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How did you first find out about Redwall?

Started by Matthias720, June 10, 2011, 09:09:07 PM

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The Redwall series has been in my family for years. I'm not sure whom, but either my mom or my eldest brother brought home Redwall one day from the bookstore. My brother loved the books, and so did my mom. Unfortunately, years passed and my brother climbed out of the world of Redwall, saying that the books were fine for adolescents, but not for a 22 year-old. I guess my mom also stopped reading the books around that time.
Then one day, I need to a book report on any book. Mom instantly suggested Redwall, but I refused, saying that I would only do a horse book (this was in 3rd grade).
So a few years passed, and I found myself searching a new, interesting book for a 5th grade summer book report. Mom handed Redwall to me, and this time I was interested. Upon opening the first page, the door to Redwall opened to me. I happily walked in.


My school had an activity in which everyone had to read a book from the school collection.  At that time I didn't like reading very much until I picked up Martin the Warrior.  I read it, loved it, started searching for more.  Then I found out that I had watched the Redwall TV series when I was younger.

Trying to stop me reading Redwall is like trying to separate Sabretache from his sabre.  Basically, don't try.


It was by chance actually.  I was bored of all the gritty and what was being dubbed as "realistic" fantasy.  So I was strolling through the book store looking for something a little bit light, wholesome....and lo and behold, Redwall almost jumped out at me....

It was instantaneous.  I picked it up and "knew" this was my series!  And it now has been!  I never finish the entire series due to the fact...I reread the same books sometimes because they are so good! Hehe!


 years ago in 6th grade i was reading the second arc of the warrior cat series that some kid checked out the next one I was going to read and never returned it so I was walking through the library looking for something to read when I see Redwall on the top shelf the name was familiar I had seen on the back of a few other books I liked so I grabbed it and was hooked Now I've read them all besides Rouge Crew witch I hope to change soon.


When I was six or seven I watched it on PBS kids and loved it. I didn't realize it was a book until I was eleven then I read all of them within a year. Best series ever!
'Twixt leaning ash and poison gold,
Trisscar Swordmaid, look, behold,
What is sought by everyone.
Now! Ere high noon light moves on.'


I picked up Salamandastron at my local library and read it. At the time I did not realize it was part of a series. Later I came back looked through that section of books again and realized it was all one series. I started with Martin the Warrior and read through all of them in chronological order.

Quote from: Matthias720 on June 10, 2011, 10:10:54 PM
Quote from: The Lady Shael on June 10, 2011, 09:18:17 PM
I heard about the Redwall series from my 6th grade teacher, but I didn't start reading them until the following year when I was homeschooled.
Glad to meet a fellow former homeschooler. :) I was homeschooled from 7th grade through 12th.

I have been homescooled all the way up. I am in 7th grade now.

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday

Alessandro Reinares

I first watched the TV show then I read the book then another book at DC


Back when I was about 7 or 8, I noticed a new show on TV; it was on right when I got home from school, so I could catch about the last half of it.  It was a cartoon, and it had animals, and I liked it.  During episode 4, the one where we meet Warbeak, my dad walked by as Warbeak was going "Killee!" and, thinking it was too violent for someone my age, he forbade me to watch it.

I pretty much forgot about it for the next five years.  During my later part of middle school, I heard about the series, and decided to read it.  I checked out book 1 during the summer before high school. 

At that time, I fell ill with Lyme Disease and Ehrlichiosis (like Lyme Disease but rarer, and worse, and I'd gotten them both at the same time).  I spent pretty much the whole summer laying in bed, feeling too sick to do much more than sleep, even though my mind was quite bored when I was awake because I was usually too sick to even watch tv.  During my better times, however, I started the book, and would read a little bit at a time.  The descriptions and everything were so vivid, it gave me a lot to think about for the times I wasn't feeling up to reading.  After I got better, I quickly read all the rest of the books that were out at the time, and fell in love with the series, and that's also when I realized that that was the TV show I'd forgotten about.  Now I'm 19 and still love them.


When I was 5 yrs old, one of the librarians at our local library suggested my mum read Redwall to me. The whole family immediately fell in love with the books. I can remember many nights, curled up on the couch listening to my mum reading Redwall to me. Her mole speech is amazing :) When I was 6 I begged my mother to teach me to read so I could read the rest of the Redwall books myself, because I had decided a few chapters a night was terribly slow. 3 weeks later I was curled up with Lord Brock Tree, and from then on I've been an avid reader of Redwall. I've fallen in love with Mossflower country more and more with each new adventure shared. Brian Jacques was an amazing man. He has given us all an priceless gift by sharing Redwall with us. I was only able to meet Mr. Jacques once, three years ago, but I was struck by his jovial manner and how he truly cared for all of us. I will always remember his promise to keep writing, as long as we keep reading. I'm finishing Reading Rouge crew right now. His last gift to all of us. I know I'll cry harder about this one than I have for any of them. Because this wonderful man has died and this is the last new adventure any of us will share with him, his last gift to us. I miss him greatly, but I'll keep my side of the promise and always keep Redwall close to my heart, and remember with joy the past 11 yrs of new adventures. Our hero is gone, but the effect he has had on our lives will live on as his legacy. Rest in peace, Brian Jacques.
High or the hills, far or the seas,
Fly with the small birds and follow the breeze,
Go with your heart, where would you roam?
Back to the rose colored stones you call home.
~The Pearls of Lutra


Received mostly negative reviews.


Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


Scragg the Weasel

I was an eighth grader and hated reading, saw a book will a mouse holding a sword on it (Redwall). Checked it out. I was a horrible reader so I sat on my porch and read out loud to myself. Fell in love. read it all, i laughed, I cried and I found out that mattimeo was a sequel, in fact there was a whole series. So i decided to try reading them all, checked mattimeo out and got married. read it and a few others and decided i wanted to own my own books. so i bought redwall and had my first kid. now i have about 19 kids. I am proud to say that by the end of my eighth grade year I was reading at a college level. now in college I have been writing stories and the like for my self. Mostly my own redwall fan fiction. And that my friends is a Redwall Love Story.
Where do I sign?


Let me see, I think it was probably back in sixth grade that I had just finished LOTR and my mom bought me Redwall.  And I've been hooked since :)
Defend the weak, protect both young and old, never desert your friends. Give justice to all, be fearless in battle and always ready to defend the right.
The law of Badger Lords
Lord Brocktree


Redwall was recommended to me by my mother about fifteen years ago after she had started reading the first book.  She works at a school, and will often read literature that she may be able to then recommend to students in the classroom.  The rest is history...I went out to the public library and would check out the books.  Later when I got a part time job, I started buying the books.  I own most of them, but not all of them.  I actually didn't know about the tv series until very recently...I'd say at least three years ago.  I snagged Season 3 with Martin the Warrior off of ebay for a bargain and I feel that was the strongest season of the three because by then the animators, voice actors, and screenwriters kind of knew what they were doing. ;)
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra