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Forbidden Truce - An AU RP

Started by Faiyloe, February 21, 2014, 03:17:55 PM

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Which title do you like best. (If you are not in This RP but have been fallowing along feel free to vote.

 The Beginning
The Beginning of The End
Fire, Water and the Beginning of the End
Bloodied Families
The Gap Widens



I would like to wait for a few more people to join and I promised I would wait for Rachel to get back from her trip.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Then can I join now? ;D

Name: Zuzukath
Species: Weasel
Age: 20-40 unknown
Weapon: Spear, gaff hook, daggers, rope (like gullwhacker), chain, club
Family: Neither
Role: Psychopath
Appearance: Covered in mud and grime, even a bit of mold, barely any of his brown fur shows
Armor/clothing: Ripped and stained remains of a tunic and huge floppy boots
Likes: Fire, pain, battle, seeing and making other creatures suffer, blood and meat
Dislikes: Water, all other creatures, vegetables and fruit
Strength: Slippery, always 'weasels' out of things. (see what I did there? ;D)
Weaknesses: Talks to himself, so he can be heard; also, he is crazy, so his decisions are not what you might call "sound judgments"
History: Killed his entire family (and ate them; he is absolutely psycho) His goal in life is to kill everyone and everything
Other: Likes to start fires whenever he wants; will kill anyone he meets
Is currently hiding out between the two family house areas.
Edit: Reading this over, this sounds like your squirrel character in Eclipse :P
Completely unintentional.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Reading threw that I was like... Did I start something... all of a sudden there are a lot of insane characters. you are excepted. You should probably say where he lives.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


And ready to join in!  ;D

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


May I join? Seems fun! I might make a Gretheg character later, since Lonel is getting more people.

Name: Gerruk
Species: Rat
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Family: Gretheg
Role: Servant
Weapons: Dirk
Appearance: Thin, short tail  with nearly shaved off fur, so dirt wont get on it. (More on that later)
Clothing: Raggedy tunic with faded gold embroidery around the edges, a gift from his dead brother. Hidden sheath.
Personality: Sneaky, but sometimes clumsy. Not good at keeping secrets. Tries to be sneaky and has a failing plan to take over both families.
Likes: A sturdy shovel.
Dislikes: A body that was dug up before he got there.
Strengths: Is good at hiding, for he had to do so often so the grave guards wouldn't catch him.
~Just a soft space boi~


Sorry won't fit, here's part two.

Weaknesses: Low stamina and skill to use his muscles from digging often.
History: Former gravedigger, which he still does in his spare time. Does Orvil's dirty work such as assassinations, which he is relatively good at as long as his targets are easy. Also steals from the Grethen family.
~Just a soft space boi~


Ok I'm a little confused. Orvil is the head of the Gretheg family but you said he was on Lonel's side. Who's side is he on?
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


~Just a soft space boi~


Quote from: The Skarzs on February 26, 2014, 09:05:54 PM
Then can I join now? ;D

Name: Zuzukath
Species: Weasel
Age: 20-40 unknown
Weapon: Spear, gaff hook, daggers, rope (like gullwhacker), chain, club
Family: Neither
Role: Psychopath
Appearance: Covered in mud and grime, even a bit of mold, barely any of his brown fur shows
Armor/clothing: Ripped and stained remains of a tunic and huge floppy boots
Likes: Fire, pain, battle, seeing and making other creatures suffer, blood and meat
Dislikes: Water, all other creatures, vegetables and fruit
Strength: Slippery, always 'weasels' out of things. (see what I did there? ;D)
Weaknesses: Talks to himself, so he can be heard; also, he is crazy, so his decisions are not what you might call "sound judgments"
History: Killed his entire family (and ate them; he is absolutely psycho) His goal in life is to kill everyone and everything
Other: Likes to start fires whenever he wants; will kill anyone he meets
Is currently hiding out between the two family house areas.
Edit: Reading this over, this sounds like your squirrel character in Eclipse :P
Completely unintentional.

Vov, zat encompazzez boz Weasels an' ze Yuuzhan Vong (ze pain bitz). Ah really loike yer character, matey!

Ah'll pozt a character up on ze morrov. Meanvhoile, Ah'm off tae vatch Ztargate SG-1. Da svidaniya!
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

The Skarzs

Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on March 01, 2014, 12:52:07 AM

Vov, zat encompazzez boz Weasels an' ze Yuuzhan Vong (ze pain bitz). Ah really loike yer character, matey!

Glad you approve, but what's this about a 'Yuuzhan Vong'? Could you translate please? :P
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Name: Voxx
Species: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Family: Gretheg
Role: Somewhat high ranking officer in Donavin's military.
Weapon(s): Ornate horn-and-gilt longbow and arrows, many many knives which he throws and wields with great skill. He has a variety of different arrows, but the most notable arrows are semi-mechanical grapnel arrows- A hook unfolds from the large tip. (Nothing too complicated, though difficult enough to make that he uses them sparingly.) He can fire them quickly, and, say, loop them around a branch and then swing from them. Useful, but not to an extreme extent, as he doesn't want to use them near any kind of civilization- They're inaccurate, and it wouldn't be the first time he hit someone without meaning to.
Appearance: Fairly small for an otter. His fur is a deep black, unlike most of his kin. Sparkling green eyes.
Armor/Clothing: Dark brown leather armor, green tunic and hood. He wears a cloth to cover his mouth and nose often, both for practical reasons and because he finds it strangely comforting.
Personality: Kind in general, though he'll occasionally be biased towards or against somebeast for no reason whatsoever. To any Lonel creatures, he's cold, though not always violent unless he's provoked. There have been some incidents in his life that he's not proud of- When he was forced to commit acts of evil. Not exactly forced physically, but emotionally and... umm... societally? You get the idea.
Likes: He very much enjoys playing the small flute he carries with him, singing, throwing knives and shooting arrows for sport, friendly competition, most pies and puddings, and almost anything with green onion, potato, or raspberries in it.
Dislikes: Being dirty in specific ways- He can't stand being sandy or gritty, or being soaked with water or mud. He doesn't mind dull pain so much, but throbbing sharp pain is agonizing to him.
Strengths: -Skill with knives- -Skill with archery- -Special arrows- -Agility and speed-
Weaknesses: Fear of heights. Not moderate ones, he can jump off anything under ten feet without any hesitation- He was taught how to dodge, roll, jump, and carry on running with the best of them. But standing on a ledge any higher than about twenty feet fills him with fear. He's about a quarter as effective with anything if he's in such a situation- Though, if he's got a rope tied to his belt, and grappled onto a nook, he feels much safer. He also doesn't like water- He's alright at swimming, but that's on a normal creature scale- He possesses none of the natural otter skill with water, and in fact hates being in it. He can still do things that are anatomically part of him, such as hold his breath longer and use his rudder, but he never learned to use them properly, due to his fear of water.
History: As he was growing up, he was trained in all the things Donavin specializes in- speed, agility, archery, ranged tactics. When he was fourteen, he joined Donavin's forces, and since then has had several victories and defeats against the Lonel as he went up through the ranks.

Mayyyyy Iiiiiii Joooiiinnnnnn? :D, this seems like a really cool RP.