The Heroes of Redwall: The Return of Zanzuthari Deathhound

Started by AbbotAlf0809, February 21, 2014, 04:14:06 AM

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Razer pricked her ears and sprinted towards the source of the sound. Crashing through some bushes, she stopped in front of Davidari. "Oh, Davidari! I'm really sorry for getting lost. Did anything happen?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

The Skarzs

"We should get going," Kliegh murmured. "We don't know when something else is gonna happen." He looked at Razer through his eye slits; so, this was their friend. "You look like you've seen a ghost," he chuckled.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Davidari eyed down Razer, "he's right. What happened Raze? "


"I'm just...I.." Razer stammered. "I just talked to someone," she finished ungracefully. "We don't need to worry about it. Where are we going?" Have to change the topic.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Davidari sheathes his sword and begins walking away, "Redwall, we must Return to Abbot Amaru and warn them of the evil that is to come."

The Skarzs

Kliegh followed Davidari, checking every so often to make sure those behind him were coming along without any trouble.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Dannflower Reguba

       Arraka glanced briefly at Razer, her eyes were like glowing coals as she gazed into the otter. She waited until the beast she was staring at had noticed before looking away. The black squirrel made it perfectly clear that she knew something. She moved on without saying anything.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Davidari was beginning to become irritated with the constant silence, being the headstrong warrior he is he broke the quite night by saying, "So I suspect we will new allies for the battle to come correct? I have a particular organization in mind, have any of you ever heard of The Cadre?"

The Skarzs

"I've heard the name, but other than that, nothing." Kliegh said.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


  Both Shadow and Jag shook their heads.  "No," Shadow said, "who are they?"

  Shade, meanwhile, gritted her teeth when the mouse spoke the name.  She had a feeling that it was some sort of goodbeast organization that frowned upon thieves and vermin.  They most certainly wouldn't want somebeast like the blind she-cat in their group, now, would they?  But if Chelonia was going to be with this particular gang of misfits or whatever, Shade would stay as well.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Davidari replied, "The Cadre, is an ancient order of assassins and magicians. They have pledged their alligence to te Knight Tribe since te days of Luke the Warrior. They may seem to be vermin, but they are good people at heart. I shall travel to their monastery while the rest of you prepare Redwall for invasion. Actually, Razer and Arraka come with me. The rest of you head back and prepare for the return of Zanzuthari Deathhound and the oblivion he shall bring."


(Please excuse the double post) But guys, comon, we all know this is the greatest of all forum RPs and y'all know it. So please, let's finish it. I didn't return from a two year long exile for nothing. So let's at least finish this one and the grand finish then you can go about your business and I shall leave you be. Hai the Order of the Knight!

The Skarzs

OOC: Alright.

BIC: Kliegh nodded in understanding, and began walking in the direction he remembered Redwall being. "Alright; I don't know about you all, but I'm ready to see Redwall prepared for the worst so it can last the best. Come on!"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


OOC: Thank you and once again I sincerely apologize if what I said came across as inappropriate

BIC: Davidari waved goodbye to his companions as he, Arraka and Razer head for the north to contact the Cadre. "I do hope that the myth his true..." he muttered to himself, "We could use a miracle about now..."

Zanthar paced back and forth in his tent impatiently until a hooded figure entered the room. Clad in a robe of crimson and black, he held out his paw with a strangely crest ring upon it. Zanthar kneeled and kissed it, rising he said, "What is thy bidding my master? Shall we proceed onto out attack on the abbey? Or shall we continue to build our forces?" The strange figure replied in an ominous voice, "Neither for the time being my loyal servant. Send our assassin, Miharig, to the north. I have sensed the power of the sword shift in that direction. Who knows what the woodlanders could be planning." Zanthar nodded, "Shall I send word to our forces in Myrandale? Or what of the spies in Noonvale?"
"No Lord Deathhound, I believe they may Prehaps be contacting our old enemies... the Cadre..."

The Skarzs

OOC: Not at all. I wish I could do more to help this RP out, but, being a newer character, I'm not sure how much I can do with Kliegh.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.