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Hidden Within The Walls: Part Two

Started by rachel25, February 28, 2014, 05:56:55 PM

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Cornflower MM

Bryony's screams started getting lower, and lower as she sagged into the stocks, very near death. Tuhye guard kept whipping, completely indifferent.


The leader wandered around checking up on how it was going with the slaves. He came to the one Bryony was in, "Stop whipping that one now. We don't want Scarlet at us for killing a slave. Just leave her in the stocks for a few hours."

Cornflower MM

"Yes, sir." The guard grunted and left. Bryony coughed, and groaned, half-oblivious.

Jukka the Sling

The slaves in Mirelle's cell had quieted down after trying unsuccessfully to see what was happening in the cell next door. Mirelle slowly opened her eyes. From the corner where she was curled up she could dimly see the forms of the slaves in the darkness. She felt a little better than she had earlier, although her back was sore and she could tell her torn tunic was stuck to the congealed blood. The ottermaid sat up and tried to figure out where she was. Gradually she remembered that she'd been dragged off the ship to the cell, only half aware at that time of what was happening.

Standing up, Mirelle walked stiffly over to the bars of the cell and looked out into the darkness. She could hear the waves washing on the shore and even thought she could see the ocean, but wasn't sure. She tugged on the bars, knowing it was useless and that there was very little chance she would ever escape. She sat down again in despair.
Mycroft and the shrews headed into the forest. Luckily, they soon found several berry bushes, mushrooms, and some edible leafy plants. They filled their haversacks and set off back to the logboats.

"We found quite a bit of stuff out there," Mycroft commented to Skipper as he set his haversack of berries carefully in the bottom of a logboat. He stepped in the boat himself and then inquired, "Well, everything jolly well ready? We don't want to lose Scarlet whatsherface, so we'd better hurry before it gets completely dark!"
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Cornflower MM

" Good. Let's be on our way." The otter said grimly, in a voice that was not at all like his usual one.

Gonff the Mousethief

OOC: Back!

BIC: Marshall had been tying up boats when Mycroft left. He finished just before he got back.
''Aye, Lets get a move on.'' Marshall was worried about Skipper.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Sister Lupine was in the kitchens. Helping clear up after the evening meal. But despite trying to keep herself busy, she couldn't stop thinking about everyone outside the Abbey. She hoped beyond hope that they were ok.
Cien was losing consciousness. He drifted between being awake, and not. He could see the dim lantern swinging in the corner of the shadow filled room. Light danced along the walls, creating shapes, and figures from nothing but his imagination.
Cien was laying on his back, tied with leather bonds to a hard wooden table. He was bleeding, he has bruised, he just wanted  to enter the peaceful realm of death. But it was not to be. Scarlet was talking to Cien's tormentor over by the lantern. Cien only caught snippets of the conversation, and even then he couldn't make sense of them. 

Cornflower MM

Bryony moaned as she fought to stay conscious. Maybe it would help if she heard a voice. But as far as she knew. she was alone. Terrible, utterly, alone.


Monka's eyes flickered open, and shut. He could hear sounds of pain all around him, and suffering practically drifted on the unmoving air.
He was terribly worried about Bryony, he wanted to know where she was. He called out softly, "Bryony! Bryony are you there!" 

Cornflower MM

Bryony would have frowned, but that required moving.....Wait, there it was again! "Monka? I';m here." She called back, as softly as Monka had done.


"Are you alright!" Monka could have leapt with relief, but he couldn't because he was in stocks, and he was in pain.

Cornflower MM

"No." Bryony said, telling the truth. At this point, she honestly did not care who worried.


Monka couldn't really think of a response, "Are you going to faint?" He asked desperately.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Um, exceeded PM limit. Anyways, OH MY GOD!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!

BIC: Bryony groaned. "Umm....I don't know. Dieing doesn't sound so bad right now." She admitted, struggling to keep her heavy eyes open.


OOC: Thanks CORNY!!!!!!  ;D

BIC: "Don't go to sleep!" Monka called, straining in the stocks. He was about to say something else, but then a guard came, and hit him in the face with his spear butt. "Shuttit!"