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Forbidden Truce ~ Chapter One Bloodied Families

Started by Faiyloe, March 11, 2014, 11:53:13 PM

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"Do as he says!" She said to her men "Although the ropes are completely unnecessary."   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Just do as your told." Adlais snapped, as he bound Garvina.

OOC: Is that ok?


OOC: Fine.

BIC: "Fine but lets Get out of here!" She said Otters where so thick! you help them, a once in a life time thing, and what do they do? Capture you and tie you up. Wasting time.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Now that all the squirrels were bound, Donavin decided to send some of his otters back to the castle with the prisoners. The rest would stay here, and try to put the fire out. "Dan, Adlais, take five otters back to Sydd with you, and the prisoners. Don't let them escape, if they do, I'm holding you two personally responsible. The rest of us will stay here, and sort out this fire."
Dan protested, he had served Donavin faithfully for years, they'd grown up together, but he didn't want to leave him here, "Sir, come back with us. It's not safe here."
"I can handle myself, and Voxx is here too, now get going. That's an order." Donavin said, then went to help Voxx.
Dan sighed, and selected the otters who we're coming back with them, "Ok, let's get going."


Garvina walked standing tall and proud trying to hide how she felt. She was flashing from hot to cold and her eyes watered from the smoke or was the the fever she could not tell. She had given in so quickly and She realized she didn't have the strength to argue or try to escape or even negotiate. Her mouth felt dry and she felt sick the poison from the dart was doing its work. She realized that all this was His fault that mad beast with the dart. The beast who had shot her...   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Adlais was guarding the rear, he had his bow loaded, and trained on Garvina's back. Though he did have to say, she didn't look well. she had also given in easily, so had her men.

The Skarzs

"No, no! Not good water! Stop lovely fire." Zuzucath pouted. The he smiled evilly. "More tasties to have for Zuzucath, yesss. Not all will go back! Yesss. . ."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Garvina felt the hair raise on the back on her neck the feeling she got when ever an arrow was aimed at her. It was that insane creatures fault. She resolved that as soon as things where back to normal she would Send out a search party and have the Forrest combed For him. She would have him in her dungeon.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Donavin's head shot up, "Did you guys hear that?"

The Skarzs

Zuzucath snuck up behind one of the otters, covering his surprised cry and slitting his throat with deadly efficiency. "Shhh, mustn't loud-make, time for quiets, yesss my tasty. . ."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Garvina knew That her men where only here to protect her. She had gotten them in this mess. "Please it is me you want, let my men go. You have nothing with them,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Arya woke up the instant that Zuzucath slit the otter's throat. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the fog in it. She got up and rubbed her neck, then went to get some water. She stopped, looked out the window, and saw why her intuition had woken her up. Smoke. And where there was smoke, there was fire. Fire had a nasty habit of getting out of control, especially around forests. She grabbed her gear, and ran out of the room. This Garvina wasn't here, or she would have been woken up. She dashed down a flight of stairs, turned left, and found herself in a big room with a huge table. And a passing squirrel. She grabbed him and spun him and spun him around, slamming him against the walk as she did so. "Quick, tell me how to get out of this place. Now." She commanded, the squirrel gulped, told her to retrace her steps, to the bottom of the steps. Turn left, not right, and she'd see the door. She flung him away and was off. The squirrel sat up, rubbing his throat. He made a mental note to steer clear of this crazy maid in the future.


Unaware of the occurances, Voxx called for assistance. "Nalis, Dragor, Vern, I require assistance with the firebreak!" Two otters drew machetes and strode over to Voxx.
Vern called out. "Sir, is Nalis with you?" Voxx continued to hack at shrubbery. "No, I thought he was near you. Hmm, no time for that now. We need to finish this and get out of here, then we can do a hunt for him."


Donavin had strayed away from Voxx, and the main group. He had heard something, like someone laughing, or cackling.
Donavin drew both his dagger, and dirk, and held them ready, his eyes searching.
Dan, laughed, "What, and let them go get a force to come, and attack us! Not likely, Milady." He said the last word sarcastically, a scornful look on his face.
Adlais went over to him, and whispered in his ear, "We could send two of them back to her castle, to let them know we have her. We could make demands of them, for her return, or for her well fair. I've heard she has a sister, I'm sure she'd do anything to keep Garvina safe."
Dan gave Adlais a look, and whispered back, "You son of the devil, Echo. Not a bad idea, we'll have to run it by Donavin first, when he gets back. You know, I've heard that Donavin's thinking about promoting you to a Captain. This might just convince him to."   

Cornflower MM

Arya ran through the gate, passed a startled Bryony, who called her to wait, and slow down, and unbarred the gate and dashed out, and promptly fell down. "This stupid leg! Please not now. Later, then you can hurt all you want. Just now now." She picked herself, shrugged off Bryony - Who'd come to see if she was alright - And took off again, albeit slower.