
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Hidden Within The Walls: Part Two

Started by rachel25, February 28, 2014, 05:56:55 PM

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Cornflower MM

OOC: My craft? How about Mycroft?

BIC: Skipper shrugged. "All right." He was glad the fox hadn't commented on his dripping head as he strode off towards the shrews and hare.


Scarlet looked angry, "Ok, maybe I'm not being clear enough." She picked up what looked like some sort of bottle opener. Only, it had barbs, and spikes. "I will ask you, only once," Scarlet growled, taking the bottle opener thing, and pressing it hard into Bryony's leg, and began turning it. "Where, are, the, plans?" The bottle opener thing cut the skin, and twisted round, and round painfully.

OOC: I'm not entirely sure what the thing I'm thinking of is called. But it looks like this only bigger, and sharper, and spikyer...

Cornflower MM

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!" Bryony screeched, exasperated.


"YOUR LYING! YOU MUST KNOW SOME.....AGGGGGGG!" Scarlet was shouting, but then she screaming in terror as something grabbed her by the throat, and threw her at the wall.
Scarlet hit the wall, and fell to the floor, groaning in pain. It was then she saw both the guards that had been in the room with her, were both lying dead, pools of blood all around them. Then, slowly, afraid that what she would see would be what she thought she would see, she turned her head. Cien, bloody, and barbaric, was striding over to her, a sword held dangerously in his paw.
Think fast, Scarlet suddenly leapt to her feet, and drew her own sword. Before she could blink, she was in a fight for her life.

OOC: And, the beginning of the end has just happened. I can feel it.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Aye....

BIC: Bryony gulp[ed, seeing the murderous look Cien had on his face. Still trying to wiggle her paws, she almost groaned in frustration.


OOC: She still has the thing in her leg, by the way.

BIC: Scarlet fought with all her skill, and strength, but she was no match for Cien. She knew this, so she suddenly grabbed one of the lighted candles, and threw it had Cien's face. He was momentarily distracted, which gave Scarlet time to run out of the door, but within seconds, Cien was after her.

Cornflower MM

Bryony suddenly remembered the thing in her leg, and tears formed, it was now hurting. Really bad. Oh, how she wished that she had someone right there! Preferable Monka or Bryant.


Monka was in his cell, he could see a ottermaid working stones loose in her cell. He'd quickly began to copy her, and had removed a stone already.

Cornflower MM

Bryony wiggled one footpaw, or rather, tried to. But it was strapped tight. She tried to move a paw, same thing. She gave up and started crying.

Jukka the Sling

Mycroft glanced up and saw Marshall returning (OOC: Slight PP. That alright, Gonff?) with Skipper. "There y'are, Skip! Just about to make plans here; couldn't do it without you, seein' you're the one who knows the most about Scarlet. Marshall, a few otter chaps and I scouted over on the other side of the island. Scarlet's here, all right; I saw several ships docked and buildings on the beach. Now, do you know how many crew members she had? And how many oarslaves would you say were onboard?"
The shard of rock worked tolerably well to remove the mortar, but eventually Mirelle took to quietly chipping the mortar away rather than filing it, poking her head out periodically just to make sure of the guards' location. As she worked, she thought sadly of her friends in the ottercrew; Skipper and most of them were dead. For all she knew the others who had survived might be dead by now as well. She forced back a tear and continued working.

Then through a grate looking into the next cell she thought she saw a squirrel also removing stones in the wall. She couldn't tell who it was, but wondered if it was Bryony. She didn't feel so alone now, because somebeast else at least hadn't given up hope.

The ottermaid was nearly done. She finally removed most of the mortar and tugged the stone free, setting it carefully on the floor of the cell. Cautiously she poked her head out to see where the guards were. She saw one a fair distance away at the end of the building, his back to her. Suddenly she felt apprehensive about the whole endeavor. How could she slip past the guard? Suppose he turned and saw her? What if another guard happened to come and she was spotted? And even if she got past him and into the woods, how would she escape the island?

Mirelle felt overwhelmed. But she tried to push those fears away. If I keep thinking of the 'what ifs', I'm never going to escape, she told herself, as she turned back to the gap in the wall.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Gonff the Mousethief

OOC: It's fine. @Cornflower don't you just LOVE autocorrect?

Marshall  stepped back so Skipper could talk. He hoped that what ever the plan was, it would work.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Cornflower MM

OOC: I know! Silly thing.....

BIC: Skipper stepped forward and said crisply, "I'm nopt sure how many crew she has, but for oarslaves I'd estimate about 2 and a half score."


Scarlet's scream of pain echoed around the entire island. Cien had cut her arm right down to the bone.
In pain, and full of fear, she ran as if the devil were after, and in a way, he was. But, as she ran she finally felt like something was going right. As they got further, and further away from the buildings, they also were away from the light. Maybe she would be able to slip away in the dark.
But then she glanced over her should, and with a sinking heart, saw Cien, carrying a flaming torch. But, yes, brilliant! There were corsairs coming too! If they hurried, then they'd kill Cien before they got to her! She'd run to the jetty, maybe there'd be more of her men there.
Monka had managed to work quite quickly in removing the stones. Its was thanks to Bryony, she had been the one to remove some already, so some of them were loose. But now, he was having a little more trouble. Using a piece of stone, he worked quickly, and ferociously, but it was taking too long! He had to get to Bryony before it was too late!

Cornflower MM

Bryony flinche at the sound of Scarlet's scream, and she hoped the otter would get was coming to her.

Jukka the Sling

"Fifty, you say? Right then. And there's no telling how many more might be kept on this bally island. There's about-" he glanced at the gathering, swiftly estimating their number "-a hundred of us. Scarlet could have a band of vermin three times that, for all we bloomin' well know." The hare sighed. "Right, we've got to try an' free the slaves, no matter what." He was speaking louder now, so everybeast could hear. "I'd like you chaps' input. Does anyone have any ideas? Should we risk a charge, or should we try a sneak attack, takin' out the guards and rescuin' the slaves quietly? Either way, it's goin' to be blinkin' dangerous."
Mirelle heard Scarlet's scream. She didn't know whose scream it was, but the terror and pain in it made her even more anxious to get out of that wretched place. Keeping her eyes trained on the guard, who was sitting down, the ottermaid quietly slipped her head and shoulders, then her body out of the hole. Her back rubbed briefly along the stone, and she stifled a gasp of pain. Then she was outside, breathing the fresh air.

But Mirelle knew she wasn't safe yet. She reached back inside the hole and, hardly daring to breathe lest the guard heard her, she picked up the first stone she'd removed, then the other, and fit them back into the gap as best she could. Turning around, she planned her next move.

She had to get to the tree cover. But the question was how to cross the open expanse of land without being seen by the guard.

Suddenly she heard the guard move. He was still sitting down, but he was turning around, turning in her direction! Mirelle froze. All of the horrible things she'd witnessed on Scarlet's ship, and on that island, flashed into her mind at once. The guard turned in her direction... and nothing happened. She sat there for what seemed like an eternity, sure he was going to see her. And then it dawned on her. He was asleep.

She was so relieved she felt like laughing and crying all at once. But instead she turned and ran toward the woods. Freedom was so close, and she finally felt alive again.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien