Hidden Within The Walls: Part Two

Started by rachel25, February 28, 2014, 05:56:55 PM

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Cornflower MM

ryony was dealy a hard blow to the head, and she fell down, unconscienous. Thw two guards rolled their eyes. One of them told the other, "How much ya wanna bet that she's da one we supposed to look out for?" The other one merely grinned, and shoved and kicked her to the opposite end of the cell, cracking a rib.


"Bring her, too." The leader commanded, nodding at Bryony. "We're taking the ring leaders to the punishment cells."

Cornflower MM

The guard rolled his eyes, after turning his back so the other guard wouldn't see. Then he picked up the squirrelmaid and slung her over his shoulder like a sack of flour.


The leader turned, and walked out of the cells. Followed by guards bringing the so called ring leaders, while other guards locked up the remaining slaves.

Cornflower MM

The guard who had Bryony followed the leader, half wanting to whidtle a tune, just to break the silence.


They made their way to the punishment cells, passing the building Cien was being, interrogated in. They could all hear agonised screams.

Cornflower MM

Skipper was now finished with tying knots, and whatnot, and wanted to be on his way. But, they were being held up......Becuase they had to get provisions.

Jukka the Sling

At about the same time Mycroft also realized they needed provisions, and he sighed. "Right, we need some bally tucker. Can't have us fainting on the way! I'll go an' forage a bit." He glanced at the sky. The sun had set a few moments before, but there was still a little light left. "There's not much light left, but I'll hurry." A couple of shrews who heard him asked if they could come along and help, and he nodded. "Come on then. We'll be back soon, everybeast." And he waded towards the beach.
Supper was over, and Fern had already tucked May and Brinkut in bed and retired to her own room a bit earlier than she usually did. But though she was tired, she couldn't sleep. Pulling her habit over her nightgown, she exited the Abbey building and walked over to the west wallstairs. She mounted them and a moment later was looking out over the western flatlands. She leaned on the battlements and sighed. "Mycroft, wherever you are, please be safe," she murmured. "And I hope you'll find Skipper and his otters. Maybe you already have."

Fern stood there a while longer, then headed back down the wallstairs, back to the Abbey.
Mirelle had dozed off into a fitful slumber. Even with all the yelling and sounds of fighting from the cell next door, she hadn't been disturbed.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Cornflower MM

OOC: HEy, guys, go look at the first page!!!!!


The slaves were brought into the punishment cells. Monka shuddered at the sight of the stocks, whips, and other implements of pain.

Cornflower MM

Bryony twitched, and her guard called up to the leader, "Hey, this 'un's awake."


"Good, put her in the stocks, and whip her!" The leader sighed despairingly.

Cornflower MM

"Okay." The guard said, then went to an empty cell and shoved Bryony roughly inbot the stocks, and started whipping her. She struggled to keep her mouth shut, bt finally had to scream....And kept screaming...

Cornflower MM

OOC: Never mind! Posted same post twice.....How I did that, I've no clue...


Monka was taken into another cell, and had the same treatment. His leathery skin sliced open, and Monka couldn't help yelling in pain.