The Quest For The Black Treasure: RP Thread Chapter one: In the Beginning

Started by rachel25, March 08, 2014, 04:37:18 PM

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Cornflower MM

OOC: Yes, it does...Not, fun time!!

BIC: Oh, really? Well, boo for you! I haven't had a home since I was three, and vermin killed every. Single. Bit of family I've ever had! Now, let's see YOU try surviving on your own in the woods when you're that age! I've had to rely on my instinct ever since then, and let me tell you it wasn't anything as easy as moving strawberry jam to the right shelf! My life hasn't been a piece of cake, and I'm proud of it! So, you didn't abandon me with that owl! So you didn't abandon me with that thing! So what? Anything woodlander worth her salt isn't going to trust someone just because of that!" She said, glaring. Then she turn4ed to the fire, huddled close to it, and refused to say anything more, to either Perry or Tauten. At least, she woyuld have if they had spoken to her.


Perry was shocked, and just stood there. Not knowing what to do.

Cornflower MM

She rolled her eyes, and spoke, still staring at the fire. "You can sit down, Perry." She said, rather exasperated.

Cornflower MM

Arya remained staring at the fire, a few flashbac=ks running through her mind. Then she shook her head, hard, and bansished them. She relaxed, then lost her balance, and almost hit Perry. She regained it by throwing out one of her paws, and then blushed.

Gonff the Mousethief

Marshall had been listening in on the whole conversation. He was interested in the puzzle part, but could no help laughing at Arya yelling.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Cornflower MM

Arya heard laughing and, stood up, perhaps quicker than she needed to. "Mind cluing me in on the joke?" She asked sweetly, her paw sliding down to rest on her sword hilt.


Toka was struggling down the hallway, he had to find his sword, he just had to. He found some stairs, that went down into a big Hall thing, and saw some creatures down there. It was then Toka noticed about one of the squirrels. The squirrel was wearing his sword! Toka's blazed anger, and he strode down the stairs, not caring about the pain in his side, or head.
Perry winced as Arya almost hit him in the eye, then she was shouting at somebody. Perry turned round, and saw the crazy squirrel on the stairs. Perry jumped up, and looked around, had anyone else seen him?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Don't forget the blue fox.

BIC: Arya assessed the squirrel, but he didn't look too good.....But he was walking angrily towards her. "Yes? Do you want something?" She asked.


Some best came and helped Arnath over to a chair and she said "Some one should go after him," Several nurses had already done that and chased after the crazed squirrel
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Toka swore at the stupid squirrelmaid in front of them, and pushed past, then walked straight up to Perry. "You have something of mine, give it back."
Perry let his paw wonder to the hilt of the sword pushed through his belt. The last thing this guy should be given was a sword. "No." Perry said, trying not to sound intimidated.
Toka swore at Perry, and before Perry knew it, he was laying on the ground, the sword taken off him, and the squirrel had his paws around his throat.

Cornflower MM

Arya was rubbing her shoulder, when the next thing she knew, Perry was on the ground, and the other squirrel was trying to strangle him. Instincts kicked in, and then she was boxing the squirrel's ears, then locking her arms around his waist and heaving.

OOC: Lots of PP there; Do you mind?


OOC no, as long as you don't mind some PP here.

BIC: Toka snarled as the stupid squirrelmaid made a feeble to pull him off this useless scarp of fur.
Toka jabbed backwards with his elbows, hoping to hit the squirrelmaid in the sides, then he kicked out at her footpaw's.

Cornflower MM

OOC: No....Another bit of PP here.

BIC: Arya yelped as she was elbowed in the sides, then her footpaws knocked out from under. Meanwhile, Perry's face was turning an unnatural color ((It'd have to be turned a funny color by now if he's not getting any air)) Her head hit the stones hard, and she winced, but got back up and tried another angle, and ran at him with her shoulder, hoping to ram into his side.

Gonff the Mousethief

Marshall was scared when she heard him, but got scared when he saw the raging squirrel tackle the squirrels. He had to do something . He could not let those squirrels be hurt or killed. He picked up his axe and went towards the scene. When he saw Arya, crash into Toka, he tried to get back a bit.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.