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RP: The Iron Horde

Started by Morgazath, April 29, 2014, 07:56:32 PM

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Cornflower MM

"No...Jusdt tha fact that you're taking yet another nap! Is that all you do? Sleep?" Arya asked, rolling her eyes, her tone slightly chastising, but mostly resignation.


Rourke closed his eye again. "A growing dibbun needs his sleep, I think I deserve it after all the hard work I did yesterday. Scurrying about catching dibbuns and making sure they did not get up on the wall top, it's hard work!" He said as he nestled more comfortably against the tree and yawned loudly.
Der Tod ist aber ein Leben lang Weg.

Cornflower MM

"Not that hard." Arya commented, the went on her way, muttering under her breath about lazy badgers.


 Zeerkra has finally arrived! He ordered the ships to make to make a line just out of longbow range. A small group of a bigger model of rowboats started to go to shore.

Zeerkra was standing boldly at the head of the boat in front. As if daring anyone to shoot him off the boat. The boats landed and Zeerkra jumped ashore along with about two-score of his Iron Horde.

Zeerkra glared up at the mountain of Salamandastron, waiting for a fighting force to come out and meet him.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Captain Snowfire

OOC: My apologies for my absence, as last week was one of the best/worst weeks ever! One of the Worst because it was Finals week for school, but the best because we had a Family reunion. But I am now back and am able to post again! ;D

BIC: Holly Redpaw's scout came bursting through the forge room door. His chest heaving and ears standing up straight and saluted with the last of his energy. "Sir! The ships belong to vermin! We spotted the disgusting bunch about morning sir! And were barely able to identify them. But we managed." The Lieutenant did not move from his place at the window. "I see, thank you for the report." He stood there, motionless and silent for a few moments before he came to a decision. "Go tell the commanding Officers to secure the mountain, and hurry. We do not have much time." The Lieutenant said, his voice strangely calm. As the scout ran panting from the room, Holly motioned for a few of the forge Hare's to come over. "I need you to blockade the windows here. And secure them tightly." He then hurried downstairs to tend to other matters of defense. All the while wondering why vermin had to attack right after he was placed to protect the mountain, there were far more experienced Hare's for the job that could make more sensible decisions for the defense of Salamandastron.
Prom! Here I come!!!


 OOC: Glad you made it back, Captain Snowfire! I was getting worried that this RP was dead. 

BIC: Zeerkra lost his patience. He had been waiting for a few hours waiting for an army to come out and retaliate. Snarling, he turned to a captain next to him. "Go bring some of my best archers, now."

The captain saluted with his sword and ran off to collect the archers. A few minutes, he returned with 30 archers. Zeerkra called these archers with uncanny accuracy "snipers".

"I want you to get their attention. Shoot some fire arrows at the vulnerable points, wood and anything else that's flammable." The snipers nodded and got into position.

They lighted the fire arrows, drew their bows, took aim, and fired, sending a fiery volley at the mountain fortress. When the arrows hit, the snipers sent two more volleys and retreated back into the army's ranks.  
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Cornflower MM

Arya went inside the Abbey, pausing to look at the tapestry. "Hello, Martin. Everything alright up there?" She murmured, then after a minute or two went on her way, not noticing that Martin's eye winked. A trick of the light, perhaps?

Captain Snowfire

OOC: I do have a question, Longbows are the only bows that can shoot that far. So if they were out of longbow range, then how did know where to shoot? I'm just a little puzzled here.

Holly Redpaw was listening for a scouts report, when he heard a whistling sound. It sounded familiar, but he just could not place where he had heard it before. Then some arrows thudded into the closed window space, the blockade still not willing to budge an inch. He then ran around a corner only to find some Hare's carrying a young recruit back from the window and to the infirmary. The unfortunate Hare had been shot with an arrow, but while it was not fatal. It would be hurting for a long while. The arrow had shot sideways into his nose, giving him two new places to breathe through. "What happened?!" Holly demanded. One of the hare's responded while still supporting the young recruit. "This one was trying to see if he could spot the leader of the enemy sah, so he could round up a few good pot-shots to try and take him out!" The hare replied as the three left the room. Holly sighed. It had only been a few weeks since his recent promotion to Temporary ruler of Salamandastron. And he was not enjoying the position. He then assigned some new Hare's to the window and gave orders to keep their heads down when they hear the whistling of arrows.
Prom! Here I come!!!

Cornflower MM

OOC: Oh, you're too funny Snow! Heeheehee!

BIC: Arya went on her way to her room, where she shut the door, and started to craft a puzzle, something she did frequently for the Dibbuns.



Quote from: Captain Snowfire on June 03, 2014, 04:45:34 PM
OOC: I do have a question, Longbows are the only bows that can shoot that far. So if they were out of longbow range, then how did know where to shoot? I'm just a little puzzled here.
OOC: Zeerkra is an excellent judge of distance, and he likes to make the enemy frustrated by putting his ships just out of longbow range. It's also a precaution in case the enemy uses fire arrows. A bad lesson learned on one of his earlier campaigns. And the snipers and the rest of Zeerkra's army are on the sea shores in front of the mountain.

BIC: Zeerkra was getting even more impatient. He let out a fierce growl followed by an angry bark. He whirled around at the snipers. "Why are you going back into the ranks?! Get back out there and keep shooting fire arrows at them!"

The snipers ran to obey their angry chieften and continued to shoot fire arrows at the mountain fortress.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Cornflower MM

OOC: We need more people, or we need to get this thing moving. Fast. Otherwise, it;s going to die.

Captain Snowfire

OOC: I do apologize for my absence, I've not been feeling so chipper.

BIC: Holly popped he head through a small window to see what the vermin were up too and saw the vermin leader shouting something to his troops, he could not hear what was going on. But took a guess of what the order was when he saw some archers advance just within range to fire a volley. "Fire! Quick volley then heads down chaps!" He shouted down the hall, and three score archers fired a large volley at the archers as they approached within range of the longbows. Then he ducked his head back into the fortress as his archers followed suit and removed themselves from view as the volley sped like pike through water towards the vermin archers.

OOC: I thought this would be a valid action since there is nothing that can really beat the range of a longbow albeit firearms.
Prom! Here I come!!!


OOC: My most sincere apologies for my long disappearance, I have been visiting with my Grandmother in France and have not been able to access the internet during my stay. And I have been pushed by Snowy to post as soon as possible, so I am now able to post again.

BIC: Rourke muttered something under his breath as Arya walked inside. A short while later Rourke was snoring uproariously in his sleep, his mouth open and a thick string of drool slowly and fractionally making it's way to the ground.
Der Tod ist aber ein Leben lang Weg.

Cornflower MM

Arya was now finished with the puzzle, and went off looking for a Dibbun. Soon enough, she found one and handed the puzzle to the little one, who said thanks and ran after squealing. Arya knew the babe would share; It was one of her rules.


 Zeerkra glared at the snipers as they retreated from the arrows from the hares. About half of the snipers fell to the arrows. Zeerkra decided to move to phase two.

He ordered a group of soldiers with shields to stand in front of the snipers, forming an iron wall. So when the snipers fired their volley, they could duck back down to protect themselves from retaliation.

Hope this works. He thought.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)