The Rise of the Rebels (Steampunk RP)

Started by The Shade, April 19, 2014, 07:44:36 PM

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The Shade

OOC: Finally grabbed some time to put this up.  :P Apologies for the long way. IC:

Raven the raccoon sighed. Today had been a tough day. He had secretly been traveling through the major city surrounding Old Redwall, trying to recruit rebels, those of whom didn't agree with the current goverment, and were willing to fight for their cause. It was been tough, trying not to arouse suspicion from officals. He had only managed to recruit roughly a score. Not nearly enough as he'd hoped for. Right now he was at Smokey Joe's, an inn near the center of the city. Tonight the remaining rebels, those who hadn't been murdered in their beds by the ever ruthless empire, would gather for a secret meeting in the cellers of Smokey Joe's. It was far from ideal, but he couldn't find a place onhand besides his rickity airship, and the innkeeper, who was an old friend, had been most generous. He just hoped there would be enough of them to finally influence the goverment, who were becoming more murderous by the day. He glanced at one of his watchs. Yes, the meeting would commence in less than an hour.


Deep inside Swine's Tower, Karnac the boar sat staring out the deep blue glass-stained window.  He had been told by his advisors this was a security risk, and the window blocked. He had personaly electrocuted and strangled the lot of them. Why had he even bothered finding "advisors" anyway? They had been a waste of time, he was clever enough to make his own choices.

He spun his rotating chair around slowly, idily think about how easy it had been taking control of the goverments that ruled the Mossflower towns. Now there was but a single goverment. Its head, him. Through many bribes, hundreds of precise assassinations, and a huge deal of manupulating, he now controlled all these towns, directly from Old Redwall, which is where Swine's Tower had been built. A simple name, he thought, but it would always remind all beasts who their ruler, their emperor was. Although some beasts seemed a little, uncooperative. The hog's face darkened with fury. He would remove any trace of those rebels.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Retcin landed on the ground outside Smokey Joe's, and pushed his goggles off his eyes. He had gotten bored with waiting a while ago, and had gone for a quick flight, maybe see what was taking the others so long. Luckily, there were no more patrols than usual, so the emperor couldn't of could wind of this little meeting. Retcin hopped inside, and made his way to Raven.
"Cap." he said, "Retcin was seeing nomore foebeast than normal. Didn't see t'others. Might be abit early. Or dark. Retcin notta owl, y'know." he spoke rapidly, like most birds, and then fluttered to perch on the back of a chair.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Thought that this would be a good time to introduce Arya. Hope you don't mind what I'm about to do....I can change it, if you so wish.,

BIC: Arya saw the sign for Smokey Joe's, and smiled. She slipped in and saw a raccoon, and a nightingale. Raccoons weren't that common in this side of town, and she strode confidently and proudly over, and slid sinuously into a seat at the table. Not the seat the bird was on.. "Am I right in thinking that you are Raven, captain of an airship? If so, then I've been looking for you." She said quietly, looking at him.


Victoria Harper stepps grandly into Smokey Joe's, and then starts giggling at herself. Seeing the other rebels, she flops into a nearby chair to wait; taking off her goggles and spinning them idly between her paws.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


Valerian Shaderun was a creature of mystery. He enjoyed startling others. With a tiny buzz, he stepped out of a rift behind Victoria. He quietly snatched her goggles, pushing his own onto his forehead as he did so. "Hello, Raven, Victoria. You too, Rectin, haven't seen you in a while." Glancing over at Arya, he tilted his head. "And who might you be? Are you one of Raven's recruits?"

Norham Waterpaw

Frinlen had just got back from selling some rubble to a "nameless" buyer, whom he shot minutes later.
Those Empire fools, they thought they could pay him counterfeit money for construction materials they obviously didn't need. He saw the set-up coming a mile away, and dealt with it promptly.

He came back, and found a telegram on the door of his office. "Inside on the desk." It read.
He opened the door slowly, preparing his Ballistic Knife, and went inside. He found another note.
"Smokey Joe's. Be there ASAP."

He got out, and locked his door. He began the long walk back to town, hoping he was going to be there on time.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Cornflower MM

"Maybe." Arya replied silkily and evasively. She did not want to be rude; She was merely cautious. Anyone would be, in her position.


Retcin glared at her and finally spoke, he had been reserved before, only nodding a short greeting to Valerian, his wary eyes not leaving Arya, "Answera question!" he snapped, "Doya wannabe hurt? 'Pire hurtus if found! You widda 'pire? Or Raven not tellus 'bout'cha?"


Vicky looked at Valerian and grinned before snatching her goggles back. "Hey, did you get shorter? Drink milk sometimes! It's supposed to help." Seeing that Rectin was bullying the squirrelmaid, she stood and draped a paw over Arya's shoulders. "Nyah, be nice, bird. Gotta tread gently with girls."
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

The Shade

Raven swift tried to extinguish the slight tension between the several outlaws as soon as he could.

"Don't worry Retcin, this 'uns wid us. I sent her a note a couple of hours ago, she's trustworthy."

He twisted around, adressing Victoria and Valerian. "Great to see yer turned up. Now..." he glanced at one of his many watches. "... the meeting'll "offically" start in a couple of minutes. Give any stragglers time."

The sight of fellow rebels had certainly lightened his mood, to say the least. As fellow as Arya, Retcin, Victoria and Valerian, there were slightly less than a score of beasts gathered. Slightly less than those that had agreed to come. He ran his tattooed paw through grubby headfur. Even a few beasts could make a difference.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


"Why shoulda?" Retcin asked, "Ladies be beasts, s'like boys. Why shoulda treatany different?"

"Don't worry Retcin, this 'uns wid us. I sent her a note a couple of hours ago, she's trustworthy."

"'Kay Cap." Retcin said, and hunched down into his perch, sulking.


Victoria rolled her eyes at the nightingale. "Because we're ladies that's why. Gentlefolk. 'Least, that's how the Empire treats us. If you don't want to be caught, do as the Empire does on the outside and plot underneath."

Vicky turned to Raven, her paw still around Arya's shoulders. "This'd better start soon and be over quick. I gotta get back to the factory before my old man notices my absence."

*Gabriel Harper, Vicky's father, was an automobile manufacturing tycoon who was an avid supporter of the Empire. Vicky became a rebel when he tried to set her up with the heir of an airship factory.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


Valerian nudged Rectin. "No reason not to be polite, friend. Being civil never hurt anybeast- If Raven says she's to be trusted, I say we do so." Turning to Arya, he bowed. "Hello. I am Valerian Shaderun, proficient in stealth and void travel." He stuck out his hand. "Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"


Retcin fluffed up his plumage angrily, completely ignoring Valerian, "Thisabeast notta 'pire slave! That notta whya here? Why allus here? Noway thisbeast listen ta 'pire! Thatawhy Retcin don't be extra good to ladies."

Retcin hopped off his perch to look Victoria in the eyes, "Wehere 'cause we donnawannabe apart ofta 'pire. I trustya 'cause Cap isa goodbeast, good judge." He took a deep breath to collect himself, remembering his lessons on being nice(for once).
"Thisbeast be Retcin." He said to Arya, "'Pire wanna killus. Thatawhy I not trust."


Valerian shook his head. "Rectin, despite chivalry being an ideal of the empire- Huh, as if they ever live up to their ideals- the idea predates them by far."
Turning to Raven, he inquired about their numbers. "Are we all present? I don't know the magnitude of the devastation the Empire caused to us... All I know is that my four were slain. I think the Empire is starting to learn to counter voidsteps. Their focus shards destabilized, which is normal- but they stayed that way long enough to decay. That shouldn't happen."