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Wildcat Attack!

Started by Cornflower MM, January 16, 2014, 06:30:40 PM

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Norham Waterpaw

Ooc: Sorry for the lateness. School. Nuff' said.

Willow turned around, seeing a weasel, and he didn't look happy. "Aggril, we're surrounded. Please, um, get up. We may have to deal with this promptly." He said coolly. He lunged at the weasel, catching him in the low stomach. He despatched him, and turned, seeing at least two others.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

The Skarzs

Aggril hopped toward them, driving his javelin up as he came forward. The ferret (That okay?) let out a gurgle as he was stabbed through the throat. He hit the other with the javelin butt.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Norham Waterpaw

Ooc: Fine with me.

Willow saw the other go down as the other dropped to his knees. He put his dirk up to his throat.
"Tell us your purpose, and do it quickly..." He said angrily.

"We was lookin f' food!" He said with a sob.

"I dunno, Aggril, do we believe this guy?"
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

The Skarzs

Aggril hauled him up by his ear. "If'n you were looking for food, there's an apple tree right there, ya meat head!" He pointed at a tree close by.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Quote from: Jetthebinturong on May 08, 2014, 06:40:04 PM
Quote from: Cornflower MM on May 08, 2014, 04:49:12 PM
"David! Broken beyond repair? No one is! Well, except those who are dead. But, anyways! You're not dead! And, if I'm any judge of age, I'd say you've still got a lot of your life ahead of you. Yes, memories can hurt...You've just got to master them....Don't let them master you. Easier said than done, though. AND, they've already got a cat at the Abbey! Who showed up today! As for freaking them out, well, they'll deal! And you're going, alright, even if I need to tie you up. Got it?" Bryony scolded, silently relieved.

David got to his feet and turned away from her after about two minutes he sighed and turned back I used to think that way too but I've been proven wrong, I watched someone who had always seemed unbreakable crack into a million god-damned pieces and he was definitely broken beyond repair and it was my fault. Tears started to fall again but he wiped them away angrily before continuing He always treated life as if it was one big game, took everything easy, got in trouble with the *******s who's territory we lived in? He stared 'em down, cool as ice, it took all of their resources to bring him down, didn't have to do anything to him, he wouldn't break no matter how hard they hit, if I'd have been as tough as him they would have just given up and gone home but after I broke, he broke too. He resorted to begging, he was just sitting there tied to a chair screaming and this was a guy who had never raised his voice in his entire life and he was broken for the rest of his life admittedly that wasn't a very long time but he was broken beyond repair. He snorted at her next comment Are you actually serious? I have got a long life ahead of me yeah, so long as I'm still too much of a coward to run myself through. I'm sixteen Bryony, sixteen. I'm way too young for this ********. The younger you are, the more easily you break and I definitely broke easily. He stared at her I'll come to Redwall, if only to stop myself from being tied up because honestly it was horrible the first time and I never intend for it to happen again but you've only got yourself to blame if your idiotic plan backfires and they kick me out, it'll probably be worth it just to see you eat your words.

OOC: My apologies, Nor!

BIC: Bryony raised her eyebrows. "Sixteen? Well, that makes me older than you. And, if you hadn't just consented to coming, then I probably would have pulled the I'm-older-than-you-so-you-have-to-do-what-I-say card. Dave, you gotta let the past go. Now, preferably. And I'm going to follow you until you do." Bryony said, putting her paw on his shoulder. "And it was not your fault...What would he think of you, blaming yourself for his death?" She asked, staring him in the eye. She had no idea who "He" was, but that didn't matter right now. "He resorted to screaming and begging because he loved you, and it's easy to see why. Even though I've known all of thirty minutes, I'm starting to feel like you're family. Oh, and I NEVER make idiotic plans. Just ask Bryant." She smiled, "Come on, if you're alright then it's time we get going again."

The Skarzs

OOC: When will you be reaching the gates?
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

OOC: In a few minutes, RP time.


Quote from: The Skarzs on May 08, 2014, 01:09:16 AM
OOC: I had to chuckle a little bit thinking about how ironic it is what David is thinking when Argunath has already had a berserk fit back at the abbey. :P

OOC: The emotionally unstable characters of this rp and AWTFYH all snapped at pretty much the same time, maybe it's a SIGN  :D

The ghost of a smile hovered around Dave's lips which betrayed the true emotions he felt at Bryony's comment even if his hands said differently You've got some pretty messed up family if you think I fit into it. But if I apparently feel like family then that would explain the I'm-older-than-you-so-you-have-to-do-what-I-say card you were about to use 'cause that only counts if you're talking to siblings his face grew stony as he addressed the next point It was definitely my fault he died, not just the breaking thing but it was because of my actions that the soldiers came a-knocking he frowned You're about to make the first idiotic plan you've ever made then. I'm guessing Bryant's your brother, judging by your similar names. Yeah, you're right, let's go. He picked his book up off the floor, tore out the offending drawing and crumpled it into a ball before throwing it as hard as possible in the direction opposite to what he assumed was Redwall.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

"One: Well, does it matter whether or not it was your actoins that got him killed? Because /guess what? It's in the past!" She said, then bonked him on the head. (That OK? Trying use a little tactic from The Loin King) "Two: I do NOT have messed up family! Three: Why are you throwing paper balls towards Redwall? Oh, and four: If this IS an idiotic plan, then I'll make you something. Whatever you want." She ended, Smiling.


Dave rolled his eyes again, it was more of a reflex action than anything, no one would be able to tell because of his hood Oh right, it's in the past so obviously it doesn't matter in the slightest. Secondly, if your family isn't messed up then I don't fit into it and should not feel like it. Thirdly if you think I'm throwing random bits of paper around then you need your eyes tested, or did you think I just had an emotional breakdown for no reason? he raised his eyebrow at her last comment Something? What kind of something? What do you make? I can draw and play guitar, used to be a pretty good singer too but obviously can't do that anymore.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

"Oh, hush!" Bryony said, then said, "Er, you know what I mean! Something? Um, I can make flans, pasties, soup, cakes, bread, rolls....Basically anything. But if ypou want a turnover, you'll have to ask my brother for that."

The Shade

Yassen only had half an idea of what was going on thanks to Bryony talking. He had now given up hassling Bryony to hurry up, and sat quietly drawing patterns in the dust with his tail.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Quote from: Cornflower MM on May 09, 2014, 05:21:59 PM
"Oh, hush!" Bryony said, then said, "Er, you know what I mean! Something? Um, I can make flans, pasties, soup, cakes, bread, rolls....Basically anything. But if ypou want a turnover, you'll have to ask my brother for that."

Oh right, food, for a moment there I thought you were like a fletcher or a sculptor or something. he rubbed his eye tiredly Can we just get to Redwall already? I need to sleep
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

"Okay,....But, if you don't mind, I'll carry your book, as I don't want any more of what just happened." Bryony said firmly, holding out her paw.


David looked at her I mind he signed but if you're concerned I'll draw something stupid again I'll leave it where it normally is he hung the book on the special hook he had on his belt right there.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan