The Rise of the Rebels (Steampunk RP)

Started by The Shade, April 19, 2014, 07:44:36 PM

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Valerian nodded towards what remained of the group. "I'll be off, then." With a small buzz and a fountain of purple sparks, he faded to nothingness. Those that were straining their vision could have detected a faint purple silhouette- Though, it was indistinct, and almost entirely nonexistant as he stepped into a shadow and was gone.

A voidrealm is a strange place- You have near infinite control over everything, and yet a complete inability to affect the world that your Voidrealm mirrors. However, you could do some incredible things- Such as fold the world. As Valerian willed it out of existance, the purple monochromatic scene of a tavern faded from his vision- And in its place appeared a great oak tree. He now existed inbetween two locations- One of them, the tavern, stood behind him. The other wavered ahead- Folds were nearly effortless, but sustaining them became exponentially more strenuous. Stepping away from the tavern, he let it fade, and the fold reverted. He took a step forward, up to a cunningly concealed door in the oak tree. Passing through it, he slipped back into reality.

Sliding down a ladder, he entered a subterranean corridor. He took the third door on the left, and entered a large open room. His workshop.

OOC: I was thinking, maybe everyone had been working on a secret rebel weapon. Like, imparting their various expertise to improve an already powerful design. Terrible idea? Maybe, idk.


Vlad had quietly watched Raven, Valerian, and Arya leave. Now he decided that he should go too, as if what Arya said was true, there may be a spy watching them. "Have a good night, everyone, and don't get caught doing anything. Might through a wrench into our plans." said the Fossa, then left the inn, heading to the home he shared with his older sister and cousin towards the center of the city.

OOC: Oops, thanks Rus.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


OOC: Might want to fix that, Han... Throwing a wench into our plans would be rather rude... A wrench or a spanner might be better? :P

Cornflower MM

Arya slipped through a few alleyways, then up over a few roofs....Just a roundabout way to get to the little box slept in recently. She peeked into the little alleyway she called home, and gasped. Her box and all her belongings were gone! Then, a big meaty paw came around her neck, with a dagger. She strained her neck and bit the arm, that was attached to the paw, and then as the owner of the repulsive arm and paw screeched and loosened his hold, she took off, skidding around corners, throwing herself up trees, just the general escape. Next thing she knew, she was outside Smokey Joe's again, and Raven was coming out. And still still had her pursuers on her tail. She decided to do something completely and totally dumb, and stop to ask for help. "I'm sorry to bother you again, but I need help." She gasped, skidding to a stop in front of him. She heard a metal can toppling over a little ways away, and jumped. She didn't realize it, but she looked awful: Her clothes were messed up, her fur was covered in gunk from the time she'd slipped and went headlong into a heap of smelly kitchen refuse, she was jumping at the slightest noise, her eyes were darting all over the place, and she looked like she was panicking. Which she was.


Retcin had fluttered out after Raven, in time to hear Arya, and looked around rapidly, "Whatisit?" He asked, his feathers ruffling suspiciously at her panicked look.

Tailli whistled quietly to herself as she rocked gently on the homemade hammock, looking like she didn't have a care in the world. The squirrel's tail draped over the edge of the hammock and her paws were behind her head. It was well worth it, being an urchin, as the higher-ups called her and the other young ones living in the streets. She had a veritable network of informants, all homeless like herself, and she had a good idea what was going on in the world. Including the rebels. She smiled quietly to herself as she began hatching her plan. Oh, this was going to be great.

The Shade

"Yeah, what is it Arya?" Raven asked. He'd heard some sort of clattering behind the squirrel, and realized Arya was probably being chased. It happened quite a bit nowadays. He drew a pistol out of his belt and was tempted to blow the brains out of the beast in pursuit, but hesitated. Did he really want to attract attention to himself and other rebels? With the plan happening next evening? He dismissed these thoughts and tucked the gun back in, drawing a dagger instead. A slient kill would do better in this situation.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Norham Waterpaw

Two possible spies in one night. This put Frinlen's mood down. He drew a revolver with an attatchment on the end. He walked up and past Raven, and saw a figure running his direction. "Silent' n' deadly. Permission to fire, sir?"
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Cornflower MM

"Art least two otters...Oh dear!" Arya said, then leaped out of sight, behind another can.
Grakint the Sable was gloating in his study. One of his slaves had escaped three seasons ago, and had been resisting capture ever since. Now, though, he'd found out where she lived....He'd sent his most obedient and deadly otters to bring her back. Dead or alive. It didn'
t matter which, although he preferred alive, since he'd get the personal pleasure of killing her himself. He poured himself a congratulatory tankard of October Ale, chuckling in delight at the thought of the squirrelmaid who's existence would be eliminated one way or the other tonight. Unless, of course, she had new friends he didn't know about, which was impossible.

The Shade

"If these otters start anything, let fire rip 'em," Raven snapped. "Is your pistol silenced, Frin?"

This was bad. More than two spies today? The raccoon glanced at Arya. Both of them had been related with her. Could he trust her anymore? He might have to ask a few questions tonight.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


"Shouldn't lettem getta first hit." Retcin muttered his opinion, taking to the sky and circling, readying to dive at the otters should they move. He respected his Captain, so he wouldn't make the first move, though he dearly wanted to.

Norham Waterpaw

"Indeed. Built it mahself. We'll be the only ones hearing it. They'll be dead." As he said this he strung a chain of bullets into the revolving chamber, which had apparently been heavily modified.
"These fellers are goin' down one way or 'nuther if they take a step forward. Y' see Retcin? He'll get 'em for sure if I miss, which I won't." He said with a smile.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Vlad had been about halfway to his house when he heard the screech. Heading towards the sound, he arrived just in time to see Arya dashing off, being chased by a few large Otters. Drawing his knife, he followed them quietly. Before long, they were outside of Smoky Joe's. The Fossa sized up the situation. Raven and Arya were standing outside of the inn, the former's knife in his hand. Frinlen was standing next to them, his gun at the ready. Rectin was circling above, waiting for a chance, and the Otters were watching the group outside the inn . Vlad put away his knife, and pulled out his pistol. Engaging the Otters in close quarters with Frinlen ready to fire would be to risky.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Vicky had reached her home without any trouble, and was able to throw herself into a comfortable armchair with a book and chocolates seconds before her maid came to check on her. After being urged to retire to her bed, Victoria asked for a cup of hot tea, some toast, and a dollop of jam. She worried for her friends, not knowing what was going on back at Smokey Joes, but she knew there would be suspicion if she didn't act as usual.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Cornflower MM

Arya peeked over the top of the can, and immediately put it back down. She put it back up long enough to say, "Don't let them escape. If one of them gets back to Grakint, all of us are doomed." Then she hid her head again.

The Shade

Raven lunged forward, and stabbed out with his dagger. After drawing it he had pressed a button in the handle, which activated a powerful battery, in turn heating the blade. Now red hot, it seared into one of the otters with no effort at all. Raven quickly finished him off with a heavy slash to the neck, opening up the throat. It wasn't a pretty sight, but this wasn't the time to be fussy. Raven caught the body as it fell to the ground limp, and began dragging it to his airship, which was moored a stones throw away. He reckoned the rest of the rebels could deal with the other otter.

"Quick! Kill him and bring his corpse!" he hissed. There was no way they could leave the scene with two dead bodies there. They would have to be disposed of later.

"Get to the airship!" Then, as an after thought, "And who the hell's Grakint?"
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I