The Heroes of Redwall: The Return of Zanzuthari Deathhound

Started by AbbotAlf0809, February 21, 2014, 04:14:06 AM

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Leatho Shellhound

Quote from: Rainshadow on February 26, 2014, 07:10:28 PM
OOC:  I've suddenly realized that I haven't posted at all with Chelonia.  Any idea where she might come in?

OOC: Well, I'm going to go to Agutrot (which will be soon) so you could post as her then? :)

Hope to get a post in tomorrow.
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OOC: Ya don't talk about Zanthar yet.

BIC: Abbot Amaru looked at the hare, "Ah yes! Tonto! Davidari this hare here knows the best routes anywhere in Mossflower. I suggest you bring him." Davidari eyed down the hare, "Of course he can come! I am always accepting new member for this group."

Zanthar walked through Agutrot looking for willing vermin for his horde and saw the ship he hired to take Miharig to Voss, The Black Abbey, throw his troops and Miharig off the ship raised the flag of the Sparra Clan right under the flag of Salamandastron. "Curse those corsairs!"He shouted as Miharig sputtered onto the dock. "Lord Deathhound! The corsairs betrayed us and are telling the Shogun of Jika and the Badger Lord of our operation!" Zanthar chuckled. let them come, we shall be ready..."


Nothing to see here
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Dannflower Reguba

Quote from: Jetthebinturong on February 27, 2014, 08:17:16 PM
In the realm of spirits, He who Walks in Shadows stood facing a stern-faced mouse wearing armour and carrying a sword. The fox attempted to reason with the mouse "Come now, there must be something you want, something you'd be willing to give up this abbey for?" the mouse shook his head "Not now, nor ever will I give up this abbey" the fox growled
"You must listen to reason, everybody has a price"
"Not me demon, I will guard this abbey until its very foundations crumble"
"So be it!" The fox drew his katana and launched himself at the mouse, wings sprouting from his back as he did so, he swung his sword downwards as he neared his target. The warrior raised his sword and blocked the strike, vibrations ran through both spirit's hands and they dug their heels into the ethereal soil. He who Walks in Shadows pushed with all his might, the mouse warrior stumbled and the fox pressed his attack, swinging with a blow that would surely result in his victory but the mouse threw up his blade and they met with a clash. The fox growled and stepped back, the mouse warrior followed, the ruby on his sword hilt glittered in the strange light of the spirit world. This time it was the mouse who struck first, his sword whistling through the air, the blades clashed again but this time the fox pulled away from the lock and swung his sword horizontally at the mouse who immediately blocked downwards, the fox' blade flashed upward and nicked the mouses throat. The mouse kicked out and the fox went sailing back. He who Walks in Shadows managed to control himself so that he landed on his feet in a warriors crouch. The mouse charged him but the fox met his attack and their blades flashed in deadly patterns as each sought an opening that would destroy the other. He who Walks in Shadows had met his match, he and this mouse would continue fighting in the spirit world for all eternity unless he did something. But He who Walks in Shadows was clever, throughout the fight he had been slowly leading the mouse away from the abbey. Suddenly a tendril of shadow wrapped itself around his opponent and threw him even further away from the abbey, the fox did not miss his chance and launched himself into the air as shadowy black feather wings sprouted from his back. Some sixth sense made him turn around, his eyes widened and he threw up his sword, blocking a wild onslaught from the mouse who had sped towards him with bright white wings which rivaled the darkness of his own. The fox sighed in exasperation as they fought, didn't this guy ever give up?

OOC: Abbot, please dis-allow this. NOBEAST can even contend with Martin, this is God-modding in just about the worst form I've ever seen it take. You simply cannot put up any type of fight against such a warrior as Martin. You fight with Martin, he kills you, END OF STORY. Martin's too smart to be kited around a fight either, Redwall is his priority and he simply would not leave the Abbey un-defended. Being able to be in the "spirit" world is already incredibly iffy, but this is just downright unfair.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: Excuse me but Martin is not unbeatable, Tsarmina almost killed him and that was the only major fight we ever see him in. Also I think it's pretty clear that HwWiS knows he can't beat him, which is why he is trying to use trickery. HwWiS himself is dead (well not exactly), how else would you be able to make things appear out of shadows? The only reason he's trying to get inside Redwall is because he senses magic in the place and wants to destroy it which was why he was following Dusk's group earlier (at the time he did not realise that Wisp had magic because there was so much of it around). Earlier, as I said, he was in agonising pain when he touched the stones which is why he is trying to contend with Martin. It is also going to end in Martin beating him hollow and him giving up so I don't see what your problem is. As I said Martin is not unbeatable, he was an amazing warrior but Boar would be able to defeat him easily as he was his teacher and a badger, in fact I think that most badger lords would be able to beat Martin providing they weren't afflicted by bloodwrath. I challenge you to find once in the entire series where it is said that Martin is unbeatable (HwWiS is not going to beat him because honestly he doesn't have enough skill but that is beside the point, it never says Martin is unbeatable unless it was some abbey dweller admiring him)

EDIT: In case you needed proof that HwWiS cannot enter Redwall
QuoteThe fox disappeared again and reappeared next to Redwall's wall "Now now, that's not very friendly" he leaned back against the wall, his body tensed, his eyes bulged in his face and he screamed. He once again dispersed into black smoke and a second later he was writhing on the floor between the abbey and Wisp. He howled and spat and hissed and screamed, the sound was unearthly and struck terror into the hearts of most beasts. His form flickered between a rat, a fox and a bird, wings flickered into existence on his back, disappearing as horns sprouted from his head and still he screamed. He lay on the path for five minutes, rolling and screaming and cursing, before he finally staggered to his feet. His yellow eyes gleamed as he glared balefully at the abbey "Hallowed ground..." he muttered "and they've got a guardian spirit too" he raised his voice "Consider yourselves lucky, I won't be killing you today" And with a puff of black smoke, he was gone.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


OOC: BOTH OF YOU STOP! Ok, now Dan he is kinda right that Martin isn't unbeatable but your also right about something. That is EXTREME GOD MODING. Jett, I know you want a dark spirit like character but just can't go switching worlds and betting incredible warriors like that. Please do not do such without asking for my OK got it? I'm just trying to keep a fair enviroment.


OOC: Would it be okay if I toned it down or do you want me to delete it completely? If you want, Alf, I'll pm you telling you exactly what HwWiS is and his motivations and stuff. I didn't put that in the app because I wanted it to be a surprise
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


OOC: Wow there's so many people RPing here! :o

Riallo beamed as Davidai patted his head. Razer questioned the others, "What enemy? What are you all talking about?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: Just delete it for now but I the future let me know bout that stuff.

BIC: Davidari patted Riallo on the head and said, "Wr don't exactly know yet but we are going to Shitrot to find out."

Norham Waterpaw

Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Dannflower Reguba

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Gonff the Mousethief

''Why thankee Davidari Sah! Can I call ya Davi? Because well, if im going ta be on this team I might as well wot!''
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


OOC: God I don't even know

BIC: Davidari looked at the group of adventurers, "We leave tomorrow for the city of Agutrot! Get sleep and whatever you may need and meet up at the gate around dawn tomorrow." He and the abbot walked off the his office.

The Skarzs

Kliegh found the recruiter, the weasel, and signed up, not fully aware of the army's intentions nor really caring at the moment; it was better than sitting in the mud for seasons waiting for something to happen.
He stayed away from the fires spotted around, coming across a group of creatures in a bunch. He walked up to them and removed his helmet.
"Good day, sirs. How long until we leave to wherever we're going?"
Another ferret turned and looked at him up and down. "I don't remember seein' you about; a new one, eh? Well, all ya need to know is da big boss wants to take over a place called 'Allred Stabby' or something like that, and you don't argue with Zanzuth Deathhound!"
Kliegh's sharp blue eyes widened slightly. "Zanzuthari Deathhound?"
"Aye," said the ferret, looking curiously at him. "You heard o' him?"
"Oh, I've heard of him. Just didn't know he was in charge here. Ehm, did you mean 'Redwall Abbey'?"
He thought for a moment then burst out laughing. "Aharr harr harr! So I did! Hey, Glumsnout, this 'ere ferret just remembered the name o' that place: tis Redwall Abbey, not Allred Stabby! Aharr harr haaaarrrrrrr!"

Leaving the group, Kliegh hid his worried face behind his helmet. Redwall Abbey? How could he attack those peacefull creatures, who helped him so many seasons ago? But he could not leave; he had signed up, and would be recognized easily if he left, and surely branded as a turn tail, and possibly killed. Maybe something might happen, and he could slow down the army. But against the Deathhound? He would need help.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Leatho Shellhound

OOC: AbbotAlf0809, are you posting from an ipod or some thing similar? That might explain the random word appearances.

BIC: Muchlik had volunteered to go on ahead and scout out the path ahead of the main group. He would report back to them once they were on the trail.

The sun still hadn't risen as he walked in the shadows at the edge of the tree line following the path. Every once in a while the moon would shine of his helmet as he passed through a clearing.


The sound of a stick breaking was heard behind him. He drew his dagger from his thigh holster. He had always been a dagger fighter but carried a rapier for better armoured enemies.

He smelled the foul breath of a vermin behind him and swung around digging his dagger in to a it's shoulder. The stoat's cry was cut short as the mouse chieftain sliced his dagger across his throat as he ran past him after another vermin who he saw run into the woods.

The chase might have gone on had he not shot a stone from his sling as the scum poked his head out from behind a far away tree.

He hadn't wanted to kill him, b/c he wanted information, but he needed to stop the vermin from escaping.

It took Muchlik some time to get back to the path again, especially since he had to take care of the other half a score of vermin who had been waiting in ambush. He had picked them off one by one like the first two. But he got the feeling that they were a press gang, due to the fact that many of them had chains, and that they had no way of knowing about the group of warriors coming up this way at dawn.
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