The Heroes of Redwall: The Return of Zanzuthari Deathhound

Started by AbbotAlf0809, February 21, 2014, 04:14:06 AM

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The weasel glared at Arakka and sneered,"Just sign 'ere. Aye don't need no smack 'alk" he slid the form to the black squirell.

Rose courtesied and replied. "Pleasure to meet you all. Welcome to Redwallers abbey! Now of you'll excuse me I must see who is at the gate." She exited the room and trudged through the snow to the gate. She peered through the hole and gasped, "Lord Davidari!! It's an honor! Truly!"
Davidari smiled and replied, "The honor is all mine but could please open the gate? It is rather cold out here."

Dannflower Reguba

     Arraka sneered right back, "Ohhh, is that a touchy spot? My my, aren't we unhappy today." The squirrel scrawled Fuscus on the appointed spot, "Well, don't sour yourself into a lemon 'afore you go 'ta bed." She left the weasel to his own musings and explored the camp, looking to see just what kind of nautical and land lubbing beasts were hanging about. The land lubbers would be easy to get rid of once they were out at Sea, and the one's that went sailing more often than not took far too great a liking to seaweed grog, a beverage easily attainable even on a ship, "Well, I'll do what I can, hope Davi, Jag, and Amaru find out soon."

OOC: She's been to Redwall for some of the feasts so she's not a stranger to anybeast on the good side.  ;)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


"Burr, be's 'e the oonly une thet is noticed?" Clayclaw mumbled, then tugged his snout politely to Sister Rose, "Thurr be's a gurtly frigid und 'ungered moler here, too!"

Lassus was a creature from warm plains; not one built for trudging through snow. He finally stopped, and curled up next to a tree on the side of the path. He pulled his robes tightly around him to wait until morning.

OOC: I'm sorta skipping ahead with Lassus. There's still a lot to be done elsewhere before he actually does that; just wanted to get that out of the way.

Oh, she would be a stranger to Lassus, but so would everyone else, since he's just arriving in Mossflower. But yeah, she would know everybeast else of mine. Certainly Dari wouldn't miss a feast, even for a bat tribe!

Norham Waterpaw

Wisp looked at Jag. "Ah mean no 'arm to this place." He raised his hands, to show he was unarmed. He looked up at the massive structure. "Well, this beats the old shack in the woods, tha's for sure..." He muttered in a low, but somewhat cheery tone.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Davidari entered the abbey and took in the beautiful scenery. Redwall Abbey, the home of his ancestors, more radiant than the sun. He then was led to Cavern Hole and brushed his trench coat saying, "Ah, nothing is as great as coming to Redwall Abbey on a snowy winter night and see your old friends all around a fire."

Zanthar was in a tavern, The Rusty Mace talking to a sailor captain about transportation to the isles of Voss. "So you can take us to Voss without the Jimanesse Navy knowing captain... er,"
"Sparra. Names Cap'n Jallek Sparra. I cap'n the vessel, The Black Abbey, for the Trident Syndicate." Said the cap'n tipping his hat.
"So your in the Trident Syndicate?" Asked Zanthar.
"I guess you could say that. I run the whole thing."


Razer was out by the Abbey pond, gazing at the water. Her bow was clenched in her hand. Next to her, an otter dibbun was lying on his stomach in front of the edge of the pond, his chin resting on the pond surface, making splashes with his hands and making little joyful noises.
"You having fun, Riallo?" Razer said with a fond look at the dibbun.
Riallo leaped into the pond, his rudder sending up droplets as he dove. When he surfaced, he giggled, "More fun if I could leave tha Abbey, mum!"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Duniya gave a start, she had not realised that there were other beasts nearby. With a sigh of frustration she leaped out of the tree and landed on all fours, hoping that the otters had not seen or heard her
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


A an abbey sister was running across the courtyard and bumped into Razer, "Oof! Pardon me ma'am, Lord Davidari is in Cavern Hole as we speak!"
Abbot Amaru shook paws with Davidari and said, "Tis a pleasure to meet you in person Lord Davidari. It is truly an honor, I am Abbot Amaru."

Leatho Shellhound

Mucklik couldn't believe his luck! On his quick pit stop at the abbey, his old friend Davidari arrives!

"Davi, good to see you again. You still swinging around that sword of yours?" the mouse said.
    Take a look at our Abbey's Art Gallery

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  It was quite a surprise to the black she-cat to see Davidari striding up to the gate of Redwall, but to be honest, Shadow was quite excited.  The gang was getting back together!

  Smiling, Shadow greeted the mouse warrior with a cheerful, "Davi!  What brings you to Redwall?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


"Hello all!" Greeted Davidari, "I'm sure you have lots of questions but it's great to see you all! I just hope that I was able to make it before any danger came to the abbey. There's strange things happening up north. I was making sure the abbey was safe." He hung up his trench coat and knocked the snow from his boots. He slapped Much on the back and shook paws with Jag.

Leatho Shellhound

The white mouse's face grew earnest, as he he heard about this possible threat. And also of his tribe that was up north.

"What danger is this?" the chieftain asked. "Should we have an abbey counsel meeting?"
    Take a look at our Abbey's Art Gallery

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Davidari shook his head, no thus not necessary, I do not know what thus danger is just yet. But, my agents are looking into it as we speak." He reached for the first mug of ale he saw and swilled it all in one gulp. He then sat down and began stiffing himself with abbey food and washing it down with mugs if ale.


Razer glanced at Duniya for a moment before nodding to the Abbey sister. "Thanks. C'mon Riallo, let's go meet a friend of mine," she said.

As the otters reached Davidari and the group, Razer nodded to Davidari. "Welcome back. Have you met Riallo yet?" She gestured to the wide-eyed otter dibbun next to her.

"Wow!" Riallo gasped at Davidari. "Ai'm talkin' tah a legend!" He turned to the others, "Hai, everybeast!"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: We aren't being very consistent with the season. What season is it  really, Alf?