Hidden Within The Walls: Part Two

Started by rachel25, February 28, 2014, 05:56:55 PM

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The ferret began shouting, and calling for help, and for someone to tighten her chain. What with all the shouting, and screaming, Reki came out of his sort of cabin at the back of the galleys. He took one looked at the situation, and sent word to Scarlet. She would not appreciate this kind of behaviour on her ship. The hench-ferret used Scrange as a living shield, and raised his scourge, and began beating at Monka, while hidden behind Scrange. Monka howled in pain, as his body was beaten, and sliced open at the same time.

Jukka the Sling

Glirid sucked in his tummy, trying to make himself as small as possible under the tapestry. He didn't think about the fact that his legs weren't hidden, and that anybeast could see him if they happened to look his way. The sounds of the Dibbuns and the two Sisters shepherding them along drew closer... and just when they would have seen him, a squabble broke out among a couple of observant Dibbuns.

They had noticed Glirid behind the tapestry, and didn't want him to get caught. So they ran to the opposite side of Great Hall and started yelling at each other as a distraction. The Sisters went and separated them, and then continued to the dormitories without noticing Glirid.

Glirid himself didn't realize how narrowly he'd escaped, but he was glad he didn't have to take a bath. Just before he slipped out from behind the tapestry, however, the Dibbun realized there was a shallow hole in the wall right behind his head. He turned around and reached his paw in. Feeling parchment, he grabbed it, slipped out from behind the tapestry, and sat down with his back against the wall to examine his find.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Cornflower MM

Bryony's eyes turned blood red. With a scream of rage at hearing Monka scream, she started trying to get over there. She kept tugging, and tugging, and tugging on her chain, getting even madder (And therefore stronger) until she was free. She stormed up the aisle, grabbed Scrange, and tossed him aside. She flung herself at the ferret, knocking him over, and then bit the paw holding the scourge. He yelled, and let go. She kicked it away, and started hitting the ferret (Along with clawing, and other cat-fighting maneuvers). She beat him into unconsciousness, ansd then stood up, breathing heavily and her eyes still red. She positioned herself in front of Monka, oblivious to pretty much everything except the vermin.
After getting tossed, Scrange had considered getting back into the fight, then flung himself overboard, whimpering, and swam from the bank. Then he took off into Mossflower Woods, and found his second cousin twice removed, and lived with him peacefully for the rest of his life. Although he never did learn to like the taste of potatoes.


Reki swore, why hadn't someone checked the chains. He had know some of them were old, and rusted. He went back into his cabin, and got his throwing knives, he wouldn't kill the squirrel, if possible, but he could pin her to the deck by her footpaw if necessary, he'd handled badgers with bloodwrath before now, she couldn't be worse than that.
Scarlet had also heard, and sent crew members down before her with loaded bows, then she went her self with her prize crossbow. She got there just as the rest of the crew did. She nodded at Reki, who threw his blade, and she loaded her crossbow, if the squirrel tried to move, she'd get her.
Monka saw everyone coming, and surrounding Bryony, he turned, and screamed at her, "Stoppit! Stoppit now! Bryony, just stop!"

Cornflower MM

Bryony was still quite oblivious, and she watched, as if it was in slow motion, a knife that was flying through the air towards her. She stepped aside, and the blade hit the deck right where one of her footpaws had been. Just about then, her mind processed Monka's screaming at her to stop, and she blinked, frowned, swayed, then toppled over, straight onto his lap, having fainted from the after effects of Bloodwrath, and the whipping, and stress from the past few days.

OOC: How, what a sentence! Sorry for the run-on-sentence for all you grammar Nazis!

Jukka the Sling

OOC: Not a big deal, but it's actually 'grammar', with an 'a'. ;D I've noticed lots of people do that when they're correcting someone else's grammar, and it's kinda funny. Oh, and shouldn't you post as Skipper now?

Mirelle barely noticed Bryony's berserk fit, or any of the events that followed. She just continued rowing, staring at the back of the rower in front of her as though her head was in another galaxy.

OOC: Hehehe... yeah. BIC:

Fern continued trekking through Mossflower. As she was alone, she was able to travel faster, and therefore reached the Abbey within forty-five minutes. She knocked on the east wallgate, hoping somebeast would hear and let her in.
Glirid studied the parchment, unable to figure out what the drawings on it were. After a while, he tired of it and tossed the paper on the ground, intending to go out to the pond like he had been going to earlier. Just then, however, three kitchen helpers exited the Kitchens pushing trolleys of plates and dishes, about to set the tables in Great Hall for supper. One of them, the squirrelmaid who had stopped Glirid from pinching candied chestnuts, spotted the Dibbun and walked over to him.

"What's that you've got, little 'un?" she asked, stooping to pick up the parchment. She looked at it for a moment, then asked, "Where'd you get this?"

Glirid pointed with 'paw'. "In da wall be'ind da tapestry."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Cornflower MM

OOC: HOO HAHAHAHA!! Head in another galaxy....HWAHAHAHA!! And, thank you for pointing that out....HJehehee, that's funny!! And, you're also right - It's time for Skip to come into the picture. And, also, what's going on with the people at the Abbey? I haven't been able to use Bryant in FOREVER.

BIC: Skipper hung on to Arbella, his daughter, for quite some time. He waited until the very last minuite to put her in the hole Marshall dug, and then he simply got back into the boat and waited.

Jukka the Sling


About Bryant: I dunno. :P Fern just got back, and Glirid can't really interact with Bryant right now... I guess Bryant's just sitting in the infirmary, with Sister Flupit tending him...

Anyway, BIC:

After a short time, a Brother heard Fern and hurried over. "Who's there?"

"It's Abbess Fern! I'm by myself. Nothing's gone wrong," she added, as the Brother swung the gate open, "I'm just supposed to stay here at Redwall. Martin the Warrior insisted, so... yeah, I had to." She thanked the Brother for letting her in and hurried into Great Hall. The kitchen helpers looked up in surprise. "Abbess Fern! You're back already!"

"Yes, I am. The rest of the search party are still out in Mossflower," she said, then quickly explained about how Martin had told her to stay at Redwall.

After she'd finished, the squirrelmaid kitchen helper approached with a parchment in her paw. "Mother Abbess, I think you should look at this."
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Gonff the Mousethief

Marshall finished covering up the body. Afterwords, he went and picked a bloosom from the bank and placed it on top of the grave .
He went back in the boat.
"We'll now, which have have the otta'a gone. Skip?"
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Scarlet had been about to fire, but as the squirrelmaid had fainted, didn't bother. "Tie her up, and the tie her to the mast pole. Use strong chains this time."
Monka examined Bryony worriedly, yes, she was still breathing, before he could do anything else, she was torn away from him.           
Sister Lupine had decided to go tell Bryant of the happenings. He would want to know about Bryony. She knocked on the door gently, then went in. 

Cornflower MM

Bryant had been daydreaming, then heard a knock, and the doot opened. "Oh, hello Sister. Is something wrong?" He asked, sitting up on his bed.
Bryony woke up, and noticed that she was in the process of being bound to the mast, with really strong chains. "Well, this is great. What'd I do? Oh, now I remember....Good grief, was that really me? She wondered, remembering her performance below. I don't suppose they know that at the moment, I couldn't stand without this chain's help. She thought ruefully. She was also wondering what was going to happen. Nothing pleasant - She'd bet her tail on that.

Jukka the Sling

Fern took the parchment, curious as to what it was. After looking at it for just a moment, she realized with surprise that it was the blueprints for a ship - a ship with wheels and two enormous crossbows. This reminded the Abbess of something she'd read about in some old Abbey records, of the Winter of Slaughter, the Rogue Crew, and Razzid Wearat. She looked up from examining the plans, directing a question at the squirrelmaid.

"Where'd you find this?"

"Oh, I didn't find it, marm, it was little Glirid over there. He says he found it in the wall behind the tapestry. I'm not so sure about that."

Fern walked briskly over to the Dibbun, who was standing by the tapestry sucking his paw. "We'll soon find out. Glirid, could you show me where you found this?"
Glirid nodded and toddled over to the tapestry. He lifted the edge and pointed with his wet paw. "In dere, in da wall."
Fern felt behind the tapestry. Her paw encountered a small space in the wall, and she pulled her arm back, satisfied that Glirid was telling the truth.

"He really did find it there," she informed the squirrelmaid. She glanced at the parchment again, wondering who in the world put it in the wall - and then she realized something startling.

The pawwriting on the blueprints was Cien's.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


"Hello. How are you feeling?" Sister Lupine smiled, as she crossed the room.
Scarlet watched as the squirrelmaid was tied up, she nodded to Reki, who got out his own scourge, and then he ordered several corsairs to collect buckets of sea water, for they had now only just reached the sea.

Cornflower MM

"Much better, thank you." Bryant said, smiling. "What time is it?" He asked, wondering also what time he was going to get fed.
Bryony's eyes widened as she watched Reki get out his scourge, and she swallowed hard, and then decided to retreat into a small corner of her mind. That had always helped when she'd had to face severe punishment, as she wasn't really6 feeling the pain until she cam,e back out. Which could be anywhere from three minutes to three hours. She retreated.

Gonff the Mousethief

Tripper had nodded of, but when lupine came in, he awoke.
"G'day marm! How ya been?"
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.