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Autumn Harvest RP Thread Part Two.

Started by Cornflower MM, March 02, 2014, 05:16:27 PM

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Cornflower MM

OOC: Wow....Maybe it's all that muscle! Anywho, the moon it is! ;D


OOC: (actually I'm not that muscular. In fact people say I'm bony. Which is true, but though I may be slight, and quite tall, I was still able to handle a bucking bronco horse when I was ten. Oh, happy days  :D)
(we've gone seriously off topic.  :D)

Captain Snowfire

OOC: Your telling me! ;D How is everyone doing today? Having fun?

BIC: Fourfang sighed inwardly. Why do all the prisoners I get have to be the tough nuts to crack? It was just like when I was in the Horde. Fourfang spoke meaningfully. "Now. I advise you loosen that tongue of yours, or it'll go badly fro you.... Real badly." Fourfang threatened. To emphasize her threat, Fourfang placed Ruse's sword blade against her/his throat. "Have anything to say now?"

OOC: Not sure if Ruse is a guy or gal.
Prom! Here I come!!!

Cornflower MM

OOC: Yeah, I know Rachy! Snow, I'm havin' a good day, and am having fun....You?

Captain Snowfire

OOC: I am having a very on and off day. :) But other then that it's good. Finally located a game that I have been trying to find for almost 5 years. And in the most unlikely place too! ;D
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: Ruse is a girl.

BIC: Ruse's eyes widen, and she desperately tried to think of a way to tell this stupid beast that she was deaf. 

Captain Snowfire

Fourfang sighed again. Why do I have to get the stupid ones?! Fourfang demanded inwardly. "Listen Mink, I'm going to ask you one last time. What were you and your little friends doing out near the plains?" Fourfang asked clearly. Watching the Mink's reaction carefully.
Prom! Here I come!!!


Ruse had managed to wriggle one of her arms free, it had taken all this time, but at least she could now maybe explain to this beast she was deaf. She pointed to her ears, then shook her head, then repeated.

Cornflower MM

Captain Snowfire

OOC: Well....... That's one interesting Mink if ever I met one. I would have thought the first move she would have made is to grab her throwing knife and stab Fourfang or something like that.

BIC: Fourfang saw the Mink's paw come free and her grip on the dagger tightened. Then the mink did the most unexpected of things. She pointed to her ears, then shook her head. Pointed to her ears, then shook her head again. The Fourfang got the message. Deaf. Of course! She should have gotten that link when the mink first shook her head! Fourfang sighed once more. Now this is just stupid. Now she has a prisoner that could hear her about as well as a worm could hear a fish swimming in the ocean across an island. Still with the sword point against the mink's throat, Fourfang used her other paw to grab the mink's freed paw and restrained it, then quickly removed the sword from the mink's throat, and rolled her over. And placed her foot paw on the mink's back to keep her from struggling to much, and tied the minks paw once more. A little tighter this time.
Prom! Here I come!!!


"Shadow looked down at Aoi with a smile. Really thats alot for someone like you."

Cornflower MM

OOC: Um, Iamthatis, go look at her sheet......



Cornflower MM

OOC: In short, she wasn't born at Redwall....She lived in Mossflower her whole life....


OOC: And Aoi was talking about chestnuts.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.