The Quest For The Black Treasure: RP Thread Chapter one: In the Beginning

Started by rachel25, March 08, 2014, 04:37:18 PM

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Cornflower MM


"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Cornflower MM

OOC: I DID post! Oh wait, you posted awhile ago! AH!
Quote from: HanNorwood on March 27, 2014, 09:42:25 PM
"Yes, you're absolutely right, that is no excuse. However, I'm on a journey, and I've been traveling for days," began the Mara, easily spinning the parts of a story he needed to get them out of this. "The thing is, she's my guide, and I really do need her. So, if you'd just let me take her and go." Tauten again tried to pull Arya away.

BIC:The owl merely moved her foot up a little bit more, and pressed. Arya started making the awful, choking, spluttering, coughing sound. She couldn't breath! The owl mum was using the pad of her foot to put pressure on the squirrelmaid's wind pipe, and then she flapped her wings, meaning to buffet the Mara with them, and also making her just a little off balance.


Quote from: rachel25 on March 27, 2014, 07:57:31 PM
OOC: It depends what direction he's coming from. If Bastun coming up rom the south-west, then he bound to run into Perry. But then again, they might met in the woods, on their way to the Abbey.
Oh, I'm getting so excited about everyone meeting up later!  ;D

BIC: Toka lay, trying to go to sleep, in a hollow, high up in an oak tree. The reason he couldn't get to sleep was because, that every time someone, or something came into his hearing ranch, he was instantly wake, and active, holding up his sword.
Every time this happened, Toka swore, and cursed himself. He was just to alert, it was impossible to get to sleep.
Toka tried to get to sleep for a few more minutes, but then gave up. He got out of the tree, and set off again, he didn't mind traveling in the dark, it had stopped snowing as well. His keen eyesight had never failed him.
As he continued his way through the quiet forest, he noticed the sun beginning to rise properly. It would be fully light soon.
Perry got up, and went over to the window, the sun was just rising. Perry sat looking out of the window, the snow had a certain beauty when you weren't out in it. 

  Yes, Bastun is in the woods travelling north!!! Can they meet up soon?? :D :D :D :D


OOC: I'm gonna have Perry in the woods now. Also, you need to post as your other character.

BIC: Toka had gritted his teeth while the mouse worked, although it hurt like hell he didn't want her to think he was weak.
"I'm sorry I never told you my name. I am Arnath,"
"Good for you." Toka snarled, sitting up. A sudden rush of pain surged through his entire body, Toka swore, and flopped back down in the snow.
Perry breathed in the fresh, early morning winter air. He was glad to be on the move again, though he had been said to bid the Downyspikes goodbye. Cara had made him a warm jacket, and cloak, and had given him a new pair of boots, and a pair of gloves.
Perry heaved the very full haversack more comfortably onto his back. It had all kinds of wonderful traveling foods in it, he almost couldn't wait for it to be time for lunch.    


"Oh Don't move you need to rest!" She said making a motion as if to push him back down with out actually touching him. She stood up and said "I'll make a fire," She started off to look for branches. She was back surprisingly soon with an arm full of mostly dry branches. She put them down and dug a patch in the snow to the bare ground where she built the fire. Soon a nice little fire was burning.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Despite the warmth of the fire, Toka was shivering, his teeth began to chatter. He had lost a lot of blood earlier, and now some more. He felt faint, and cold, very cold. Breathing became an effort, just staying awake was hard.


Arnath tried to build up the fire and she took something from her satchel. A kind of root. "Here eat this it will put fire in your blood and help you to stay warm," She said handing him the root.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Toka wrinkled his nose at the root, "What's this?" Even though he was freezing, he was also as stubborn as ever.


"It will help keep you warm, be grateful it is rare and hard to get a traveler gave it to me, You only need a little bit" She said.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Toka nibbled the end of it, at least it tasted nice, he guessed he better tell Arnath his name, since he hadn't yet. "My name's Toka the...." He stopped himself ending the sentence, he didn't want her to know what kind of a creature he was, not yet anyway. The title of Toka the Savage, Son of Darkness, and Fire, just might make her suspicious.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Haaaaannnn......Getting on would be nice, OK?


"Nice to meet you Toka. I must say thank you. Those foxes have plagued the area for some time," She said sitting herself down by the fire trying to get warm as well.

Raxanna had finally circled the forest with out further incident. the sun was rising and she could see a castle rising up from the hills of snow. A place where they just might find what they wanted... 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM


"It was nothing much, they asked for death to come to them." Toka shrugged, shifting closer to the fire.