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The High Seas

Started by Unimaginative, February 28, 2014, 02:34:49 AM

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Pirates. We're gonna be Pirates. Here is a map of what the Area where the roleplay takes place on looks like this. Most of the roleplay takes place in the circled area in the central area: . Here's a little more information: There are no "good guys." There are no "bad guys." All that matters is one of these 3 affiliations: Pirates, Explorers, and Navy. The Pirates attack everyone, the Navy attacks Pirates, and the Explorers will, for the most part, try to remain peaceful. There are two cities: Wusnant, the Pirate Stronghold, and Kingstown, the Navy and Explorer Stronghold Wusnant is located on the marker, and Kingstown is on the peninsula on the island South of it. The one that is almost exactly South of the marker. This is likely going to go on for awhile, and frankly, I'm hoping it's one of the roleplays that lasts awhile. Use any character sheet you want. The character limit is three. If a character dies, then you many make another. Possible positions are: Captain, First Mate, Second Mate, Crew Beast, and Navigator.


Hav Herre
Name: Andor Aron-HanNorwood
Affiliation: Pirate.
Species: Shrew.
Age: 45 Season-Years.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short and strong. He wears a vest over his bare chest, and short brown trousers. On his head he has a purple silk Bandana, which he stole from the captain of a merchant vessel. He has a few scars on his face, and grey fur.
Personality: He is intelligent and foresighted, which probably is the reason for still being alive. He is almost always calm, and very cold-hearted.
Weapon: A Sabre, which he wears slung across his back. At his waste he has a dirk, and, oddly, has a Hoplite Shield, which he always has on his arm.
History*: He joined a pirate crew at 15 seasons. Quickly establishing himself as a good lieutenant, he was able to draw near to the captain. After 5 seasons, he gathered a small group of loyal creatures, 5 in total, and betrayed the captain, taking control of the ship. He has gathered a small fleet of 5 ships, each with one of his fellow Mutineers at the helm. Since then he has been raiding and boarding, and always managed to avoid the Navy.
Ship: Hav Herre (Ocean Lord)
Position: Captain.

Ondo De Intrrupter
Name: Tauten Err Rip-HanNorwood
Affiliation: Navy
Species: Patagonian Mara
Age: 25 Season-Years
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall and Sturdy. He wears a Royal Blue Coat over a white ruffled shirt. The coat has gold strips on it. His trousers are brown. His fur is a beautiful gold.
Personality: Tauten is what is commonly described as a ruthless hunter. Once he finds pirates, he will track them down and try to kill them, no matter the cost. He has lost many men, but is still trusted by his officials, enough so that he is in charge of the hunt for Andor Aron.
Weapon: A rapier is his choice weapon, but like most seamen, he has a dagger at his waist as well.
History*: When Tauten was young, his home was raided by pirates. He was the sole survivor. As soon as Tauten was old enough, he enlisted in the Navy, vowing to get his revenge on the pirates that killed his family. He quickly rose through the ranks, and soon became captain of his own ship.
Ship: Ondo de Interrupter
Position: Captain.

The Black Abbey
Name: Cap'n Jallek Sparra-AbbotAlf
Race: Mouse
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Pirates
Ship: The Black Abbey
Flag: Black flag with a White Castle and crossed sabres
Rank: Captain
Appearance: Light brown fur, Green eyes, several scars, tattoo of a trident on left arm, larger than the average mouse and muscular.
Clothing: Black leather drab armor, large leather boots and gloves, wear a black wide brimmed hat with blue feather in it.
Personality: Swashbuckling, roguish, smart, sly, flirtatious.
Weaponry: Duel wield Cutlasses, dirk, flintlock pistol (if permitted)
History: Member of the legendary corsair family Sparra and captain their ship, the black abbey. Inherited the ship from his father Jacob Sparra dispute being the younger son. Was imprisoned by the Navy 3 seasons ago but managed to break out as regain control of his crew. Hold a bitter rivalry with his brother Tezlon Sparra (who I shall post later)

The Veritane
Name: Captain Zane-Rusvul
Affiliation: Navy
Species: Jack Russel Terrier
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall and broad-shouldered. White fur except for his paws and ears, which are light brown. Black spot in the center of his forehead. Old British Royal Navy style longcoat and bicorne hat. Gold trim on everything. Very fancy without being impractical. He wears almost no armor, though he has boiled leather at some places in his jacket- Most notably, the neck.
Personality: A stiff, by the book officer. Sworn to apprehend thieves, pirates, and enemies of the realm. All enemies are imprisoned and executed or instantly eradicated. Zane believes all is for the good of his country. He is absolutely true to his beliefs, completely honest, and is always polite, without fail. Even when issuing death threats, which he does not do idly or casually. Generally a goodbeast, even though sometimes fighting for flawed ideals.
Weapon: Long sabre and three flintlock pistols- At almost all times, one will be in his hand with the other two thrust through his belt.
History: He was born into nothing- He had no money, and no property. He wanted to be someone- Not just another face. Since it was the easiest path to take to be known as a hero, and because he would be fed and provided a place to sleep, he joined the Navy. He quickly excelled and rose through the ranks. By the time he was twenty-five, he had earned a place as Quartermaster aboard the ship Peregrin, and when the first-mate died four years later, he took his place. Shortly after, he was promoted to Captain and given his own ship- The Veritane.
Ship: The Veritane
Position: Captain.

Name: Tezlon Sparra-AbbotAlf
Race: Mouse
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Navy
Weaponry: Long saber, flintlock pistol, dirk
Appearance: Large and light brown fur. Long scar on his face from a previous encounter with a pirate captain. Wears a long blue naval trench coat/vest with gold trimming and buttons. Wears a tricone hate it's a blue feather on the top.
Personality: Rather headstrong but can be reserved at times, hates all forms if piracy and crime, not very emotional an shows very little emotional all of the time.
History: Disowned member of the corsair dynasty of the Sparras and has had several battles with his little brother Jallek. He hates any pirate he sees due to being enslaved by some once.
Enlisted in the navy at age 16 and rose through the ranks with great speed, befriending Captain Zane akin the way.
Rank: First mate
Ship: The Veritane

The Ero Ontzia
Name:  Erotu Stulte-Rainshadow

Affiliation:  Pirate.

Species:  Black-capped Screech Owl

Age:  In his late forties or early fifties, if he can remember correctly.

Gender:  Male

Appearance:  Erotu has brown feathers of varying shades, and has large, slightly suspicious, brown eyes.
 The owl doesn't wear much for clothing, but he does have a red sash tied around his belly.  He has to adjust it every now and then so it doesn't slide off his body.

Personality:  The older owl is fond of any sort of drink, ranging from ale to seaweed grog to mint and comfrey tea.  He's suspicious of many beasts on the ship, due to having a handful of voices constantly chattering away in his head about them, but he remains loyal to the captain.

Weapon:  His beak and talons are Erotu's most used weapons, but some claim that his singing voice could make beasts writhe on the ground in pain.

History:  Nobeast really knows where the old screech owl came from, but Erotu is a good sailor, and that's that.  He did, however, say one thing about his past, explaining that he fell out of his nest when he was just an owlet, but he failed to mention that it brought about his "friends", also known as the voices in his head.

Ship:  The Ero Ontzia

Position:  Captain

Other:  Mr. Stulte has several voices that speak with him at all hours of day.  He believes that they're all owls, and thinks them to be real, although they are not.  One is a female named Uste, and there are two males, named Denken and Puto.  They don't like most of his crewmates, as they aren't owls, but they do enjoy the company of the captain, who they claim to be a "jolly good chap, even if he isn't an owl."

The White Crab

Name: Dehrago

Affiliation: Pirate

Species: Fox

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: Completely black with a single golden stripe starting from his forhead to his nose. His eyes are dark blue. He has a huge ugly scar that starts from his left shoulder to the right side of his torso. His clothing is a leather vest that shows a lot of his chest, with black pants that has a red belt and black boots. And a blood-stained cloth he wears on his head.

Personality: Quiet, reserved, never really shows any emotion. Cruel and merciless. Would kill anybeast if it meant it would put some money in his pocket.

Weapon: A large curved saber which he always has by his side. and two dirks hidden in his vest.

History: Dehrago was raised as a pirate. His parents left him when he was very little. Dehrago has rarely been on land, for his only passion besides raiding and plundering is sailing. He was first mate when the captain died and Dehrago succeeded in becoming captain.

Ship: The White Crab

Position: Captain
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

The Skarzs

I'm gonna hang back a little while; do ya mind?
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Zat map lookz zomevot zimilar tae ze VI (Vulpine Imperium) vone.
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


It would, as I was looking specifically for a good archipelago map.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Leatho Shellhound

Hmm, looks fun. I may join this one.
    Take a look at our Abbey's Art Gallery

click the banner


Name: Cap'n Jallek Sparra
Race: Mouse
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Pirates
Ship: The Black Abbey
Flag: Black flag with a White Castle and crossed sabres
Rank: Captain
Appearance: Light brown fur, Green eyes, several scars, tattoo of a trident on left arm, larger than the average mouse and muscular.
Clothing: Black leather drab armor, large leather boots and gloves, wear a black wide brimmed hat with blue feather in it.
Personality: Swashbuckling, roguish, smart, sly, flirtatious.
Weaponry: Duel wield Cutlasses, dirk, flintlock pistol (if permitted)
History: Member of the legendary corsair family Sparra and captain their ship, the black abbey. Inherited the ship from his father Jacob Sparra dispute being the younger son. Was imprisoned by the Navy 3 seasons ago but managed to break out as regain control of his crew. Hold a bitter rivalry with his brother Tezlon Sparra (who I shall post later)


This is a brilliant RP. Seriously, why has nobody made something like this before? Hmm, maybe someone did, and I'm just too oblivious to notice.
Regardless of that, here's my sheet.

Name: Captain Zane
Affiliation: Navy
Species: Jack Russel Terrier
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall and broad-shouldered. White fur except for his paws and ears, which are light brown. Black spot in the center of his forehead. Old British Royal Navy style longcoat and bicorne hat. Gold trim on everything. Very fancy without being impractical. He wears almost no armor, though he has boiled leather at some places in his jacket- Most notably, the neck.
Personality: A stiff, by the book officer. Sworn to apprehend thieves, pirates, and enemies of the realm. All enemies are imprisoned and executed or instantly eradicated. Zane believes all is for the good of his country. He is absolutely true to his beliefs, completely honest, and is always polite, without fail. Even when issuing death threats, which he does not do idly or casually. Generally a goodbeast, even though sometimes fighting for flawed ideals.
Weapon: Long sabre and three flintlock pistols- At almost all times, one will be in his hand with the other two thrust through his belt.
History: He was born into nothing- He had no money, and no property. He wanted to be someone- Not just another face. Since it was the easiest path to take to be known as a hero, and because he would be fed and provided a place to sleep, he joined the Navy. He quickly excelled and rose through the ranks. By the time he was twenty-five, he had earned a place as Quartermaster aboard the ship Peregrin, and when the first-mate died four years later, he took his place. Shortly after, he was promoted to Captain and given his own ship- The Veritane.
Ship: The Veritane
Position: Captain.

If somebeast'd join my crew, I'd be grateful. Even with just one person, it's be vastly better.

Let's go smack some pirate face! Yeahhh!


I hadn't seen any like it, which is why I made it. Both accepted!
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


This looks interesting I was thinking if it is ok with you I could make a character that is the daughter of your navy captain Han. If that is ok. if not that's fine too.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Name: Tezlon Sparra
Race: Mouse
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Navy
Weaponry: Long saber, flintlock pistol, dirk
Appearance: Large and light brown fur. Long scar on his face from a previous encounter with a pirate captain. Wears a long blue naval trench coat/vest with gold trimming and buttons. Wears a tricone hate it's a blue feather on the top.
Personality: Rather headstrong but can be reserved at times, hates all forms if piracy and crime, not very emotional an shows very little emotional all of the time.
History: Disowned member of the corsair dynasty of the Sparras and has had several battles with his little brother Jallek. He hates any pirate he sees due to being enslaved by some once.
Enlisted in the navy at age 16 and rose through the ranks with great speed, befriending Captain Zane akin the way.
Rank: First mate
Ship: The Veritane


"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Hate to double post, but are any of you still interested? I still really want to get this going.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


  HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS BEFORE?!?!?  I'd love to join!

  Uh, I was wondering if I could possibly use a character that has slight magic?  (Shem Colter from my RP, but younger and less insane.  ;))
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!