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Hidden Within The Walls: Part Two

Started by rachel25, February 28, 2014, 05:56:55 PM

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Cornflower MM

Bryony rolled her eyes, "Yes, O Master Of Sarcasm And Unthankfulness." She said sarcastically, then vaulted up a tree, and was lost to sight. About five minutes later, she looked down from the tree she was in, and said pleasantly, "Hello, Sister Lupine! Fancy meeting you here."

Gonff the Mousethief

OOC I'm here jukka

BIC Marshall went and knocked on the abbess door.
"Fern! I need to talk to ya pronto!"
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Jukka the Sling

OOC: Great! :)

Fern's ears perked up at Marshall's voice. Having just finished her entry, she closed her journal and headed over to the door of her study.

Opening it, she looked at Marshall with a question in her eyes. "Come in. What did you want to talk to me about?"
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Lupine screeched in fright, and surprise, and leapt back, falling into some bushes, "Never, never ever do that again you crazy squirrel!" She gasped, pulling herself up out of the bushes.
Monka eye rolled, as Bryony disappeared, she was certainly something. Then he heard a shriek, and since he didn't intend to obey Bryony's orders, he set off in that direction. He came upon them just as a mouse, probably Sister whats-herface said crazy squirrel. "Well, you certainly hit the nail on the head with that one." He commented dryly. "Can we go now?" He addressed Bryony, one eyebrow raised in a provocative gesture.

Gonff the Mousethief

''Bryony's  brother is not dead! We need t' find her and tell ah'! She could then stop chasin those crazy ottas,t hen her and the Monka could come back 'ere!''
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Cornflower MM

Bryony snickered at Lupine's shriek, and then it evaporated when Monka appeared. "Good grief, Monka! I thought I told you to rest and eat! And, no, we're not going now." She snapped at him, then got down from the tree, and turned to Lupine. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you so badly, Sister Lupine! And I'm not a crazy squirrel. What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be back at Redwall?" She said much more nicely.

Jukka the Sling

Fern nodded. "Yes, Bryant is fine, apart from a broken leg. He'll recover." She bit her lip, then decided to tell Marshall. "And actually, Sister Lupine has left, and is out looking for Bryony to let her know. I haven't told anybeast else yet, just you."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Cornflower MM

OOC: Speaking of Skipper......

BIC: Skipper wasn't enjoying the boat ride. He normally liked them, but this was just too much! He started gnawing on his newest gag.


Monka huffed, and before Sister Lupine could explain to Bryony why she was here, he kind of exploded. "I don't have time for this! Maybe this is just all a game for you, but I actually have more of a reason to kill this bloody otter than you do! You can stay here, and chit chatt till your blue in the face! I'm done with you, and your ridicules antics!"
Monka then turned, and stormed off into the surrounding woodlands. He knew what he had said wasn't fair, but he had a lot of emotions that had built up inside of him. Bryony had just been caught in the crossfire of his need to get it out.
Sister Lupine had stood up now,, and was looking shakily after Monka, "I don't know what that was about, but it doesn't matter. I've come to tell you Bryony that.....Bryant isn't dead. He's just hurt, and in the infirmary. He's worried about you, everyone is."
Cien was laying on quite a comfortable bed, in quite a fancy cabin. The other otters had been carted off to the galleys. But he was confused. Why had he been put in such a nice cabin?
Just then the door opened, and Scarlet, in quite a, open minded dress, walked in. "How you feeling then." She said with a smile.
Cien ignored her, and looked at the ceiling. Scarlet laughed, and shut the door, "Oh Cien, you don't know how long I've been waiting to get you alone."
"Wait a little longer, and get out." Cien snapped.
Scarlet sighed airily, "Oh, you always were so aggressive."
"Get, out." Cien said, still not turning his head. 

Cornflower MM

Bryony had stared after Monka, a very hurt and confused expression on her face. When Lupine gave the news, she snapped out of it, and said, "Oh, really?!? Oh, thank you every so much, Sister! But you shoulf get back to the Abbey, now. It's that way; Just go straight and you can't miss it!" She was quite happy, but some of the cheerfulness in her voice was forced. "Now, I've got to help that squirrel. I know he's a pain in the tail, but he also doesn't know his way around. It wouldn't feel right, leaving him." She told the Sister, then pointed her in the direction of the Abbey andf then flew up a tree, and started off in the direction Monka had gone, and soon saw him. "Monka!" She called, and tried to go faster.


Sister Lupine sighed, she had hoped Bryony would come back with her, and she was a little frightened about going back on her own, "Bryony! Bryony! Wait, Bryony, come back!" She shouted, but it seemed Bryony was gone. Lupine sighed, and headed off in the direction Bryony had indicated.
Monka turned, an annoyed expression on his face, "What now? You want to dally around some more? Well good for you, I'm going. I will kill that otter, and I will not rest until she lies slain."

Cornflower MM

"Well, good for you, Mister Moody." Bryony snapped, then sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, OK? And I've just processed the information that Bryant's not dead. BUT, I'm still going to help you. There's no way that you alone can kill that otter. I've got a plan." She said, still moving towards the other squirrel.


Monka took a step backwards, his eyes narrow, "Why do you want to help? What's in it for you?"

Cornflower MM

"You have got to be kidding me." Bryony said, staring at Monka with a look that said, Uh, duh. "Why do I want to help? Maybe because I kinda like you, and why wouldn't I help? As for what's in it for me, nothing. So, I can't help a beast out without being treated like I'm out to gain something? Cool. Real cool." Bryony snapped, not even processing what she'd said until too late. She blushed, but held her ground. Or rather, her tree branch.
Skipper gnawed through the gag, and started complaining again. "Hey, you who's in charge! I want to talk to you! This is entirely unacceptable! Let. Me. Go!!!" He shouted, and stopped, drew a breath, and then continued ranting.


Monka took another step back, would Bryony ever make up her mind how to act? One minute she seemed to be flirting, then she seemed to be taking his head off, and also he couldn't understand why she would help him, when there was nothing in it for her. He just couldn't understand it. "But, why would you risk your life, even though you get nothing?" Monka stopped backing away, and stopped being so tensed up. He looked straight into Bryony's eyes, confused.
A burly ferret carrying a braded whip walked up to Skipper, and began to whip him, "Shut your blinking mouth, or I'll get Reki to cut your darn tongue out!"
A nasty, but good looking fox, who was sharpening a dagger, looked up, and smiled at Skipper.