Eclipse [Reboot(Still Accepting, Please post if keeping character)]

Started by Griffen, February 20, 2014, 03:06:27 AM

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I apologize if I came across to defensive, I just don't want a big discussion about that type of confusion on my OOC. And if I recall correctly you did so in another RP of mine, chasing bunny trails and arguing with me. So I decided to snip it at the bud. I'm the GM and got this one pretty planned out, so don't question stuff like that please.


So this is a prequel to the Summer Solstice?


No, kinda. I guess you'll just figure it out later during the RP :)



I'll join

Name: It changes. (Some of them have been (Or will be  ;)) Max, Wing, Ivy, Nut, Moon, Thaw, Silver and Ash,) (I'll make sure to put down what ever it is at the moment to avoid confusion in the RP. Right now she is Nut (As in Nuts  ;))
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Female
Age: Her age is unclear but she seems around 15 or 20 but then again that could be way off.
Affiliation: Good
Weapon(s): A sharp thin Dirk but she hardly ever uses it for fighting.
Appearance: unkempt dark brown fur, strange big gold colored eyes, neat pointy white teeth, One or two scars on her body, and a white swirly tattoo on her left upper arm going up her neck and on to the bottom side of her face. She got it a bit back on a whim and will some times forget that it is there. She went threw a faze where she covered herself in face paint, Another where she attached feathers to her fur and cloths, once she was obsessed with shells. 
Clothing: She has a raged dark colored tunic with a rope belt.
Personality: She is insane, Extreme mood swings, very talkative although half the time she makes no seance, hyper, she talks to inanimate object and talks even if no one is about. She did go threw a faze where she pretended she was mute.
Dislikes/Likes: They are erratic. one minute she will hate something with a passion and the next she will love it or vice versa one minute she will be obsessed with something and the next she will forget it even existed.
Strengths: Extremely quick and agile even for a squirrel, can move around with out being seen or heard (if you can believe it) if she wishes.
Weaknesses: She is very forgetful, Insane, oblivious, Did I say forgetful.  ;)
History: Something happened in her past that drove her mad. She has lived alone all her life never staying in one place for long.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Haha I love this character, welcome to the RP! :D


So when we getting started?


Tomorrow if everything goes as planned.

PS: Everyone's profile is in the first post, for easy access.


Thanks.  ;D  I wanted to try something different.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Well, I'm very close to done!  I also decided to make my character a hare instead.
Age:  19 seasons
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Weapons: None, or none at this time.
Appearance: light grey fur and brown eyes, not really anything special for a hare.
Clothes: Trousers, a fancy looking shirt, and a bowler hat.
Description: Highly enjoys playing card games and he almost always carries a deck of playing cards.  He also enjoys tea, stories about espionage/intrigue, and not being in fights.


Name: Damar K'rek
Race: Golden-furred wildcat (or if other types of cat are allowed, Asian golden cat)
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Affiliation: The Dark
Appearance: A gold furred wildcat, he has a scar over his right eye
Armor/Clothing: Golden coloured helmet and chestplate, his helmet is surmounted by a spike
Personality: Fiercely loyal to the Dark, he prizes honor and courage above all else
Likes: Honor, bravery, fighting those with the previously mentioned qualities
Dislikes: Cowards, insects, cold-blooded murder
Weaponry: He wields a khopesh sword that is the same colour as his armour
History: Not much is known about Damar and the Dark, they come from a far off land where the Dark commands a huge army other than this it's anyone's guess

Name: The Dark
Race: ???
Age: ???
Gender: Male (probably)
Affiliation: Himself
Appearance: All that is known about the Dark's appearance is that he has gleaming red eyes
Armor/Clothing: Flowing black hooded robes, a leather belt from which hang pouches containing powders and liquids
Personality: Unknown
Likes: What the Dark likes is a mystery
Dislikes: Failure
Weaponry: Metal claws peak out from under the sleeves of his robes. He also wears twin hook swords strapped in an x shape across his back
History: *Cold voice* That is none of your business, I suggest that you stop trying to find out about me before you wind up dead
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Sorry but both your characters have been declined. Please refrain from using any type of monkey or relatives to them. But besides those things, you've got two very interesting characters.

Name: Leo Longblade
Race: Rat (NATIVE)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neither
Appearance: Leo is a tall skinny rat, grey fur covers his entire body.
Armor/Clothing: Bleached leather (Kind of tan looking) clothes with a matching ski mask to keep sand out of his face.
Personality: Leo is distant from other creatures, and although he might say something random from time to time, he tries to stay quite.
Likes: Hunting/Trapping Squins
History: Leo was the only son of his late mother and father, since their passing he has kept up the family business of making cloths out of Squin skin that he personally catches.


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


If you don't want others to know the darks race then just pm me it, but i must know what he is.


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?