
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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A Winter to Freeze Your Heart part 2

Started by Unimaginative, February 10, 2014, 06:17:49 PM

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Dannflower Reguba

       Vatra leaned in close on Arya, a smug, knowing look adorning her face, "Ooooooh? And what, pray tell, is so interesting about the blades of grass you're looking at so intently?" She gave her friend another playful nudge before straightening out. Merriment was shared by all, but Ervoyce was getting quiet. Just as she pulled his legs up and turned him so she could support him sideways, he mustered what little energy he had left to clutch the still supporting arm to his chest. She had not worked much with the dibbuns, but that's what his paws felt like now, small and weak, yet purposeful. Their gazes met as his head thumped lightly into her shoulder, eyes clearly getting weighted again, "... A bit tired is all.... please don't worry, just need some rest." He smiled at the squirrelmaid for all he was worth, "See you again soon?" Her lips passed lightly over his forehead, soon followed by her own after pressing in close, "Not soon enough... sleep well." Another smile, just as he nodded off. Vatra could feel his body loosen, holding him close to reassure herself that he was breathing.... He was alive.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

         Spluttering, Arya reached over to poke at Vatra, "If you keep this up I'll toss you into the pond!" She threatened, a blush clearly visible through her fur. Still, try as she might, she couldn't help but giggle at their ridiculousness.

        As they quieted and Vatra and Ervoyce became more invested in each other, Arya smiled and leaned up against Ushen's side, utterly content. The Abbey was their own once more and everyone she cared about was safe. There was nothing else Arya could think to ask for as she stared out over the pond, Ushen's arm coming around her shyly.

         As sweet as the moment was, it couldn't last forever. They won the war, but there was still a vermin army on the front lawns to deal with. Sighing as she stood, Arya held out her paws to Bryant and Ushen. "Come on you two, we've got work to do. Vatra, you can stay here with Ervoyce, let him rest. If you're needed we'll come get you."

Dannflower Reguba

       Vatra rocked back and forth while Arya spoke. Though she would have loved to just sit there with Ervoyce through sunset, there was still plenty to be done. Sighing wearily, the squirrelmaid pulled her friend's knees up to get under them with one arm while the other supported his back, head still cradled in her shoulder, "There are others who have lost their most precious, twouldn't be right for me ta lie here takin' a load off while they finish up business." She brought up the rear of the squirrel entourage as they came back around the Abbey. Enough time had passed for the dust to settle, the vermin were all filed up while a few groups of woodlanders and Torrent scoured the interior of the main building. With Ervoyce down for the count, she waited to see what Arya's course of action was. Gale seemed to be handling the prisoners, and the sweeping was under way, but there was little leadership on the grounds at the moment.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

      Glancing around the grounds, Arya nodded in satisfaction. Everything was going smoothly, if somewhat disorganized, and she stole a glance at Vatra and Ervoyce before shrugging and dropping Bryant and Ushen's paws, stepping forward with a sharp whistle. The grounds lapsed into silence for the most part, and she cleared her throat.

      "Thank you, Gale, for taking care of the vermin. What's the progress on the building sweep? Once we get the all-clear there we should send a messenger back to Brockhall. I don't want those who stayed behind coming back yet, not until the vermin are gone, but they should know the status of the battle. Also, I want two groups double checking the grounds and moving bodies to somewhere quieter until we can get them laid to rest."

Dannflower Reguba

       One of the woodlander's near the Abbey door responded to Arya's question, having come out to give a status report anyway, "Clear all through the Cellars, ground floor is essentially done, though there are still a few nooks left. One party headed straight to the infirmary, and we should be meeting back with them soon on the way up."

       Vatra left her friend to supervising, Arya seemed comfortable enough, and having heard the progress report on the Abbey, it didn't take much to realize the goal. Ervoyce gently met the ground as he was lain down by the other injured, entrusted to the mixed Redwallers and Guosim tending wounds, "He's resting now, but please keep an eye on 'em for me.. Tried to run off on me once already." After running her paw slowly across his brow one more time, she jogged into the building to help the others clear out the Infirmary so they could move beasts in as soon as could be.

       Gale appeared next to Arya after some of the commotion settled down, they were soon joined by the Log-a-log, and a select few other assorted assistants. The badger was the first to speak, "And.... their fate?" A sweeping gesture towards the vermin solidified his already clear inquiry.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

       Arya nodded in satisfaction at the report, quickly thanking the mouse before turning away to get a group started on breaking down the barricade, lending a paw for a few moments. Once that got smoothly underway she stepped back, glancing around the grounds to make sure no other problems were arising.

       She wrinkled her nose at Gale's question, frowning at the rather sorry looking group. "I'm not entirely sure. I don't want to murder them all, but I don't think they need to be out there, no doubt causing more trouble. They're not staying here though. I thought maybe marching them a few days out from the Abbey and making them scatter? But I really don't know. What do you think?"

        Arya sighed as she crossed her paws. She'd been pondering that question since she'd first rounded the corner coming back from the pond, and a good solution had yet to come to mind.

Dannflower Reguba

       Vatra's eyes were greeted by a saddening sight, though perhaps the rank odor that assaulted her nose would serve as a distraction. It didn't take her long to make Cavern Hole, Great Hall, and the steps to the dormitories. She had already passed a few of the searchers, and could hear them sweeping the floors above as she slowed at the stairs. A whole season, not really that long of a time to take back a stronghold like the Abbey... even so, the rush she felt at the stairwell was intoxicating. Quickly gulping down her feelings, she ascended with just as brisk a pace. The infirmary was a right mess, causing nobeast any surprise during the inspection. As most of the squad moved along, the squirrel bustled about with a couple of other helpers, attempting to return the room to working order.... starting with opening the windows.

* * * * *

       Gale merely shrugged in response, "You could release them to the four winds, a few at a time if need be." He brushed his shoulder off nonchalantly, a motion to which an odd dozen Torrent about the grounds made their way off the site quietly.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

       Raising an eyebrow, Arya considered Gale's suggestion. She was still concerned about the vermin banding up again and causing more trouble, but it was a lot better than anything else she'd thought of. "I like that. How many should we release at a time, do you think? And how long between groups?"


        Bryant and Ushen finished helping take down the barricade, going to join a group going through the Abbey... Only they ended up getting separated from everyone going through the upper level dormitories and quickly got lost as neither brother had ever set foot in the Abbey before.

"You're the one who stopped because you had a rock in your shoe!" Bryant cried, glaring at Ushen. They'd been wandering the halls arguing who's fault it was, neither willing to give any ground.

"Oh yeah? Well, you were supposed to keep an eye on which way they were going!" Ushen snapped back with a huff.

       Their squabble continued as they headed down a flight of stairs, where Bryant stopped. "Wait, weren't we supposed to be going up?"

"Does it matter?! At this point I just want to get back outside to fresh air." Ushen wrinkled his nose pointedly and Bryant shrugged.

"Yeah, whatever. Maybe we can find others."

      Setting off down the hallway, they kept peeking in doors and before long they were poking their heads into the Infirmary, looking utterly clueless.

Dannflower Reguba

       "A pawful a piece per arm of the compass every hour." Gale shrugged, "Rightly, it doesn't quite matter, separating them is oft enough. Now pardon me, but I believe it's time for me to round up my kin, it's best we move." The cold badger turned and left it at that.

* * * * *

       "Right the beds you two! Move yer paws, we've got friends that need this room!" Vatra was all business as she called out the two squirrels peeping through the door. The open window was now being used to eject anything that appeared to be used or associated with the vermin as she bustled about. One of the redwallers in the room excused himself to retrieve clean water, "That reminds me, strip the beds as soon as you've straightened them out!"
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

       Arya blinked at Gale's back as he walked away. The badger's chill curtness was something she was getting used to but it still took her by surprise at times. "Right then," she sighed before turning to find the Guosim to help her keep the vermin in check and start the send off process.


       "Er, actually-" Ushen started to protest as he took a step out of the Infirmary, only to be shoved in by Bryant with a hissed "Sssshhhh!" It was clear Vatra wasn't in the mood to deal with their foolishness and he preferred to help clean over looking through the maze of the Abbey for stragglers. "Strip the beds after fixing them, got it! We'll be sure to do that!" Bryant called back with a forced, cheery smile as he dragged Ushen to the closest bed.

       Ushen merely shrugged and started to shove the mattress. "I've spent more time moving around furniture with you lot than I have any other time." He grumbled, waiting for Bryant to grab the other end. His brother merely shrugged as they flopped the mattress back onto the frame correctly with a creak.

Dannflower Reguba

Corn, you know how these work ;)

       A stream of random items continued to pour from the Infirmary windows as the massive mess finally appeared to be diminishing. Poised in the open space, paw held back to throw, Vatra hesitated, bringing the item back in front of her for inspection. It was a bow, and in a rather sorry condition at that. Even so, as the squirrel peered out the window again, she saw a field of active vermin, felt the pain of injury and the urge to help, the distress of being taken away from her friends and the desperation to return. She felt Arya's position so long ago, being waylaid at this window after having been shot, still fighting. Setting the bow on the sill, she stole a glance at one of the infirmary beds, the glance turned to a gaze, and in it, she saw Ervoyce, bruised, bleeding, and scorched while she rested on the side. How many times had he, had they brushed with death, scorning the cold embrace if not only out of spite? The brothers voices could be heard bickering over whatever inane thing they had just done this time, Bryant, the one time ghost of Redwall, Ushen, the friend and solace that Arya needed after losing Zanga.

       Now, the tears weren't sadness or relief, nay, they were memories distilled. Not just the wild events of today, but of these whole two seasons, of all the change, the violence, fear, worry, and even joy. A lost, reserved wanderer, a headstrong, feisty squirrelmaid.... and herself, the imbittered one, consumed by her grief. They had all died, really, on that night with their beloved otter, never to return. In their place was courage, spirit, and heart, not a one to be left behind by the other. A smile crossed her lips, there were emotions there after all, she hadn't quite noticed at first because this time, they were hers, she owned them. She did not balk at their presence or run from the feeling, rather, accepting them, herself. "Hmm, what word would he use?...." her smile widened, "Serenity." Retrieving the bow, she took another look, feeling the scuffed surface of the wood before snapping it in half, none of them would be needing it, "We're done Arya..... we're really done!"
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

       Arya turned away from the receding backs of vermin as a group went through the gates, looking up to the Infirmary window where Vatra could be seen. A smile spread across her face at the oh-so-normal sight of the squirrel, who was looking at something she held, cemented the knowledge that they were done, that it was really, finally, truly, over. The previous two seasons had been the longest feeling in Arya's life, full of the most uncertainty, grief, and turmoil she'd experienced, and yet here she was on the other side - There was no doubt she had lost much, including herself, but had gained even more. She had lost a friend, only to find her family. A giggle born from the relief and almost euphoria that washed over her passed her lips and Arya cheerily waved up to Vatra.

Dannflower Reguba

       The shattered bow joined the rest of the garbage with a wooden clatter before Vatra allowed a satisfied nod, taking in one more fresh breath to ease back into the putrid room, "Alright boys, enough bickering. We've got wounded friends outside, let's make sure they don't choke to death on the stink ay?" It was on this clear spring day that the Abbey was once again home to the woodlanders, the heart of Mossflower beat once again.

* * * * *

       Rasping breath catching in her throat, Jantar paused to rest from her phantom hunter. She'd been released late, immediately abandoning the two hapless fools that had been sent out as well. They did not heed her warnings, of the death that surrounded them, searched for them, watched them, "That blasted mouse!" Even a mile's distance didn't seem to satisfy the wrath of the guardian ghost as the seer ran once more. As she approached a clearing, the presence suddenly vanished, whirling around to face the absence in a cold sweat, she backed up slowly. Jantar suddenly realized that she was falling, if but for a moment as her body met something both soft and lumpy. With a shriek she bolted upright, bodies! She'd landed on bodies! "My, what grave fortune has been sprung upon me?" The fox's blood curdled as she was hoisted from the pit only to hear the familiar, rumbly voice of Gale, "Th-th-the wars o-over!" She offered pathetically to the uncaring, simmering eyes of the badger warlord.

"No.... it isn't. I shall not allow a second attempt on the roof of those who could sway even a devil... Die the sniveling coward you were born."

Jantar raised her hands as if to protect her face, but her fingers came off as easily as her head, not that she ever got the chance to notice. And so another horde was dashed in Mossflower, swept away by the roar of a northern wind, not a trace to be heard from again.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Cornflower MM

      The warm spring sun gently beat down on the Abbeygrounds as Arya crossed them, nibbling at the last of the bread she'd swiped from the kitchens for a late lunch in the Orchard. It had been a few days since they'd retaken the Abbey and the cleaning up efforts were going extraordinarily well.

       Never let it be said that the Redwallers are anything but hardworking, she mused as she drew closer to the Abbey doors, her pace slowing. The squirrelmaid knew that she should hurry back to the deep cleaning group that she'd left but there was only so much mopping Arya could do before she lost her mind.

        Arya's nose twitched as she entered the building with a sigh, only to brighten as she spotted Ushen crossing Cavern Hole. "Arya! Are you busy? We could use another set of paws in the gatehouse and Bryant's busy in the cellars!" He called with a smile.

Dannflower Reguba

       Vatra very nearly bowled Ushen over, brought back to full consciousness by his raised voice. Blinking the weariness from her eyes, she looked over the mound of laundry in her paws to get her bearings. Having only slept fitfully on the infirmary floor due to lack of beds over the past three days, the squirrelmaid was clearly in dire need of real rest despite her continued insistence on helping with the cleanup. She almost tripped when coming to a stop near the others, narrowly avoiding dumping all the clean clothes she was supposed to hang out to dry, "Woouegh!.. Well hello there, I must say that I'm having doubts about your abilities as a door Ush. Could we perchance take this outside?"
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This