The Quest For The Black Treasure: RP Thread Chapter one: In the Beginning

Started by rachel25, March 08, 2014, 04:37:18 PM

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A weasel swung a flint axe, Kaijo caught it on his sword blade and pushed, sending the weasel flying back onto the spear of a scraggly-furred rat. The rat threw the spear to the side and dived on the caracal. The two beasts fell to the floor, Kaijo slugged the rat in the face, the rat bit Kaijo's neck, Kaijo threw the rat off him and stabbed him through the chest with a fallen spear. There was an anguished scream and Kaijo turned to see a female rat swinging at his neck with his own sword, he threw up an arm to defend himself and she scored a terrible gash, Kaijo cursed loudly
"Don't swear!" Came Misak's voice somewhere to the left of him
"You are not my mother!" The caracal kicked the rat in the unmentionables and she doubled over in pain, allowing him to knock her to the floor with a devastating uppercut, he picked up the sword and stabbed her through the throat before she could recover.

Misak, meanwhile, was also having problems. She ducked under the swing of a club held by a large stoat and kicked him in the stomach, it didn't seem to do much damage until she extended her claws. The stoat howled and she leaped on him, raking at his face with her foreclaws. With great effort he pulled her off and threw her, sending her crashing into a tree. She stood up, whipped the dirk from the strap on her leg and slashed him across the throat as he came charging towards her. The lynx flipped the dirk into a reverse grip and scored a terrible blow across the chest of a fox that came charging towards her.

The two cats had been forced together, their backs to the bushes. Two vermin snuck up behind them and whacked them over the heads with the butts of their spears, they went down like fallen trees.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

Quote from: HanNorwood on April 05, 2014, 03:03:46 PM
Tauten sat, holding his head in his hands, cringing at the pain in his head. The Mara didn't react at all to Arya's thanks, but sat for a few more moments before getting up. "That Owl really packed a punch," he remarked to Arya, then found that he couldn't hear himself, so he must have thought it without realizing that he didn't say it. "THAT OWL REALLY PACKED A PUNCH!" He shouted, though to him it sounded like he was talking normally.
OOC: Sorry! Been out and about, sort of.

BIC: Arya looked at Tauten oddly. "Why are you shouting? I heard you quite clearly the first time." She said, then realized. The owlmum had knocked his hearing about when she hit him on the head. She sighed. "DO YOU TRUST ME TO FIX YOURS EARS? OTHERWISE WE'LL HAVE TO SHOUT!" She bellowed, hoping he'd say yes.


Toka kept on going until he heard faint cawing sounds. Crows? He listened harder, No, ravens. Defiantly ravens. No, it was just one raven. It sounded in pain.
Perry was becoming discouraged, he felt like he had been tramping through snow for years. He was about to give up for the day, and find some place to camp, when he heard the bonging sound of distant bells. He remembered that Cara had told him at breakfast that there were bells at Redwall Abbey; and that when he heard the sound of bells, that would mean he was close.
Redwall Abbey, here I come. Perry smiled, and set off with new enthusiasm. 


Raxanna walked past several small huts and saw creatures cowering in windows trying to see with out being seen. She would glower in there direction and then they would disappear. A young arctic Hare poked her head out of a door and watched them pass. Raxanna looked at every thing down the bridge of her nose in contempt. From the looks of things the land was ruled by a strong war lord and that was good. She could keep up an act of friendship for long enough to take the very goblets from under there noses and be gone be for they knew what had happened. By the looks of things he was probably fat and lazy to lazy letting his grip on the land slip allowing to much leeway yet just enough fear to keep him self comfortable. The fool would soon learn.


Arnath heard the cry of the raven and knew there would be trouble. He sounded particularly angry to day and in pain but not like normal... her thoughts world around in her head something was off something had happened then she remembered the foxed they had come from here. Had they injured the old raven? From what she could tell he was flying low and without grace. Perhaps it had been his wing?
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Oh boy.....Han? Haan? Well, at least I have time to set up some plans. ;D


Toka saw an old raven coming his way. He looked like he was about to plummet to the ground.


"Rick's my fears? I don't anyone named Rick, and he doesn't sound very menacing. Anyway, what's he got to do with the Owl? Also, I've got a terrible headache, and everything looks a little fuzzy." Tauten shouted, looking a bit annoyed at Arya's "nonsense".
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Cornflower MM

Arya groaned, out her head in one of her paws, and shook her head. Then she walked up to the Mara, scrteamed into one of his ears, "I'M GOING TO FIX YOUR EARS! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!" Then she put her paws on his ears, drew them back, then slammed her paws onto his ears. Hopefully, it would work, and if not, there was always boiling water. Which usually only worked half the time, and gave the victim some very burnt eardrums.


OOC: Our Ears? Last I checked, Tauten and Arya were different characters.  ;)

BIC: "Ow!!!" shouted Tauten when Arya yelled in his ears. Then another "Ow" when she smashed her paws into his head. "I get that you wanted to fix my ears, but was that necessary?" he said, stepping backwards, clutching his head. "And now my headaches even worse."
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Raxanna approached the front gate of the castle. She noted that the wall tops where empty and that she could hear the faint sound of singing coming from inside. She told Ringtail and Dragut to stay out side before she knocked on the door. After several minutes it creaked open a crack and and wizened old face peeked out He looked her up and down and Raxanna returned the gaze with contempt. He mumbled something comprehensible to himself and opened the door. He was bent over and carried a rusty dimly lit lantern that shed hardly any light at all. He wore a floppy cap that slid almost all the way down to his dirty spectacles and his cloths where unkempt and threadbare. All of this She took in at a glance.

"I demand an audience with the king of this land!" She said in a commanding voice. 

"no on.. ov on nbl... brth may sck odnce wiv his..." he mumbled threw toothless gums.

"Silence you fool!" Raxanna cried her strang gold colored eyes glowing with a flame of rage and fury" I am the Lady Raxanna of the high north, The great eagle slayer, The golden one, Commander of winds, and the knower of all thoughts! even your own worthless ones so let me pass or I will kill you where you sand and do so anyway," The pitiful creature backed up shaking his eyes wide bowing and nodding his head but unable to say anything.  Raxanna stroked past without another glance, steeping on his tail in the process.   The courtyard was empty and unkempt yet had a look of past gander about it the pillars and status where crumbling and covered in snow and dead weeds. There was no sight of any beast anywhere but the sound of revelry could be heard from with in.


Arnath Heard the sound of the Raven and called out "Karag! are you hurt?" She heard the raven call out in pain and anger and frustration and then he was on top of them things got muddled and she was unsure of what was going on "You come back! how dare you come back here!" he screeched!
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Toka yelled out in pain as the raven hit into him, his side felt like it had just had a red hot iron tied to it. He punched out, and drew his dagger, ready to stab, and was in the process of drawing his sword.


Arnath fell back and called out "Karag! Karag! It is me Arnath!" He paused for a moment eyeing Toka and said "Who's him den?"
"He is a friend,"
"He carry weapon me not like weapon," 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Toka's eyes seemed to begin to glow, the amber irises alight. He hadn't really heard what the raven, and Arnath had said, he was just getting ready for the kill. He had drawn his sword, and held his dagger on the blade, ready to throw.


Karag Cawed and dove at Toka shrieking and yelling "You trick me! Lie! KILL!!!"

"Toka!" Arnath cried and fell to the ground covering her head to avoid the beating wings and claws.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Toka threw the dagger, it hit the raven right in the heart. It went right up to the hilt, Toka walked over, and pulled it out. He then wiped it off on the dead ravens carcass. His eyes slowly stopped glowing, and he came down from his battle high. He looked at the dead raven as if for the first time, "Stupid bird." He spat.