
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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The Quest For The Black Treasure: RP Thread Chapter one: In the Beginning

Started by rachel25, March 08, 2014, 04:37:18 PM

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OOC: No, your alright. I'm just PPing the Abbot.

BIC: "Ok!" Perry shouted down, feeling a little better, that he wouldn't have to confront the snarling beast in the corner.
He ran down the wallsteps, went over to the gate, and opened before thinking twice.

Dannflower Reguba

       Sedge was, to say the least, surprised when the door opened just moments after the request. He was going to ask, bu if the Abbey was having issues with a violent squirrel then that would be best dealt with immediately. After thanking Perry he jogged to the staircase to see what the matter was, though he was a bit concerned about approaching lest he scare somebeast.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Toka had picked up his dagger again, and was snarling at anyone who came to near. Memories of the night before came, dead beast everywhere, blood, so much wonderful blood, flames, screaming. And him, the Son Of Fire, and Darkness.

Dannflower Reguba

       The squirrel had a weapon! That settled it. He fell back to the gatehouse to grab a broom that hadn't moved in seasons, and broke off the sweeping end to make a makeshift staff, "Everybeast off the wall! He's got a weapon, and blood is best not spilled!" The fox was at the stairs, and hurrying up them.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Toka, through his misty gaze, saw someone come towards him with a staff. He got up into a crouch, and snarled, "Why can't you people just leave me alone?"


"What!" Arnath said in alarm " Whats happening? Please be careful don't hurt him!" She followed the fox to the foot of the stairs.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Dannflower Reguba

       Sedge started to twirl the staff menacingly with his right hand, while inserting his left into what appeared to be a pocket, "Don't worry miss, he shouldn't be too hard to deal with. He's incompetent, completely out of control. I'll only use enough force to put 'em to sleep."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Toka laughed, oh, this one thought he was so clever. Out of control indeed. Toka was never truly out of control, expect for that nasty incident with the ferret, and the tree, and the bootlaces, all very nasty. But he had only been out of control because of how much he had been enjoying himself.
Toka stood up, and put away his dagger, and drew out his magnificent sword, immediately he felt a bit better, his head seemed to clear a little. His vision was no longer blurry. "So, do you want to dance, fox." Toka smiled nastily.

Dannflower Reguba

       Sedge gave a wry grin, "See what I mean? He's holding a sword and he asks me to dance." Just before he finished speaking his left paw flew out of his "pocket" and launched a large puff of sand straight at Toka's face. He was already moving by this time, he snapped the old brittle broom stick which made a very obnoxiously loud snapping sound. The two ends now lying on the ground  the fox grabbed his opponents sword hands and spun under them, placing himself somewhat between the squirrel and the blade. He pulled down which should pull Toka with it.

OOC: Yes, there are some PP elements in the post, but lets be real here. We're talking about a squirrel who's sick, fighting a very experienced fox (he's over 30, and foxes are known for their slyness). By the time Toka could recover from the age old sand-in-the-face trick, Sedge would easily have enough time to this off. (It was a grab-spin-flip maneuver, and it's quite effective)  

I also might not be back for a bit.  :(
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: It's ok, I was hoping you'd do something like that. I'm hopeless at writing duels.  ::) (as we both know)

BIC: Toka was taken by surprise, before he knew it, he was on the ground, his head swimming, and aching.


Arnath heard the crack and came running up the stairs slipping and tripping the whole time. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Toka felt himself falling into blackness, dark, peaceful blackness.

Dannflower Reguba

       As the squirrel flipped, Sedge wrested the sword from the loosened grip and slid it off to where it wouldn't harm anybeast before going for a sleeper hold. He halted half-way to Toka's neck as he was already conked out. Righting himself he spoke, "Hmmm, wasn't quite what I was going for, but it'll work."

OOC: Thank you for your cooperation.  ;)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


"What happened! what was that!" Arnath said reaching the top of the stairs.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Perry followed Arnath up the stairs, and explained, "It seems the fox here, has knocked your friend out cold."