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Not Everything's Perfect RP

Started by Amarith Waterspring, April 07, 2014, 09:12:58 PM

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Lady Amber

"I don't know," Jasmine answered worriedly. "I heard a noise in here and got up to see what it was but she's gone!"
Walking over to the windowsill, she felt her paw brush something. Looking down, she saw a piece of paper floating to the ground. She picked it up. She could barely make out the few words written on it in the dim light. "Arya, I found a piece of paper," she said. "There's something written on it but I can't make it out in the dark."

Russa Nodrey

Dawn ran through the forest, looking for a suitable place to spend the rest of the night. She quickly spotted a small cave, hollowed out of the bank of a small stream. Knowing this was probably the best shelter she'd get at this point, she scrambled inside and piled dead leaves in front of the entrance.

Lady Amber

Jasmine lit a candle and read out loud what was written on the paper. "Dear everyone, you should understa; that's all it says." She held it out for Arya to see.

The Skarzs

Vargha had followed Dawn up to this point, and considered leaving her there. Something inside him told him she would need help, and he went cautiously up to the cave entrance, knocking on the stone with his spear. "Hello."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Russa Nodrey

Dawn was drifting off to sleep when she heard something metallic bang on rock, and some one yell 'hello'. She tensed and then drew the dagger she had stolen. "Who's there?"

The Skarzs

"My name is Vargha, mouse. I'm a wildcat: are you surprised? No, I'm not here to hurt you; you're not who I wish to destroy. Mintagerun is who'll face my wrath." He paused a moment and gritted his teeth, not really wanting to pose the question. "Do you wish to see the other slaves in the mountain, or what? I'll be able to help."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Russa Nodrey

OOC: Dawn is actually a squirrel. ;D

BIC: Dawn just sat there for a couple of seconds, then in a voice that sounded like an infant vole she once knew, she said, "Who's in the mountain besides the other slaves?"

The Skarzs

OOC: Ah. . . :P

BIC: Vargha thought for a moment. "I've heard of this mountain, Salamanton or something, the mountain of the fire lizard. Rumors are there's hares who serve some lord inside, but other than that, I only know that Mintagerun wants it."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Russa Nodrey

Dawn was still a bit wary of the wildcat, she put the dagger back in her belt but still kept her paw on it. "Most hares are friendly." she said. "And if it's the safest place at the moment then I'll go."

The Skarzs

Vargha didn't care if the squirrel might be scared of him; fear was healthy. "Are we going now?" he asked.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Lady Amber

OOC:I guess I'll takeover Arya until Cornflower gets back.
BIC:Arya took the paper and looked it over."We better go tell Bryony." They went off down the hall together, wondering what had happened to Amaranith. Knocking on the badger lady's door, Jasmine called out,"May we come in?"

Russa Nodrey

Dawn crawled out of the cave and stood up,"Lets go."

Lady Amber

OOC: Can someone operate Bryony?

Cornflower MM

OOC: No need.

BIC: Bryony grunted, sitting upright suddenly and almost banging her head on her knee. "Come in." She called sleepily, getting out of the bed.

Lady Amber

Jasmine opened the door."Do you know where Amaranith is?" she asked.