She put him down and he ran off Determined to figure it out before they returned and win the prize. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

"Thanks! He was becoming a nuisance. 'I wanna come! Lemme go!' he kept saying. Oh well, Dibbuns will be Dibbuns, I suppose. What did you think of the basket? Oh, you're going to LOVE your surprise!" Bryony said, smiling after the little Dibbun, then smiling secretive like. OOC: Short post yes, but I'll add more later. Running out time, ya see.

Miss RainbowSocks

Whitefang observed with keen eyes as one by one his captains came to him, Guvala first, Wat second, and last Dragao. He rolled his eyes as a tent burst into flame and a weasel screamed in the wake of Dragao. Typical..the fox thought slightly annoyed. Glaring at Dragao, he spoke icily, giving them the impression that each of them were as expendable as the weasel that was burnt by his own tent. He always did this, for instilled a fear in his superiors that subdued them to his iron command. "Good morning, my faithful followers," he began,"I hope you all had a good rest, for today you will be needing all the energy you can spare. I won't lie, we are running low on supplies, but if you listen closely to my instruction your fat, lazy faces will soon be stuffed with vittles," He paused, fixing his gaze on Guvala, "You, mouse, take five or six horde members and a net and see how well you can dig up grub from the ocean. Not far from here, I have seen, there is a sandbank full of shellfish." He turned to Dragao. "And you, take the same as Guvala, and gather edibles from the woods. And Wat, muster the rest of the army and do a little training. You can use trees as targets. All of you, be back here by sunset." He turned and looked out into the ocean. "Dismissed."


Evermoon stumbled groggily through the Abbey, the horror of her dream clinging to her heart. Seeing the Great Hall empty, she turned back and made her way to the infirmary (I hope that's where you guys are..) and met Bryony and Lilac. She thwumped down onto a stool, trying to collect her senses.

Cornflower MM

As Bryony reached for the door handle, Evermoon came in and flopped into Bryony's seat. Bryony shot a concerned look over to Lilac, and put down the empty herb basket she was carrying, and went over to the badger. "Are you alright, Evermoon? You look a little....Pale." To say the least. Bryony said, then finished the thought in her mind. She started looking her over, ma,ing sure she wasn't hurt.

Miss RainbowSocks

Evermoon brushed Bryony off brusquely and presently recollected herself. "Oh dearie me, Bryony thank you for the concern, but I'm perfectly fine. However, there are important matters I must discuss. I believe the spirit of Martin has sent me a dream of importance. We must hold a council of war right away.." The badger warrior stood as her voice trailed off mumbling inaudibly, her mind churning the vision and trying to make some sense of it.


Whitefang briskly walked over the the food supplies and began to sort the remainder of it, all the while counting to make sure everybody had taken their due ration, and nothing more. He quickly finished this task, as the food pile was smaller than ever before. Satisfied that no food was stolen, he packed it away in a couple of satchels, leaving a trusted rat to guard it. The broad-backed fox then collected supplies and other items that where lying about randomly around the camp and put it next to food. What a dump! Those fleabitten, son of a rat creatures have no sense whatsoever to pick up after themselves, he thought ruefully, What do they think I am, their nannyfox? I'll show them what this nannyfox can do, oh see that I will!! Whitefang mumbled irately as he cleaned the camp, his good mood dispersing like the morning fog in the sun.


Wat nodded as he listened to his orders from Whitefang. Sprinting away as soon as he was dismissed, he returned to his campfire. "Yew two, Fishfoot and Vig, get together some of the army, and bring 'em to the edge of the forest. Whitefang ordered that we do some training, with the trees as targets." The two vermin who Way had called on dashed into the camp, calling for the horde to go to the edge.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

The Shade

Staying well clear of any associated with the burning tent incident, Dragao picked six well-armed and able vermin, and set off for the woods. Reaching it, they immediately set out hunting. Unfortunately, only now did he realize they only had three bows.

"I trusted you to come well prepared, you... you complete fools. Nets?! Why in the name of hellsteeth did you bring them along? You thought we were looking for fish in the treetops?"

A stoat, by the name of Slashsnout, spoke up, being slightly braver than the rest. "Well, we could always set traps, rather than seeking out our prey, couldn't we?"

Dragao considered the prospect for serveral seconds before grudgingly agreeing. "Fine, set up some traps, then let's have a look at these plants. I'm sure some are edible."
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Gavala listened as Whitefang talked. He talked as if they where expendable but she knew they where not. Her father had been a rat warlord and he had done this all the time. After he had finished she turned and called out "Vengut, Blackpaw go get a net from storage Halfsnout, Bloodtail and you two fallow me." When they didn't move fast enough she Put a paw on her dirk and said "do I have to say it again?" They all scrambled to there feet.  They knew she was a dead shot. No one wanted to risk it.

Gavala started off down the shore at a brisk pace the others hurrying to keep up. Vengut and Blackpaw in the back running to catch up and constantly tripping over the net and getting tangled in it.


One of Gavalas spy's was among the vermin that Darago had chosen and two more where watching Wat. Gavala made sure that the other captains had some one watching them at all times.


Lilac put down her basket. "Well there goes our plans," She said "You sure you feel OK? You don't look it. I could get you something.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

"Evermoon, I'm putting my foot down. You're going to at the very least, drink some tea. Thyme, if possible." Bryony announced, stamping her foot. She then started bustling about, gathering the things she needed for a nice, calming tea. She started heating up the water, and then waiting for it, gathered some thyme, coltsfoot, pennyroyal, and with a thoughtful look on her face, added some some honey in to help sweeten it. Sweetness was as good for shock as thyme! She ground them up, and put them in a slightly cracked mug. By now the water was well heated, and she waiting a moment to cool it off for a moment, and poured the water in the mug and handed it to Evermoon. "Drink!" She ordered, watching her. "And tell us a little about your dream while you're at it, please" She added as an after thought.


Redan strolled confidently towards the beginning of a forest, he didn't know what it was called or how big it was but only that it wouldn't stop him. Fear gives creatures wings, or so he had once been told. It meant that if you were scared of something you would try your hardest to avoid the fear. WhiteFang was who he was scared of, his mysterious cruel leader. Dawn was rising as he began to reach the forest fringe. Stopping for a quick breath in the tree's shadows, he scanned the area ahead, noticing as much features as possible. Whether they aid him or stop him. Readjusting his haversack straps, Redan slid down into a shallow ditch that ran alongside the path. This would be a good route to avoid contact and the hot sun rays that shone upon the path. In his mind he tried to memorize his task 'Find troops and slaves, resources, good location for a fort then report back to Whitefang.' Simple enough, except he was without soldiers to command, making it that much harder to complete.


Guvala stopped "Halt!" every one stopped except for Vengut and Blackpaw who ran into the others. Guvala looked to the sky as if asking for patience. "You two!" She said pointing at Vengut and Blackpaw. "Drop the net and go see if you can find some clams in those rocks. You there set up some lines along the beach. Halfsnout, Bloodtail take the net out and see if you can catch anything," they all scattered to there various tasks. Guvala wished she had been sent to hunt in the woods. She knew the way of the woods she could hunt a bird blindfolded or climb up a tree for eggs. Let that fool Dragao blunder around out here. Who wanted fish anyway but she had been sent to do a task and she was going to do it to the best of her ability.

Vengut was splashing about among the rocks. "Wats a clam look likes any ways?" he asked picking up a rock and squinting at it.

"This here's a clam you nit whit," Black paw said picking up a spiral snail shell and dropping it in the bucket.

"Are ya sure?" He said unconvinced "What about that there?" He said pointing to and oddly shaped stone. He then jumped up shrieked. "Et moved see et moved!"   

"No it didn't see" He said reaching for it " it's just AAAAGGGG!" He leaped back and started dancing around shaking his paw "Et bit me! The clam bit me!"He yelled.  Then both of them cried out together when Guvala gave them a clout on the head.

"That's not a clam you idiot! its a crab! This here is a clam," She said taking a real clam and dumping the bucket of its mishmashed contents she dropped it in. "Now stop wining and get to work or you'll have more than a little crab to worry about!" She said shoving the bucket in to Blakpaws paws.

Vengut and Blackpaw both rubbed there heads and mumbled discontented words of agreement.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Miss RainbowSocks

Evermoon looked at her two good-intentioned friends, sat down once again, and sighed defeatedly.  She took the aromatic tea and, sipping her tea, relayed her dream. Now, telling it out loud, it didn't seem as horrific. Maybe it was the tea. "", she finished quietly,"I think Martin is trying to tell us something. But, I don't know exactly what...which is why I wanted to hold a council of war." She looked up and out the window. The badger grunted in surprise as she saw Fyrolle Robin sitting silently on the window sill. "Why, Fyrolle, you little eavesdropper, how much exactly of this conversation have you heard?" she breathed exasperated.


Fyrolle had heard the whole story since he had flown quietly down on the sill of the Infirmary window. "'G'morning ladies. Ah was jest takin' a li'l flight around the ol' building an' happen tae hear you, no need tae fret ye'self over et. Now, Evermoon, since I'ave heard the whole story, me thinks ah would be doin' ye a favor by gatherin' some creatures for this council of war, would ah not?"
Evermoon replied, "Why, certainly Mister Fyrolle. I apologize for snapping at you like's just that you gave me a start just by appearing out of thin air."
Fyrolle chuckled. Although unintentionally, this tended to happen a lot. "'Tis alright, marm, really it's my fault, but anyway let's not dwell on such things and get on with business, shall we?" The Robin eyed the sweet-smelling tea sitting on the table. "Excuse me m'ladies, but would ye have a heart tae spare a drop or two of tha' there drink for a poor, parched robin?" he asked.

Norham Waterpaw

The sun beat happily down on the back of Benjaylith Grayle. He sat on the side of the path, moping. Right now, he hated the sun. It was too happy. In fact, he hated the whole world. His day had not got off to a good start. For starters, he was attacked by a band of painted ones. Then he got stung by a nest of bees. Then, as one last act in this painful show, he was shoved by a sneaky fox into a briar patch.

He swatted at a stray bee, still buzzing around his head. He thought his day couldn't possibly get worse, when a weasel walked right past him. The weasel was too busy making sure he didn't trip in the ditch.
Benjay stood as still as a statue, and made no sound. He observed this strange trekker for a while, and thought it best to notify someone.

He shouldered his bag, and made a quick dash to the opposite ditch. He tightened everything, and sprinted east, towards Redwall.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Cornflower MM

Bryony had started when she saw the robin, but recovered herself quickly. She poured some of Lilac's tea into a small cup and went to the windowsill. "Here you are Sir! Would you like bread to go with your tea?" She asked, going to the cupboard where they kept their left overs such as bread whatnot. She picked up the knife questioningly, looking at the robin.